duplicated chapter sorry

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Hey guys!!!!! Im so proud of the fact I've getting getting so many reads on here!!!!!! Lets welcome Jerichi to our fans!!!!! THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOO MUCH! Anyways new chapter:) and one new fan for another chapter!



Chapter 19

~~~Ariana’s POV~~~

            Since apparently I wasn’t allowed out of the room till dinner, and I didn’t want to get my new friends in trouble, we ended up talking on my bed about the most random subjects.

            “No, the color yellow looks like the sun!!” Ace said trying to persuade Caleb.

            “Nuh uh! It’s not that bright! Yellow is more like tulips!” Caleb whined.

            “Some tulips aren’t even yellow!” Ace said.

            “Well, the sun isn’t exactly yellow. It’s just bright light!” Caleb spoke.

            They both stared at each other pouting. I mentally laughed, in the last two or so hours I’ve learned a lot of these two. They may look hardcore on the outside, but really they were big teddy bears on the inside. No doubt, this conversation showed us that.

            “Ariana! Who’s right!” both of them said turning to me.

            “Well, it’s not even those two! It’s more like a banana!” I said laughing.

            And so another good hour was spent arguing. What can I say? It’s fun to go against these two pirates. Really, their not even that scary when they don’t need to be. Finally, we decided to go find some food. Our stomachs were all growling loudly, demanding to be feed.

            “Ariana, you stay in here please. We’ll bring some for you,” Caleb said.

            “Sure thing, don’t want you to break any rulesJ,” I said waving them off.

            When their footsteps faded with the sounds of the ship, I took this opportunity to look around the room. Since I had spent the day talking, I never really took notice of my surroundings. It was a big rectangle shape; with wooden walls. I couldn’t stop looking at the beautiful colors on the wall. There were places where the wood was darker than the other parts. They seemed to swirl together and create a beautiful dance. I couldn’t find the end though, who came out of that alive? Did darkness win out, or was light victorious?

            At the second glace, you would notice the intriguing paintings that covered one wall. Some were abstract with their colors blending together. Others were hand drawn picture of nature. Like simple drop of water coming off a flower in which you could see the reflection of the forest, and the battle between a deer and lion. Within all these masterpieces, in the middle was a framed drawing of a beautiful woman. Her golden blonde curls reached effortlessly past her hip and onto the ebony chair she sat upon. Her posture spoke of all the lesson she must have taken, to be that graceful looking. She had soft sky blue eyes that were filled with love and affection, like the way lovers look at each other, or how a mother looks at her newborn baby. Going down a bit, you would notice her petite nose and lush lips. Her dress was a pale pink silk material, with beads sewn in to create a starry pattern. Even in picture form, she glowed with beauty and kindness. I slowly got off the bed, and walked closer. Underneath the drawing was a sign:

  Antalya Vera Serene Of Water Ways

          May you rest in peace

            Wait, rest in peace? She so young looking, so how is it possible that she’s dead?

            “Antalya was a lovely lady you know,” a voice said from behind me. I jumped up and hastily turned around.

            “Oh, I’m so sorry. I was just looking around. Um, where’s Caleb and Ace?” I blabbered out.

            Prince looked at me, his eyes softening, “I told them I’ll come get you. Can’t risk you trying to leave again can we?”

            I nervously laughed, “So, did you know this lady?”

            Prince looked up at the picture again with affection, “Let’s continue this over dinner?”

            “Sure?” I said, confused at why he was so nice to me.

            And with that, Prince lead me down to the formal dining room .It was empty besides us, kind of creepy if you ask me. I sat at one end of the table while he sat at the other, giving me plenty of space. Dinner consisted of beef and stew that was surprisingly yummy. In between the main meal and fruit, Prince spoke up again.

            “Sorry, my men were telling me that I was too harsh with you the other night. I have to keep up the act of being tough or else no one will fear you. Also I haven’t been in contact with a real lady for a while now. Not since Antalya,” Prince said looking at me.

            My heart immediately softened. I had forgotten with everything that’s been happening, that pirates are humans that have feelings too. And each one must have a story as to why they became this way. And just like Ace and Caleb, they weren’t as bad as how we looked at them before.

            “It’s alright. May I ask though, who is that lady in the painting?” I questioned softly.

            Prince had a far away look when he answered me,” She was……………..someone very special to me. We had planned to stay together, sailing a ship and exploring for the rest of our lives. A gentle lady, who was adventurous at the same time. A beautiful combination.”

            I smiled at the thought of such a lady, but immediately sobered up to ask him a serious question, “What happened?”

            Prince’s eyes hardened and he let out a small almost inhuman growl, “She was killed by bloody pirates.”

            I gasped and whispered, “By who?”

            Prince lifted his face up to me, and stared me straight into my eyes, “None other than your kidnapper and lover, Tyler.”

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