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Draco was really starting to worry about Harry, he stopped eating, he stopped sleeping, he basically stopped taking care of himself.
"Harry, just please I know this is hard on you, but you really need to eat!" Draco pleaded desperately.
"Fine!" Harry snapped.
Draco looked pleased, "Thank you."
"Sorry," Harry muttered before planting a kiss on Draco's hand, "we'll get through this, I know it."
Draco almost purred he was so happy, but then he remembered why he had to force him to eat, and he immediately lost the happiness.
Harry was so tired he couldn't stay awake after breakfast even though he wanted to keep an eye on Draco. Draco snuggled up to Harry and also fell asleep.
When he woke up he heard the sound of hacking and looked over to see Harry coughing up more black blood. Except he wasn't just coughing it up anymore, he was throwing up more blood than he's seen since the war.
"MADAME POMFREY!!" Draco screeched.
Madame Pomfrey ran in and yelped at the horrific amounts of black paste that littered the glassy tiled floor.
Suddenly something came over Draco, and he felt joy in seeing Harry wretching, he felt like he's never loved anyone ever.
He didn't want to, he didn't know why, but he started to laugh. Madame Pomfrey just looked at him, but she couldn't say anything because it broke the laws of the spell. She knew the secrecy behind the spell, the reason so many people lost their soul mates, but she couldn't say a word.
Draco looked conflicted for a split second, then looked Harry who had just gotten healed who looked at Draco in horror.
"I'll just leave you two alone then," Madame Pomfrey said while she basically ran out the door.
"Harry, wh-why are you looking at me like that?"
The feeling of hating Harry had surpassed, and he had a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach.
"You were laughing at me Draco!"
"I was?"
Harry looked at him with concern, "Don't you remember?"
"No, I don't."
Harry looked really feverish, "Draco I think I know why none of the couples make it through."
Suddenly the feeling of hatred washed over Draco again.
"I doubt it Potter, you were never the smartest."
Harry looked at Draco, and sighed. Harry knew he had to deal with this. He couldn't let this illness win, he couldn't lose Draco. Yet Draco already seemed lost.
"Draco come here and please sit down," Harry said politely.
"Ha! in your dreams Potter, I will never get THAT close to you," Draco said, looking disgusted. Inside Draco was screaming, screaming at himself to shut the hell up. Harry looked at Draco and knew that this was for the best.
"Ok Malfoy, I guess this is going to be harder then I thought," Harry grabbed Draco, who tired to get out of his grasp, and pinned him to the couch.
"Hey!!! Get off of me Now!" Draco hissed.
Harry just literally sat on him, and soon Draco looked at him in confusion.
"Why are you sitting on me?" Draco asked, innocently.
"Because your were being a bitch!" Harry laughed.
"What is happening?" Draco whispered.
"I don't know..." murmured Harry.
"Promise me Harry that you won't give up, I love you. Don't listen to what I say," Draco said before he fell asleep. Harry looked at the peaceful blond, he noticed that Draco looked sick. Defiantly sick. Draco seemed to have a fever, Harry wrapped him in his wings and kissed him. Harry knew that he can't give up on Draco, no matter what. His mother could do this, so he will do this. Harry called for Madame Pomfrey.
"What Harry?" she asked softly.
"When will this be over..?" Harry looked at her pleading.
"Harry, I don't know, it's always different. It will end when Draco realizes how much he loves you. Draco has to be strong to make it through this," Madame Pomfrey said putting her hand on Harry's shoulder, comforting.
"From now on, I want Draco in this room. Don't let him out, I want him always near me. I will feed Draco," Harry said looking at her, with eyes full of power. She knew he wasn't going to give up, this gave her hope.
"Understood. I will keep the professors off your back," She said, nodding her head. "Good luck Potter," and she walked out of the room, locking it.
Harry turned to Draco and sat next to him, he caressed his face. And fell asleep, cuddling Draco.
"Get the fuck off of me Potter!" Draco screeched squirming out of Harry's grasp.
Harry looked hurt, but reminded himself it was only the illness, "Draco you know you don't want me to," he said seductively.
