The finale chapter...?

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*Fionna's POV*

My eyes fluttered open.I saw a familiar looking ceiling.A word came into head but I didn't knew what it is.I was lying on a sofa with a blanket covering me.I sat up and looked around.Pale white walls and some stairs leading to the second floor.Suddenly,I heard some voices.I quickly laid back down on the sofa and covered my body with the blanket.I squinted my eyes and saw Marshall with someone else.

This was their conversation:

Marshall:I'm so gonna that Johnathan dude the next time I see him.

The other guy(TOG):Chill dude,how is Fionna?

Marshall:The doctor said that she took some drugs and fainted.

TOG:It must have been that guy.

Marshall:Thank you,Captain Obvious.



They bade each other goodbye and the other guy went out while Marshall sat beside me.

*Marshall's POV*

I carefully place her beautiful golden locks of hair behind her ear and caressed her smooth face.

"You're fine now."I said softly to myself.

Fionna began to move her face away and she started to stirr.She opened her eyes slowly.

"M...M..Marshall?"She stammered as she got up.

"What happened?"She asked.

"Well..."I began to tell her how I found her...


I was chilling out in my house,thinking if I should apologise to Fionna.I took a DEEP breath and,finally thought it through--I was going to apologise.

I went over to Fionna's house and when I was just about to grabbed onto the door knob,the door suddenly flew open in front of my face.What the heck?It was Finn and he had a really anxious look on his face.

"Ah,Marshall.I was just about to ask you if you had seen Fionna?"Finn asked.

"No,I wanted to apologise to Fionna about the fight yesterday,so I came here.Why?Is she in trouble?"I asked.

"Umm,I was in my room studying for the upcoming tests when I saw a limousine,just like the one from Renivous that came to our school the previous time,drove up our car.Then,I saw Fionna getting into it.It has been about some time already.I wonder where she is?"

I suddenly remembered that Fioonna once said something about Renivous.

#"You know what?I don't think I need to consider anymore.I think I'll just go!Since at first you were the only one who was stopping me from making my decision.But now that I come to think of it,I don't know why you were even holding me back!"#

Oh crap,she's gonna transfer to Renivous! I quickly bade Finn goodbye and went to Renivous in my car.

When I reached there,I saw the humongous shiny white building in front of me.


I quickly made my way inside the school and everyone was dressed in the same uniform!That was so different from our school.I asked some people there for the student council room cause that's probably where he would keep her 'hostage'.I suddenly heard whispers around me and quickened up my pace to reach the room faster and not hear their critics.

I finally reached the room and it was guarded by some students.They look as if they were soilders or something,not moving.I tries walking past them but they blocked me with their body.Well,since you want the hard way.I thought and kicked one of the guards belly and when the other one saw it he charged forward and I slid under him and I kicked his back from the back.I started knocking them out one by one.After they got knocked out,I grabbed one of their jackets.Quite cool.

I kicked open the door and saw Johnathat on top of Fionna with a half-unbuttoned shirt.

"Well,if it isn't her knight in armour."Johnathan said sarcastically.

"Since I am,I should be taking her from the demon,yes?"

I grabbed her bridal style and went back to my house

so that her parents wouldn't think that I kidnapped her.I then got a doctor to check if there were any sperms in her body.


Phew.I then called my friend over to ask of his opinion but he was no help at all.

#Flashback end#

"So that's how it is."I said ending the flashback.

"Oh I see."was all she could reply.

I grabbed onto Fionna's hands and she was totally taken aback.

"Fionna,I'm sorry I yelled at you yesterday,I should have checked the situation instead of making random conclusions.I'm sorry."I suddenly blurted.Why did I say that?That was so weird!

Well,there's nothing not weird in our relationship.

Taken by surprise,she took her hand out from my grip and suddenly placed them up on my head rubbing my hair saying,"You have nothing to say sorry about."

I smiled to myself.I was glad that everything ended well.As they say all well ends well.

~~~~~~~The End~~~~~~


We have come to the end of this story.Thank you for reading and may the odds

be forever in your favour.


Hi! You may have been shock that it suddenly ended,right?Well,I have some good news for you.I made a sequel!It's called High School Time!(a Fiolee fan-fic)2!


Pls vote and comment!^w^


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