Prefects Have It Good

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Harry looked at Ron with desperate eyes, "You mean, you know..."
"That you think only one person out there loves you!"
"Ron, I-"
"Harry think about Dumbledore! Sirius! Hermione, Hagrid, me... Harry we all love you." As soon as Ron finished he realized naming three of Harry's dead role models was not the best idea... He had even cried when Hagrid died... Let alone how Harry feels. Sirius, being his godfather probably hit him hard, and we all know how guilty Harry feels about it. And Dumbledore, well, he was Dumbledore. The only father figure he had left was Professor Lupin, and well, he was part werewolf.
"Harry, I'm sorr-"
"No, you're right," Harry said smiling, "Thank you."
He pulled Ron into a tight hug, and Ron happily returned it.
"Ron we should go get breakfast, it's the weekend, me and you can turn in that dumb essay in Monday."
After having a load of pancakes, and nearly choking because Ron was such a git compared to Hermione that it was hilarious, Harry decided it was time for a long needed bath.
"Ron I'm going to go take a bath, mind if I use the prefects bathing facility?" he said in the most proper voice possible.
"Of course Harry," Ron returned the same proper, Malfoy tone.
Harry went to the Gryffindor common room to grab extra clothes, and then went to the bathroom, ready to not smell like sweat.
Harry got into the bath, and the foam that filled the tub felt amazing, so he decided that the prefects had it good, and basked in it for a while.

Draco decided he needed to take a long bath to clear his mind off things. He prepared his outfit and shower utensils and decided today he was going to bathe in the prefect bathing area instead of the usual. He just felt like having a long bath to soak in, maybe help him get rid of these crazy thoughts tumbling in his head.
He grabbed his stuff and walked into the bathroom. Harry was already there in one of the baths and looked up at him in complete surprise. Draco was so shocked that he slipped on a wet spot in the floor and fell right into Harry's bath, with Harry in it. "HOLY BLOODY FUCK!" Malfoy screeched.
Harry had no idea what to say. He just kind of stared at Malfoy horrified.
Draco scrambled out of the bathtub, then realized that he was naked.
"AUUUGHGHHH!!" Malfoy continued to scream, "Worst day ever!!"
"Y-y-yo-" Harry stuttered.
"Well spit it out Potter," Draco was back to himself now that he was covered.
"Ne-never-m-mind," but what Harry thought in his head was more like, I hate your fucking guts Malfoy! You and your perfect body!
"Wait what?" Harry said aloud.
"Are you talking to yourself Potter? Another plot for attention I presume."
"Shut it Malfoy! If I knew any better I'd think you were stalling just so you could look at me naked a little bit longer!" Harry sneered.
Wait? Did Draco just blush?!
Draco rushed into the other bathroom, feeling the heat all the way to the tips of his ears.
Harry felt so violated that he just sat there shocked. Harry cursed himself a million times because of his stupidity! Why couldn't Draco keep his big mouth shut! Then maybe he wouldn't want to throw and break things.
"UGH!!!!!" Harry groaned, this was somethin he wanted to forget!
Harry got out of the bathtub and got dressed. He dressed quickly in case Draco showed up again, he wasn't taking any chances.
Especially since what had just happened, Harry prayed to God that Malfoy will not speak a word of this, to anybody! Harry walked out and looked for Ron, he needed to avoid Draco for the rest of his life.
Maybe there is a spell for that, Harry thought.
Harry was happy that he hadn't said his thoughts aloud, but he was still angry that his snide remark had caused Draco to blush.
He didn't think he was flirting! He thought he was just getting Malfoy out of the bathroom, but the look on Malfoy's face...
Maybe I wasn't flirting, maybe he is just madly in love with me, Harry thought to himself.
Harry laughed hysterically at the thought of Draco following him around, watching his every move, What a silly thought, he continued to laugh lightly.

Draco showered in the usual place instead of the prefect area. He was so embarrassed he wanted to die.
Harry looked so freaking hot though! Wait, what!? Draco slapped himself in the face over the thought. After his shower Draco walked back to the oak and started banging his face on the tree.
It was so disturbing and embarrassing to slip into someone while they are in the bath!  He gagged at the instant replay of the moment as it continued to go on in his head. Harry did look good though.., Draco started to pull at his hair. Why am I thinking this?! And how did Harry know I was stalling?!
"What am I doing?!" Draco tried to keep his thoughts together instead of letting them get scrambled. He stood up from the tree and walked off in frustration.

Ron continued to laugh at Harry's mishap.
"Never bathing in the prefect area again!" Harry laughed at his own misfortune.
"Harry... I have to tell you something, but you can't tell anyone 'cuz I sort of made a deal," Ron said, carefully choosing his words.
"Well don't go Hufflepuff on me mate, what's wrong?" Harry said still giggling.
Hermione looked curiously at the two boys. They were all sitting in the main common room talking when Ron made the suddenly serious comment.
"So, umm, you know how when you get nightmares, I, you know, ruffle your hair an' stuff."
They both turned to Hermione who was holding in a laugh, only she knew Ron's secret, and she was pretty sure he was getting ready to tell Harry.
"Well get on with it Ron," she lured wiggling her eyebrows. Only she knew that Ron had feelings for Harry, but she had no idea what deal he was talking about.
"Draco saw me doing that in the library during study period."
"What?!" Harry and Hermione yelled, both falling off of their chairs.
"Yeah, here's the thing though, we made a deal,"
"What kind of deal?" Harry asked genuinely curious.
"Well if he held his tongue I'd hold mine."
"Ron, what is it, just tell us!" the suspense was eating her away.
"Draco has been following Harry around everywhere, spying on him and stuff," Ron blurted out.
"What?! Why?! Where?!" Harry started sputtering.
"I don't know Harry, I just guessed because he would always suddenly appear after we had finished a conversation..."
"Ron, it was clever of you to figure that out, and I'm proud of you, but why didn't you tell us?" Hermione asked hurt.
"Because... I like having blackmail," his face turned red after that.
They all laughed, Ron and Harry were lucky to have each other, even if it did just mean being friends.

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