Anger Issue's + Love interest?

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One of my longest chapters! Hope you like it!! Anyway since I uploaded three whole chapters today *gasp* I'm going to upload in 2 days alright? Unless.................I GET ONE VOTE OR COMMENT OR FAN! If you manage to do just one of them I'll upload early!!! Yay!!!



Chapter 8

~~~Ariana’s POV~~~

            Where’s he going? Is he leaving me alone?

            “Hey, wait!” I yelled coming back to my senses.

            He turned around, looked at me and frowned, “What?”

            “You’re leaving?” I questioned.

            He smirked a smirk that I seemed to see often and said, “What? You miss me already?”

            “No! I mean haha why would I miss someone like you?” I laughed out nervously, “Anyways, you can’t leave me here! Alone!”

            I started to get up too, plop, when something fell out. I looked down to see a beautiful handcrafted necklace. Swirls of teal and silver chains interlocked with each other causing tiny shapes to come alive. They seemed to represent something, and when I looked closer, I was shocked. If you didn’t know what you were looking for you would have never seen it, but all the shapes came together and created my family seal. Around the seal was a complicated yet clear heart shape. The necklace seemed to radiate my family’s past, no wonder my mother had given this to me. This may sound strange, but I could feel the power of the necklace to hold a bit of essence from each member that had ever lived in my house. It was overwhelming, especially when I could feel my father’s warmth with me again.

            “What is that? A token from a lover?” an angry voice seemed to question out of nowhere, snapping me harshly back into reality.

“Um, yea,” I hastily said remembering my mother’s words to keep it hidden and safe.

“Whatever,” Tyler harshly said, walking out and slamming the door.

            I must have stood there for at least five minutes before reality hit me. What was up with him? Oh my, god help me if he was going to throw random tantrums like that.

~~~Tyler’s POV~~~

            What the h***! Why does she have something from another man? Wait, WHY DO I CARE? Ugh, this is so frustrating! I stormed onto the deck, only to see many of my men slacking off from their chores. This pushed me over the edge.

            “What are you doing?! Get you butts up and move! You have still so much work to do! Look at the sails! How can we catch any wind like this! Mop the floors! The potatoes need to be peeled! You up there! Are you even looking out for enemies? No you’re not! Get to work or leave this ship! I will personally throw you out into the ocean!” I yelled at the top of my lungs, taking my anger out of them.

            Everyone scrambled to get up and to work. I could see they were in panic mode. They knew not to mess with me when I was like this. Normally I was calm and collected, but when I was mad, you better get out of my way. I felt a lot better now though, yelling really helps relieving stress. I turned around, about to walk back inside, when a voice stopped me.

            “Hey, man! What’s wrong with you today?” one of my most trusted friends yelled out while rushing over to me.

            “Nate, it’s nothing,” I said with a small nod to tell him that I acknowledged that he was worried.

            “No seriously, tell me. Can’t you tell you second in command, mate?” he gently asked.

            Yea, this guy right here was Nate, my best friend and second in command. He was a smart lad who was an amazing fighter, whether it was far combat or close combat.  I preferred close combat to long though; I liked seeing their faces when they realized that they had no chance. Cruel, I know, but it helped me know that I was the strongest here, that I had nothing to fear. Especially not from any idiot who had a thing for Ariana. She’s mine, I involuntary growled at the thought of someone taking her away from me. Sigh, what was I saying. I’m acting like I own her, although I sort of do.

            “You okay?” Nate asked.

            “Yea, it’s really nothing. I just keep thinking about this one person, I think I’m going crazy! I mean who would think about that beautiful girl? Oh, what the h***! Look, I’m even complimenting her. Ugh!” I rambled on, knowing that he wouldn’t judge me.

            “Wow, haha you’re whipped dude. You definitely like her a bit more than normal,” Nate said trying to stifle a laugh.

            “You’re kidding right? I can’t anyway. She’s just here so we can get our money!” I said trying to understand all the signals my brain was sending me.

            “Man, you’re right, but you know what? We don’t care! Your crew and I will stand by your side no matter what. There’s always other ways for us to get the money. Hey, just follow your heart; you haven’t loved anyone as much as you loved me since forever!” Nate said jokingly on the last part.

            “Yea, I definitetly love you. I’m going gay just by looking at you!” I said joking with him, my mood feeling lightened.

            "O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?” Nate said faking a girl voice and drastically screaming out the lines.

            “Idiot!” I said laughing and giving him a light smack on the head.

            “Glad to have you back.J Now I’ll go back to doing my work. Hope you take my advice my lover!” he said keeping up the act and blowing me an air kiss.

            Wow, why am I even friends with him? Haha never mind I already know, he’s someone that I trust and can help my mood go back to normal. I turned around and went back inside. I stifled a laugh though, when I heard everyone outside sigh in relief. Sorry guys I mentally said, I’ll try not to take my anger out on you again.

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