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"Your task is simple ____-chan. We do the work and you clean up everyday after us."

"If it's simple then why does this guy have to come with us?", you pointed at the taller male beside you.

"It is simple, but it might be too difficult for an idiot like you ____.", Akashi countered.

"___-chan! That's not the proper way to treat a classmate who's doing a favor for you!", the vice-pres waved her finger.

"That's right ____, you should be grateful."

"Gee, thanks Akashi.", you sarcastically said.

"You can say thanks to me in a different way _____.", he retrieved something from the peculiar bag he's been carrying around.

"You could wear this and say 'nya' after every word for a whole day.", he proudly held a pair of cat ears.

"What the actual fuck Akashi."

"Also, refer to me as Seijuro-sama from now on."

"No way, i'm not getting involved with your weird fetishes.", you pushed his cat ears away.

"Now, now, don't get all weird...", the vice-pres sweat-dropped.

Suddenly, an annoying mushroom appeared.

"Nya~! I'll be your cat forever if you want to, Sei-sama~!", Himeko butted in. She was already wearing a pair of cat ears that blended with her hair.

The three of you fell awfully quiet.

"You know what ____. Let's go get the cleaning supplies.", Akashi started to walk away with an irked face.

"Yeah, let's go.", you hummed, happily following him. An evil grin appeared on your face the moment you walked past Himeko. Needless to say that she was giving you an equal glare.


"Are you sure we need all of these?", you huffed, carrying a bag of cleaning supplies.

"I'm sure. Festival preparations can be messy, especially if idiots like you are handling it.", he replied. Weirdly, the 2 heavy bags seemed like they weighed nothing to him.

"Hmph! Why are you so mean to me today?", you pouted.

"It's because your face annoys me...", he scrunched his eyebrows.

"...it keeps on re-appearing in my mind, and it annoys me."

You face suddenly glowed bright red, you looked back at him. He kept staring at you, oblivious to what he said. What an innocent boy.

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