Chapter 12: Explanation

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Thankfully, Hiccup didn't wake up until I got the fire started and got a few fish. Let me explain the fish, because I know i'm going to get those betrayed look.

There is literally, practically nothing else to eat other than sheep, birds, or lamb. Sheep and lamb were practically the same thing and just yuck, sure we can manage the taste but they really aren't that tasty, too hairy.

Birds, took many feathers and it's not like you can eat it raw, and that's what dragons eat, raw things. Cows weren't that popular here too, well there are yaks but they didn't do anything and my dragon instincts always wants to get something moving.

So fish it is, while the scales are a bit of a problem apparently your stomachs were weird with bones and stuff so they really aren't a problem, and on that note, my Poseidon instincts that lets me communicate with sea animals have dialed down.

I can hear them if I want, sure, I just choose not to hear them screaming while I eat them, I mean who would?

I was slowly cooking two fish when I felt Hiccup shift. He wasn't moving that much but he was definitely waking up.

Removing my white hoodie (which was actually my wings believe it or now, it's like a giant sort of white hoodie dress?) (For those who have watched Wakfu, think of Grougaloragran in his humanish form)

Picture for those who have no idea what I'm talking about or have forgotten, the black outfit is his wings folded in, only Percy's is white:   

Picture for those who have no idea what I'm talking about or have forgotten, the black outfit is his wings folded in, only Percy's is white:   

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I shifted out of Hiccup's corner and saw his eyes instantly snap open. Seeing me he got up very quickly and ignited his sword, which I didn't feel the need to take away.

"Who are you." Hiccup asked trying to sound dangerous but I could hear the curiosity in his voice.

"My name is Percy, but I do believe you call me Odin, for the Norse God." I said quirking an amused look when Hiccup looked at me with absolute disbelief.

"You can't be him.'re a...You're-"

"A human? Yes, I am the only dragon that can." I said leaning against a rock behind, me it was a bit uncomfortable but it beat just laying in the sand.

"I'm confused." Hiccup said his curiously was driving him to sit near me, but kept his distance as if I might try something.

"Let's try and put it into simple terms," I said amused figuring out how to word it, "I am Percy Jackson, was blessed by Yggdrasil to do something that I am not certain of. Before you ask, yes it's a tree, but it's the tree of life and has another form, you don't want to know," I said when I saw him open his mouth and then close it.

"Because of me being blessed, I can either be a Light Fury, I quite like that name actually, or be in my human form, well mostly human form." I said and when I saw his questioning look, sat up and slowly opened up my 'cape' to reveal wings that were slightly damaged.

"Don't worry, they're heal up soon, which I can explain quickly, I am also a son of this water...spirit, I won't mention who because it isn't someone you know." I said trying not to mention Greek Mythology, that came at a later date if I'm correct.

Hiccup looked like he was processing what I said and slowly nodded, "So, what do I call you again?" he asked sheepishly.

"Well, Percy seeing how that's my name that I dislike... I don't mind Odin for some reason." I said tilting my head almost automatically, "but it's whatever you decide really, I'm not picky and like I said, my actual name is a bit of a story that I really don't want to divulge." I said and saw Hiccup thinking.

"So, you want a new name?" he said looking thoughtful.

"Sure." I said with a shrug, even if there was an age difference between us, I quite liked Hiccup and he was very mature for his age.

"Endre (EN-dre )." Hiccup said after a moment and I felt my eyebrows closer to my eyes as I got confused, did he cuss at me?

"It means, ' One who's riding alone' seeing as how you don't actually have a rider and seem like the type to, uh, be alone?" Hiccup sorta half-answered half-questioned.

I thought it over and tested it out, "I actually like it, thanks Hiccup." I said leaning back against the rock and watched the sun slowly fall, I handed him the now smoked fish and saw him take a hesitant bite and then seemed to remember something.

"Oh now I can actually ask questions about dragons. Do you have a language you speak in? Why is it they seem to listen to you? Can you teach me how to speak dragon? What does Toothless say about me?" Hiccup would've asked more if I hadn't laughed out.

Once I quieted and saw that Hiccup finally was paying attention and letting me answer, "No we don't actually have a language, it's more vocal, like growling, ear flicks, facial features too, it helps to know when someone wants to play. As for listening to me, I'm assuming that it's something Yggdrasil did, like King of the Dragons sorta. I don't really know. So I can help you look for the signs of what they might be saying, but even I don't really know, it's sort of dragon instinct for me. So I have no idea what Toothless thinks of yo." I said amused, out of everything he had to say, the last question cracked me up.

"You think I might be able to look for the signs?" Hiccup asked looking a bit shy but overjoyed at the idea.

"I can try anyway, we can talk more in the morning. By then my wings should be healed and we can get on our way." I said looking out over the cast blue sea to see coordinates.

"Do you know the way?" Hiccup asked also staring out at the sea.

"Because I was born from a water spirit, yeah I know where Berk is. I have no idea how dragons navigate honestly." I said seeing the look in Hiccup's eyes, the 'I have a question' look anyway.

"Sounds like a plan, I'll take first watch." Hiccup said staring at me like he wanted me to say no and have a reason for not trusting me.

I shrugged, "You can sleep on the way back, or wake me during the night." I said with a shrug and got comfortable against the rock, making sure my arm was behind my head, "Night Hiccup." I told him before allowing myself to slip into sleep, yet kept one super-hearing ear out for any sudden movements that weren't Hiccup's.  

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