Your enemy...

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*Fionna's POV*

I was leaning against my locker,just chilling out.Suddenly,Marshall appeared.

"Hey,you free tonight?"he asked.

"Yeah,what up?"I said,as I stared into his sparkling eyes.

"Um,I'm just wondering,if I could bring you out."

"Sure!When and where?"

"6pm.The location will be planned by me."

"Okay,see you!"

"Bye!"he said and ran to his classroom.Feeling glad that I got asked out,I walked to my classroom just as the school bell rang.

~After school~

*Finn's POV*

I was thinking real hard.What to do?What to do?I tried coming up with something to catch Marceline's attention all day but nothing.Nada.

"Guess you'll just have to wing it."A familiar voice said.

I spun around and saw Fionna behind me.

"Ahhh!!"I screamed."How did you know what was thinking?"I asked.

"Seeing you lost in your thoughts is not something I see often.So I figured it must be your date!"

"Well,your probably right.It's not like I can suddenly have an idea.Unless..."I said,looking at Fionna.

"NO!This is your love life not mine!You find a solution yourself."She said firmly.

"Fine..."I replied as we continued walking home.

*Marshall's POV*

What should I wear?This?Nah,too formal.This?Nah,too casual.I thought to myself,trying on every shirt I had.I finally decided on wearing a pair if dark blue jeans with a dark red shirt.Yes!This is it!I thought to myself delightfully.I glanced at my watch and realised that it was already 6.05pm!I on my car's engine and sped off to Fionna's house.

*Fionna's POV*

Where is that dude?It was already 6.10pm!I was standing outside my house waiting for Marshall.

"Is he standing me up?"I muttered to myself.

"What would I?"Someone said,pulling me to him/her.

I turned my head around and saw Marshall Lee.

"Sorry I'm late,I was picking the right outfit plus I got stuck at traffic."He explained.

"Apology accepted."I said.

"So,where we heading?"I asked.

"It's a secret."he said as he pulled me to his car and off we went.

*Finn's POV*(Outside Marceline's house)

Okay,take a deep breath.I thought to myself.I followed my own 'orders' and breathed deeply and slowly.

I knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer.I heard some giggling and squealing before the door opened.

It was Marceline!She was dressed in a red and black striped t-shirt with a pair of jeans.

"Hey,"I said to her.

"Hey,I thought you wouldn't show up.We can go now but first let me introduce you to an old friend of mine."She said as she opened the door.From where I was standing,I could only make out someone clad in black,sitting on her chair with his/her back facing me.


Who is Marceline's old friend?Will there be competition?Stay tuned!


Hey everyone!Sorry my stories have been quite slow.^~^Hopefully I can finish the next chapter tomorrow!Happy reading and may the odds be forever in your favour.


Pls vote and comment! ^w^


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