Draco seemed to snap out of it, "You're right I don't," he said using the same luring tone.
"It worked!" Harry exclaimed.
"Oh nothing Draco, but you need to eat."
"I'd never eat anything that came from your filthy hands Potter."
"You weren't saying that when my hands were all over you."
Draco blushed, "Harry!"
"Just eat," he said helping Draco sit up.
He fed him small spoonfuls of soup while Draco continuously looked conflicted as he tried his best to keep his snide remarks to himself, but sometimes he just couldn't hold it in.
"Get the fuck away from me!!"
Harry looked extremely hurt.
"Harry I, I didn't mean, you got to believe me!"
"I do," Harry said planting a kiss on Draco's temple.
Harry realized the secret to get Draco back to him, it was actually pretty fun. If Draco's comments didn't hurt so much, Harry might have enjoyed it.
" So here is your new change of clothes. " Harry said placing the clothes on the edge of the bed.
" Excuse me! I'm not wearing that! " Draco spat looking at the long gray sweat pants and white t-shirt.
" Well you could go naked, which makes it way better. " Harry said, raising his eyebrows and grinning.
" Harry! Stop it, you are making me blush. Thanks for the outfit. " Draco blushed, changing into the clothes.
Harry smiled and sat on the bed, waiting for Draco.
" I hate theses pants!!! They aren't very formal!!! What the heck are you doing Potter! " Draco complained.
" I'm waiting for my Draco, he usually sits on my lap and I usually have a hand around his ... " Harry started to say but Draco swept up his wings and sat on Harry's lap.
" Watch out Harry, I like to keep things between us. " Draco said, rolling his yes and smiling. " Wait! How in the heck! "
Draco tried to get off Harry's lap, but Harry held him from.
" Draco stop struggling please, my love. " Harry said seductively.
" Eww!! Gosh Potter let me go!! " Draco yelled.
" Don't say on didn't warn you. " Harry smiled. Draco looked at Harry in confusion. Harry's hand went in between Draco's legs.
" Harry. Ummm... " Draco said, his face burning red.
Harry laughed and kissed Draco. Draco fell asleep, for the past couple of days he has been extremely tired. Harry smiled and stoked Draco's wings and kissed his collarbone and bit Draco's bottom lip. Harry fell asleep. Wrapping his wings around Draco.
For the past few days the couple has woken up the same way for the past few days. It always started the same way, everyday. It started with the hurtful remarks from Draco, hurt expressions from Harry, but Harry took it the same way. But today, today was different the remarks were getting worse and worse, and Harry just really couldn't handle it today.
"Potter you annoying git! Don't you see that no one would ever love you, so why? Why on earth would you say such a thing as I love you to me?"
"DRACO! Are you seriously calling me and annoying git, because you're the one I feed, bathe, and take care of everyday because you're to weak to do it! You're pathetic and you're right! I shouldn't have said I love you!" Harry regretted it as soon as it came out of his mouth, but he wasn't going to lie and say he didn't mean it, because he did.
Draco just stood there shocked, "it's been you? The whole time?"
"Yes, but of course you wouldn't remember right? How fantastic for you!"
Harry ran as the start of the problem rolled down his cheeks.
"Pott- err, Harry come back!" Harry ran and ran as he finally made it behind the large oak tree and buried his face in his hands. He leaned against the familiar bark. He loved it hear because no one could see his vulnerability from the window, but the oak tree was so obvious. He liked the feeling of something to hide behind.
When Draco couldn't find Harry he decided to go to his thinking spot. He sat down and began to sob.
"Who's there?!" Harry yelled angrily. No one has ever seen him in spot before, no one except for Ron who had vowed to keep it that way.
"Harry?" Draco asked.
"Did you follow me?!" Harry screeched absolutely filled with hatred and love feeling completely conflicted.
"No, no I, this is where I always go when I'm upset, I'll just, I'll just go."
"No, Draco come back I'm sorry."
The two went under the shade of the branches and kissed softly and sweetly. Perfectly passionate without being seductive.
"I love you Harry, I love you so fucking much."
