Chapter 4

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Luna's Pov

I look up in fear at Donnie "oh nothing I just spilled some hot water on Luna" Don said with a happy smile. "Very well my son take her to your lab and heal her wounds" Splinter smiled at Donnie.
Don grabbed my hand gently and walked what I presume to be this 'lab'. I winced when Donnie rolled up my sleeve to cauterize it. "Why did you do this to yourself?" Donnie asked sadly. I look up at him tears streaming down my face. "I'm ugly, useless, bag of shit that doesn't deserve to live... Hell... I'm so tired of living on a earth that is so horrible I that I had every one I care about die.. And and I.. I JUST CANT DO THIS ANYMORE!!" I burst into heavy sobs. Donnie paused for a moment be for speaking "At least your not some nerd, mutant, freak that has to live in the sewers because you know the world above would only put you in a cage when all you do is protect them... Risking yours and your families lives for people who don't even appreciate all that you do.." He finishes with a sigh. "At least you still have your family.." I mumble. "Let's just get those cuts fixed up ok?" Donnie said with a little smile.
"Yeah whatever.." I mumble. "Oh... And... Thank you.. So much for your help.." I say smiling sadly.

Why did he help me?

I thought

Why dose anyone care for me?

I look back at my wrists. "There are more.. a lot more on my thighs" I tell him to be honest... "Well ok I will try my newest experiment of health regain meant"

(sorry that's all I could come up with)

"I don't see why not" I respond.
When it was applied it heals almost automatically.
(It was blue, if you don't like that color than change it by all means)
"I-IT WORKES!!" Donnie screamed happily. I just smile weakly. "Good... Job?" I say with a smile.

~~~~Time skip brought to you bye England's huge eyebrows~~~~

I walk to Mikey's room. "HEY DUDE DID YOU CLEAN MY ROOM?!?!" Mikey shouted with a huge grin.
"Uh... Yeah..." I say with a straight face. "THANK YOU BRO!!" Mikey practically screamed in my ear. Then I heard a slight 'Michelangelo' from the dentist.

Where do I sleep? I think to myself.
"Here!" Mikey stated proudly pointing it a little stack of newspaper with a pillow and blanket. "Thanks?" I give a questioned look at Mikey.

I heard a little noise outside of the door before it opened wit a loud ~~~~~~~~~SQUEAK~~~~~~~~~
Wow that was obnoxious..
I look up at the door to see Donnie poking his head in. "You know Luna you can sleep on the couch instead of whatever that is" Donnie said pointing at the 'bed' that Mikey made me. "Thanks Donnie" I say with a smile.

I get up with a smile hugging Mikey and Donnie murmuring ~good night~

As I walk to the livening room and lay down on the couch. I heard footsteps behind the couch. I look up to see Master Splinter smiling down at me.
"Goodnight Mr. Splinter" I say laying back down. "Goodnight my child, sleep well" he says with a slight smile. When he started to walk away I smiled happily and said 'night dad'
Before drifting off to sleep.

~~~~The next day~~~~

I woke up to a loud bang next to me. I look over whipping the sleep out of my eyes. I see a flash of red and blue. Raph.... Leo... "What the hell?" I ask angrily. The look as if they were in a full on fist fight. "Hey! Cut it out!" I yell. I try to pry them off each other but I ended up getting hit in the face with extreme force.

My whole world went black ...

A/n sup my little readers. I hope you liked it. But I want you to know that I appreciate everything you do. Even if I am a little weird in real life i am still hear after all the bullies cruel words my grandmas death but I'm still hear writing.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2015 ⏰

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