A Queen's Reign

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Hello readers yeah i had update again after many months because of some privacy thing happened to me and my phone won't work anymore but thankfully I got a new tablet so anyways i know that your upset that why i update every after so many many months  or a year...'_'
and i'm sorry for that coz i know the feeling of waiting to a published chapter XD also once again i'm not that really good writer it's just my hobby and interest so if you read an error please don't be so judgemental coz we all make mistakes and we can learned from it to be perfect and lastly i recommend that you will read the entire story after if i declared it's completed so that you can still catch up what's happening in the story but if you don't it's okay as long you understand the story and lastly  i will do my best to....update XD joke I will do my best to apply my effort and my gathered wisdom to make a good chapter coz as a writer I can say that it feels good when someone enjoys your works or the feeling of giving happines to others....

After all those exhausting practices that they had trained so hard they are now temporary on a break to restore their energy

While they were travelling a commotion started in the engine room which makes them slower to travel because they will fixed of what is damaged

Shindou's Pov
"I lost my chance to talk to her" i heave a sigh because i miss my chance,I was so shocked earlier it took me a minute to realized i finally meet her not that much time even though i can't clearly see her because the lights were off but all I care is that I had a next step to know her even more,this feeling inside that racing inside like happiness,excitement,curiosity and the feeling I need to PROTECT and SAVE her from SOMEONE in which I am bothered the most

And that is proven when I feel our eyes met
That it means she is important to me

While I was lost in thought I didn't realized that I was here in the meeting room

Aoi's pov
I was here in the meeting room looking for a book in this shelves since we were on a break when i already pick up a book i sat down and relax myself just then i heard the door open,confused for who would be to enter here I look to that direction and it's shindou who was occupied something enough that he didn't realized i was here just made his way straight to the bookshelves and picked up an old book and it looks like it came from a royal palace because it was a blue book with golden curves and pink linings with a soccer on the center along a background of the outer space  but it's not dusty also there is no title in it which is confusing but I had thought that the symbol in the center might be the title.
After getting the book,finally shindou snapped back to reality

"Wait! What am i doing here?" Shindou said looking suprised why he was here

Shindou's Pov
"Wait!What am i doing here?" I exclaimed when i realized that i'm not in my room anymore and made my way all the way here without noticing getting out of my room,I look around and saw aoi sitting in the table staring to me then on something in my hand that i just realized i was holding a book,curious as i was I look the book and it was a royal old look like book but it had been taken care,at a first glance i felt something weird and nervous that I was about to know something important that it was like a secret that i should know before

Shindou's Pov"Wait!What am i doing here?" I exclaimed when i realized that i'm not in my room anymore and made my way all the way here without noticing getting out of my room,I look around and saw aoi sitting in the table staring to me then on som...

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