joining the team

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shindou's pov

lunch break

kirino go to the ladies room

and i was........o_O :-O(shocked)
geez i forgot my lunchXP
.....wait oh i know i guess i will buy at the canteen..........

Kirino's pov
~_~geez i forgot my lunch and i did not bring any money what i'm gonna do now,i'm hungry (tummy roars)
maybe i will just go to the rooftop so that i can avoid looking at my classmates eating..........

at the rooftop

i saw there a bench and i sat there........3 mins. later
the door open and shindou came in we both shocked
but he still continue to walk towards to me and he said "can i sit next beside you" and i reply back "oh okay".....

so i did not know that were in the same class

yeah me too

so kirino what are you doing here in rooftop,did you finish your lunch already

ehm,no i forgot my lunch and forgot my money


so want a sandwich and a orange juice,i can give it to you

no thanks,don't worry about me i will just pass out

no it's ok you can have it

really,ok if that what you want
thank you so

you're welcome


so kirino sorry about earlier in my house i am terribly sorry

........ah that don't worry about it it was just accident but please can you forgot what you saw>////<

i will

so kirino at break time i saw in your eyes a teardrops fell is there something wrong?

uh that it was nothing i just was thinking something else,but it's ok,it should be really you will not know that


So hey you're the captain of the football club right


so then i want to join to your team is that ok

(atmosphere change)

uhm kirino sorry to break out but you can't join the team because when you join you will be hurt too
(kirino is acting that she do not know)
huh?what do you mean i will be hurt


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