"I love you too, and there's no way I'm ever letting you go."
Both boys had golden tears and watched the other mesmerized as the gold dripped off of their faces leaving plain clear ones in their place.
Harry looked at Draco and stroked his face wiping the plain tears away.
"Draco.. you did it," Harry whispered. He hugged Draco so hard he felt his bones rattle.
"No Harry, you did," Draco murmured. Harry gazed at Draco and kissed him, hard. He kept on kissing him. Draco kissed back.
"Your back, your back, your ba.." Harry sobbed.
Draco was crying too yet his sounds were muffled by Harry's lips or shoulder. Harry picked Draco up and flew back to the room. Harry laid Draco on the bed and Harry laid next to him, fighting the urge to take his clothes off. Harry ran his fingers through Draco's hair and kissed Draco passionately.
"Did you really mean it," Draco asked quietly.
"Mean what?" Harry asked, concerned.
"That you shouldn't have said you love me," Draco whispered.
"Did you mean all those mean insults?" Harry asked.
"No, but we're you sick?" Draco shot back.
"No..." Harry muttered
"Then?" Draco asked, waiting.
"I did..." Harry said, hanging his head in shame.
"But I was so upset, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I was so stressed out and I wanted you back. I was talking to the sick you.. not You, the one I truly love," Harry said pressing Draco to him.
Draco snuggled closer and Harry got up. Draco looked up hurt.
"Where are you going!? Don't leave me," Draco whimpered.
"I'm going to take a shower," Harry said pointing to the door close to the couch.
"Don't leave me, please," Draco begged.
Harry only smiled and took Draco into his arms and carried him into the bathroom. To Harry this was a usual procedure, except he didn't have to worry about washing Draco. Harry stripped Draco and Draco did the same for Harry. They showered together and Draco clung to him like a monkey. When they were finished, Harry grabbed a towel and started to dry his wings and body, sadly there was only one towel cleaned. Harry cursed, remembering that he should of asked Madame Pomfrey for clean ones. Draco stood there shivering and Harry wrapped his hands around Draco's waist pulling him closer.
"," Draco said, freezing. Harry wrapped Draco in his towel and went to go find some clean clothes.
"No..." Draco said grabbing Harry's hand as he went to walk out.
"I have to," Harry said looking at him softly.
"No..." Draco said again. Harry knew that Draco needed him, Draco was so frail and scared to lose him. Madame Pomfrey was informed secretly about Draco making it and she told Harry that Draco will be needing him. Draco looked at him, in terror.
"I won't leave you," Harry said, laughing softly.
Draco just dropped the towel and hung on to Harry. Harry laughed and picked up the towel and dried Draco. Draco didn't protest, only stare at him and smile. Harry stil hadn't gotten the clothes and Draco refused to let go.
"Come on Draco, I need to get our clothes," Harry said running out of patience.
"Well, as you said before, I don't need to wear any clothes and that'd would be better if I were naked," Draco reminded him, using his seductive tone.
"True, true," Harry grinned.
Harry kissed Draco's neck and lead Draco to the bed, pushing him lightly. Harry kissed Draco's forehead and went down from there.
The boys no longer had to sleep in the infirmary, though both Draco and Harry could honestly say that they'd prefered it. There was no more waking up to the beautiful shades of blonde and green. No more awaking to black fluffy curls and grey storm clouds shine looking at you like you were gorgeous. No more holding on to the last thing that had helped subdue the nightmares.
"No more late night fucks I guess," Malfoy whispered seductively into Harry's ear. They didn't get to talk much now, they doubted anyone would approve of them if they knew. The only ones that did were Ron, Hermione, and Pansy, who, surprisingly, was becoming to be one of Hermione's best friends.
"I guess not, but I'll think I'll miss the feathers shielding me from all evil of the outside world the most," Harry bemused sweetly.
"That's a nice way to put i-YOU FUCKING GIT! No wonder you scored so low on your N.E.W.T.s you can't even walk properly!" he said before tripping Harry. All the Slytherins laughed, all except for Pansy.
