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OK so im gonna start doing somethings differently now. IM gonna start throwing in challenges in my book just to Give tips, challenges, and etc to tone your body out. I know some of you might think this is a bad idea, but i think it would be great if i did some things with my readers.

 For this specific challenge its called the 14 Day Bubble Butt Challenge. This is good because i know for a fact yall dont want loose butts and yall want them lifted. Also dont think im just throwing this on yall its just a way of me bonding with my readers, since yall dont give me feedback on the book atleast give me feedback on this. Its all i ask of you guys, and i never ask for too much, right? Anyways lets get back to the topic. If you dont know what something is just look it up on google or something, yall smart i know yall are. 

Day 1:   20 squats/ 5 lunges/ 10 burpees
Day 2:   25 squats/ 10 lunges/ 15 burpees

Day 3:   30 squats/15 lunges/ 20 burpees
Day 4:    * REST DAY* 
Day 5:   35 squats/ 20 lunges/ 25 burpees

Day 6:   40 squats/25 lunges/30 burpees

Day 7:   45 squats/30 lunges/35 burpees

Day 8:     *REST DAY*

Day 9:   50 squats/35 lunges/40 burpees

Day 10: 55 squats/40 lunges/45 burpees

Day 11: 60 squats/45 lunges/ 50 burpees
Day 12:    *REST DAY*
Day 13: 65 squats/50 lunges/55 burpees

Day 14: 70 squats/55 lunges/60 burpees


Make sure to write this down, print it, it doesnt matter what you do as long as you remember to do this challenge! I look forward to the comments on what you think about this lovely idea. And i also hope that this works. Im praying as much as yall are.

So now i challenge all of my readers to do and COMPLETE the 14 Day Bubble Butt Challenge!

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