The necklace's power

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HEY!!! sorry it's been a while guys!!!!!! I've just realized that i havent gotton many votes and that all my comments are from one person!!!!!! COMMENT FAN VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!! please can i just have one more fan??? From someone who hasnt said anything up till now? I would really like that!!



Chapter 14

~~~Ariana’s POV~~~

            “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Let me go!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.

            “Can’t you stop yelling? It’s already been ten minutes since we got here!” one of the men grumbled, “Ace, can’t we just knock her unconscious?”

            The other guy, Ace, looked up and wiped the sweat off his forehead, “Are you kidding Jack? I wish we could, it’s so hard to tie her up with all this squirming! But we’re not supposed to hurt ladies.”

            “She’s not a lady, she’s an animal,” Jack mumbled under his breath, while holding down my legs.

            “Hey! I heard that, you big………..meanie head!” I shouted, unable to come up with any other insulting names.

            Both of them stopped working on wrapping me up with rope and stared.

            Breaking the silence Ace laughed and managed after lots of breaks to get out a few sentences, “Meanie head?.....laugh …………She called you………. laugh ……….a meanie head! Oh wow……….. laugh ……………that’s so funny! I’ve never ……….laugh ………..heard that before………… laugh!

            “It’s not funny Ace!” Jack growled.

            While Ace was apologizing, I quickly looked around the room. Where was the knife when you needed it?  I didn’t know what they were going to do with me, but I wasn’t going to stick around to see! Slowly I inched my way towards the potato peeler on the floor. Quietly, softly, gently, take you pick. Whichever one you choose though, I managed to get the cutter into my hands with that skill. I sliced through the ropes easily, yet I still had no idea what I was going to do. Oh well, I thought getting into the best position to start sprinting away in, Just go with the flow! And with that I stood up and started running away in one smooth fluid movement. Wow, those etiquette lessons really did pay off!

            I smiled when I heard behind me a shout and the sounds of pans falling to the floor.



Bad people



~~~Tyler’s POV~~~

            I was standing outside, listening to the waves of the ocean sing their lullaby. But, instead of the usual calm feeling I got, something felt wrong. I closed my eyes and felt a pull in my heart towards the lower areas. I tried my best ignoring it, but it just got stronger and stronger. It begged me to follow it. Hurry, hurry, find me, find me, save her, save her, save ARIANA!

      I jolted awake suddenly from my trance. That thing, the creepy voice that sent shivers all up my spine; it told me to save Ariana? Save her? From what? Why’s she in trouble! I went from being scared to confused to shocked back to scared again. What if, Ariana was hurt? I lost everything then; I have to make sure she’s alright. I shut my eyes and this time, I didn’t resist its pull.

            It led me down, past the kitchen and the library and through the hallway where I had found Ariana out of her room that day. It abruptly stopped in front of where Ariana had stayed, my room. I gently opened the door, wincing at the small creak it gave, and looked around. Nope, everything looked the same as this morning, no never mind. A dim barley seeable blue light came from the far corner of the bed. Slowly walking towards it, I thought of all the times I had spent with Ariana in here. It wasn’t a lot, but I treasured it. My life feels empty without her.

            As I got closer and closer to it, the light seemed to get stronger and stronger. Images seemed to have stared to appear from no where, shocking me.  Although swirls of misted almost enveloped to pictures, I still managed to see a ship. Not any ship though, a strong ship, made of ebony wood. A ship that bore the symbol of a swirl that that seemed to represent vines, and where there was suppose to be a beautiful rose flowering, there was the traditional pirate skull. This symbol was what had me stumbling backwards; it belonged to my worse enemy, Prince. His ship, the Royal Deck, was where he ruled. Why was he my nightmare? Well, his crew was the ones to kill Serena. And now, I can only hope that the past doesn’t repeat itself with Ariana.

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