"Well at least I don't spend all my time on my hair! All the chemicals you put in there must of gone to your brain!" He hissed. All of the Gryffindors laughed, all except Hermione. Ron to no one's surprise, laughed anyways, but he thought it was amusing that they said these things to each other because he knew the conversations they had afterwards.
Eventually the crowd left and Harry and Draco were shaking from pretend anger. Then Hermione, Ron, Pansy, Draco, and Harry all started to laugh. They knew that everyone seemed to enjoy the little quarrels that the two boys shared, but they found them amusing.
When it was just Harry and Draco left in the hallway they looked at each other worryingly.
"Did you really think I'm stupid?"
"No, you did great on your N.E.W.T.s!" there was a pause, "Do you really hate my hair?!"
"No it's perfect!" Harry said giggling as he was petting Draco like an overgrown cat.
After a few moments of silence they heard the familiar cape swooshing and drew their wands, Snape would never EVER approve of their relationship.
He was cut off by Snape, "50 points from Gryffindor for pulling a wand on Malfoy," he said smugly before finishing his walk down the hall.
They put their wands away and let out a sigh of relief.
"That was close," Harry said breathing properly again.
"Too close."
"It's ok you're safe now," Harry whispered once again petting Draco.
"You're such a tease!" Draco returned cutely before standing on his tip-toes to kiss Harry on the forehead.
"WHAT?!" he heard a Ravenclaw girl he's never met before screech. Then they heard the soft rushing of running footsteps. Draco pulled out his wand and prepared to run after her.
"No one will believe her anyway," Harry reassured.
They nuzzled one another before getting ready to enter the Great Hall. They entered shoving each other and spitting insults. Everyone continued to eat normally because they were used to these two to fight and bicker, it was almost natural for them.
"So... What's going on?" said a familiar voice behind him.
"You're a horrible relationship advisor," Harry teased the red head.
"Oh come on! All the Ravenclaws are talking about how you two were cuddling in the hallway!"
Harry felt himself start to blush, but immediatley stopped himself, as much as he knew he loved to talk Ginny, he also knew that she was a gossip, and he didn't want this being spread around, "That's ridiculous."
"That's what I said!" then she blushed.
"What else did you say?" Harry asked curiously knowing that there was more to the story.
"Well I did say that it was ridiculous," she looked at her own shuffling feet, "But not before I ranted about what a cute couple you'd be."
Draco forced himself to stop glancing at Harry. The other Slytherins barely paid attention or they never cared. Draco decided to sit alone at the end of the table. Harry laughed with his friends. While Draco stared listened to all the conversations going around in the room, until he heard a particular conversation that made him zone the others out.
" Harry is so cute!! " a girl with a shrill voice spoke.
" I hear he is available! Ron and him aren't a couple anymore. " another girl spoke.
" You think we should ask him? "
" Tots! He is so ADORBS!! "
" We should totally ask him now! "
" Yeah but what about me, I want him! "
" Well we can take turns. "
Draco stared at the table, cursing the girls and their stupidity. Harry was HIS, and not some Barbie doll for little girls to play with. He wanted to scream so many insults to those girls it wasn't even funny. The conversation put Draco in a foul mood and hearing a Syltherian mock him for being alone made it worse. Draco was not having a good day. Harry seemed to have a blast, even without him.
"Where is Pansy!" Draco muttered to himself irritably. His best friend was nowhere to be seen, and he was starting to get worried. He decided to leave the great hall a little early to go check the library and the infirmary unaware of the emerald eyes following him out.
Draco marched into the infirmary when he saw no sign of her in the library. He gasped when he saw the sobbing girl on the very first hospital bed.
"Draco!" she called out. And Draco was more than happy that someone close was talking to him.
"Pansy, what's wrong?"
"Nothing, I'm so happy you're here!"
"Well I couldn't just forget about you!"
"Someone put a hex on me and I can't walk, but Madame Pomfrey said that she knew what she needed to fix it, it just takes a while to make."
"Would you like me to stay with you until it's time to go to class?" Draco asked although he already knew the answer.
"Yes!" she answered excitedly.
They pulled out a game of wizard's of chess and began to play.

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