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"Sakamoto-san is with Rika-san on the design. Eya-san, Tomoe-kun and Yui-chan will handle the costumes...", the petite vice-pres continued on. Her framed eyes traveled along the long list she has prepared while you waited nervously for your task.

'I better not be assigned on cleaning duties again. Or else it would be like the last time this school held a festival.', you sweat dropped, remembering the 'small incident' that happened during the festival that was held earlier this year.

--Flashback (a few months ago)--

'Heh, I'm surprised that someone would dare challenge me. I am known throughout the land for my incapability in losing.', Aomine cockily said, lazily sitting on his makeshift 'throne' made up of stacked chairs from the maid cafe your class held. It sat about 4 feet from the ground, it was high enough that Aomine's head was almost touching the fluorescent lights.

'As I walk through the valley of the dead, I fear no evil. I never fear anyone, not even you King Daiki, the epitome of darkness. Even your skin reflects the luminescence of your soul...', you pointed the end of the mop at his chest, a confident glint in your eyes.

"One does not simply make an insensitive joke Sir ___.", he shook his head.

"For that sin, I challenge you to a duel to death!". Aomine jumped from his throne, the same glint of determination was now present within his gaze.

"Don't pussy out, Daiki.", you grinned, holding your wooden 'sword' with two hands.

"Fucking hell ____, you threw formality out the window.", he chuckled, retrieving a spare mop behind the blackboard.

"Let's just fight already. I'll count..."




In a flash, you and Aomine were laughing hysterically although there were the occasional winces due to the pain from being hit by a wooden stick.

It was all fun and games until Aomine knocked over a bucket full of murky water out the window.

"Oh sh*t ___!", Aomine peered down.

"What the fu--!", you rushed towards the window. As if in luck, the people on the school grounds were holding a closing ceremony. The principal was in the middle of handing a plaque of appreciation to the special guest, who was now soaking wet and a prominent bump on his bald head.

"F*ck ____! That's the city mayor!". You both held terrified gazes at each other, both in the state of shock. Out of the corner of your eye, you can see a looming figure outside the classroom.

The doorknob turned a couple of times. The figure then retrieved something from its pocket.


Scissor blades stabbed the thick wood door, forming a circle. A fist pushed against the circle, it reached the doorknob. With a twist, the door opened revealing a smiling Akashi, an all too familiar bucket in hand.

"Hey~", Akashi's eyes glinted, he was still smiling. But it wasn't a good smile, it was an ear-shitting grin that showed off Akashi's teeth that was ready to grit your guts.

"Okay. I'm out.", Aomine said, jumping off the window. He swung himself towards the room just below yours.

"AOMINE! HELP ME YOU IDIOT!", you screamed.

"Now, now my sweet little ____. Won't you pay attention to me~? Don't mind him, he's safe. For now."

You turned towards your assailant. His menacing aura and looming figure actually looked quite attractive. You were truly not used to this Akashi. His eyes bore deeper and his lean figure loomed over you, accompanied by his smirk. His muscular arms trapped you in a corner whilst you could only hold the mop tighter. In other words, he was hotter than hell, but this was not the time to fangirl.

"It's time for your punishment ____."


--Flashback end--

"Himeko-chan is with Tanaka-kun, they will be dealing with the advertisement since they are both quite popular."

"Awww~ Vice-pres can't I just come with Akashi-kun.", her bust bounced as she abruptly stood up.

The vice-pres sighed, fixing her glasses. "This is a festival not a date with Akashi-kun, Himeko. If you don't want to do the after school cleaning then I'd suggest that you quit your petty whining."

'Ooh, nice one vice.', you faked a wince at the sick burn.

"Anyways, Ryunnosuke-kun and _____-chan are on cleaning duties..."

You inhaled deeply, promising yourself not to do anything stupid again.

"but since _____-chan had a 'little incident' with a student from another class during the previous festival..."

You sighed.

"Akashi-kun is going to watch over the both of you."

You cried, a little.

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