how we met

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on the day i came back here,everything was change and so the attitude of the people too and one time i came back to my house but my house.....back in 80 yrs.ago -i don't age-
last night that there were a horrifying fire accident happen
i felt sad,surely i miss my home even if only few years i lived here there were such good memories

so for now,i have to search a team who has a love for football

i never thought that this can be hard,so many people that has a great love for football but i need to choose who is the best.......

one by one,i finally decided a team,a team that is being controlled by others that when i first saw them in tournament i figured out that they were just acting playing and letting their enemies win and i saw to their eyes that they don't like the game because they can't play a football for real they were just controlled like a robot

and now the target school raimon junior high school captain of the team takuto shindou,born in a rich family,pianist and has a great love of football
so i act a normal student there and one day i was acting that i was something injured on nearby on the house of the captain,there the captain saw me and helped me out he take me to his house and i saw that the house was empty like this guy was only living with himself
and we go straight ahead to it's room there he lay me in his bed and get some medicines or health kit
then when i speak up,i said

thanks for helping me and your kindness

you're welcome


so what happen to you,why are you so injured???

i was accidentally fall into a deep hole

oh i see,but next time watch your step,ok

i will,thanks for your worrying

so what's your name?

!oh sorry i forgot to tell my name,my name is ranmaru kirino and you are

takuto shindou

well nice to meet you shindou

you too,so your raimon junior high too

maybe i was just wearing it today to go out and check the school,for see i am transferring to raimon

so is your parent is with you??

no,my father died when i was 4 and my mother work overseas and i was only with my uncle


so where is everybody looks like you was only living with yourself

ah,that's well my parents work overseas and same as you i lived with my uncle

ah ok

so when you start school?


tomorrow!!!!how,you got injured and is your uncle searching for you right now ???

nah,he won't know i got injured because sometimes he takes overtime to work

so why dont you stay here or i will just left you alone injured in your house and is it ok to you to stay here

thanks so

one more thing kirino is your house nearby here

yes,just a few walks

so are you hungry,i will cook

ok,thank you so much
after we eat shindou lend me a a dress and he wash my uniforms so that there will be uniform i can use for tomorrow

and when he's done he play the piano
and when the music end

i said

that was a wonderful music the way u look cute in that dress

thank you so much for helping me,i owe you

no problem,so we sleep now because it's already 9:30 pm

ok good night to you

you too
phew succes mission

(sorry for all the shotcut part of it)

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