Hey, it's Marissa. I'm gonna tell this part of the story cuz Jen was too lazy to type.
So it's the next week at school and this is what I've been waiting for. Bad bitches passing through the halls and walking the campus.
Jen judges almost every little thing about every person. As they say about people like us, "tears are all the pay we'll ever need." Jen made 30/34 girls cry. And 15/15 boys run to their mums.
"You!" Jen says as she points to a nerdy boy.
He seemed scared. Jen and I have a reputation around here.
Jen just glares at the boy. "You were in JJ's lunch club, right?"
He nodded.
"Buy me chips and dip from the student store and you better be back in two minutes."
"But that's all the way on the other side of the campus!"
"I don't care! Get me my chips and dip!"
He ran crying. He came back in 2 minutes AND 5 SECONDS.
I jump in. "Didn't Jen say be back in 2 minutes?"
He started babbling.
"Yeah yeah yeah, just get out of my sight nerd." Jen gave that as an order.
Mr. Maristella got mad at Jen, as usual.
"Mister, I could care less if these kids start crying to their moms! I can easily pay their parents to stay away from the court papers."
"That's the thing." Mr Maristella said. "You can't bribe people for your own benefit."
"Actually, I can."
Jen doesn't really care about punishments cuz even if she gets grounded she can secretly escape and come back with no trail.
Today during lunch, Jen and I had our usual conversations.
"I'm really tired of dealing with all these freaking idiots. Like, I'm Jen Nakpil. Move out of the way or I'll make you pay. It's as easy as that."
"I know. There's so many dumb bitches in this school."
"They should know that they don't stand a chance against us."
Jen was really serious. Yeah I can't stand all the dumbasses here in HZ.
When school let out, all the kids were running away trying to find their parents as me and Jen walked to my car. I drove Jen and I to school since Jen's car is being used by her annoying future sister in law.
Jen is actually a nice person. She cares about the needy lives. She secretly donates 75% of her allowance to charity. She bought beer for a homeless dude two weeks ago. But people know her as "Jen Nakpil: the girl who has a grudge against the world."
If only they knew.

JugendliteraturTwo schools, Hemmings-Zacresto High and Champs Art High are rival schools who will do anything to be the top. The kings and the queens are determined by each school competition. Sports, musical performances, spelling bees, dumb math bowls. All that...