Chapter 5- Berk

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As we flew Astrid and Hiccup talked about some dragons being weird like they were under control of the Alpha again but snapped out of is quickly.  

I had a urking feeling but for now just flew beside Toothless as I kept looking out at the world before me, it was similar to my earth but at the same time the water and fish and all that felt different.

I extended my powers to look around and see if I could feel anything else. Nothing else that I could tell new other than the world seemed to be made of more water.

My head snapped forward as I was looking at the sea because I heard people, I'm guessing we were near where Hiccup and Astrid lived.

As we neared the town was on a sort of cliff off an island, podiums stood in the water, a docks near the water, buildings or a watch tower of sorts were in cliffs, in the center were the wooden buildings.

It was a nice civilization overall, as Hiccup neared the place through he sighed in resign, I was confused at first until we landed.

At first no one saw me and some of the villagers walked up to Hiccup saying something about problems, apparently Hiccup was the chief of the village.

A woman broke through the crowd, "He just got back everyone let your chief rest before he goes over the list of problems." She had brown hair and green eyes like Hiccup and if you looked between the two they looked similar but she was definitely older, most likely Hiccup's mother.

When the villagers left the woman asked Hiccup, "So find anything new?" she said in a slight teasing voice knowing how much he loved flying.

"You will never believe. it." Hiccup said his excitement returning, "Have you ever seen a white Toothless?" Hiccup asked

The woman froze, "There were rumors they became extinct a long long time ago, only a handful know about them so how do you?" she asked carefully wording her words.

Hiccup, using two hands, opened his hands up slightly and showed his mother me, I was just sitting next to Toothless and tilted my head as I watched this womans reaction.

"He is beautiful." The woman said after looking at me with slightly widened eyes and moved closer, I took a step back, a precaution if anything and she hesitantly put her hand against my nose where I could smell her.

Different scents relaid into my mind and I process it, there were some emotions and what she was most likely doing before meeting Hiccup, dirt and dragon slobber smelled off her making me think she was either hanging or training the dragons.

But the scent that I mostly smelled was trust and pleasant, I knew I could trust her and put my nose on her hand.

She moved her hand starting to pet me and going over a different places on my head including the one that Hiccup had found that made me fall to the ground like a overloved puppy.

She chuckled lightly at my actions, "My name is Valka." She said petting me until she removed her hand allowing me to get up.

"Does he have a name yet?" Valka asked

"Not entirely sure, but what is his species name?" Toothless asked as he watched his mother.

"In the day they were the brothers of NIght Fury's, only they were born white instead of Black. They were called Light Furies instead of NIght Furies." Valka said explaining the background of a Light Fury.

"Ancient times held that the Light Furies were the second in charge when they were in a Alpha pack, they were total resistant to the Alpha power and their plasma blasts were green instead of blue, they could even fly underwater because of a special design on their wings and tail fin allowing a bubble to appear as they flew underwater.

They have incredible speed but are hard to train, their weakness is that their curiosity may be the best of them. When provoked Light Furies are terribly fierce, and it is relatively easy to do this. If you don't agitate them, however, they won't attack you, they'll just eye you curiously.

They have an excellent hunting abilities and hearing just like their brothers. At night it was said they glow yellow, no one knows how they do it but they do." Valka said explaining the history of the Light Fury.

(Some of that was my own mind but also from

"That's amazing." Hiccup said along with, "I guess we can test that ability about the glowing tonight."

"That we may." Valka said nodding.

I got distracted and I had a fixed gaze on something in the distance, when she said my weakness was curiously she wasn't kidding.

I hesitated for a split second before I flew up and landed on the building I saw the shining coming from.

There was a old lady with some smaller dragons, she was currently helping a stranger who shouted in alarm when he saw me. The old lady turned, went somewhat wide eyes but had recognition in her eyes.

I tilted my head as I saw the shining and put a paw over it but it just went on top of my paw instead. Trying to swat it again it started to move and I chased after it lightly.

When the light disappeared I whinned in disappointment as the lady moved the bowl she was holding out of the way of the sun.

The lady smiled and shooed me off the platform. I landed back on the ground and watched as Hiccup and Valka started to handle the Village as Astrid went to train some of the dragons there.

I watched as the sun was started to disappear and instincts told took over and around me started to glow a faint yellow, turning my head I noticed my body does in fact glow.

Toothless looked curious and tried to see what happened when he covered one of the spotted yellow lights, it just did what a flashlight did, became dark.

I knocked Toothless away lightly and he had this mischievous look in his eyes and we started to play again.

I didn't think I would have this much fun away from my duties as a minor god of olympus.

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