The Wings

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Harry awoke cold from sweating and looked over to see he was in the infirmary.
"Wha-why?!" he asked Madame Pomfrey as she continued mixing potions to cure him.
"Weasley carried you in earlier Harry."
"But why?!"
"Because you were coughing blood in your sleep, your nightmare got so bad last night that you truly believed you were drowning and stopped breathing, and then when you started breathing again it was so abrupt that you covered him in blood," she said with her eyebrow raised.
"Oh..." I said the blush rising in my face. Luckily it was the weekend so I wasn't missing any school work.
I slept until visiting hours feeling absolutely dreadful.
"Harry, Harry, HARRY!!" Ron finally yelled.
"Hmmm?" Harry asked half awake.
"You puked up blood again while you were asleep! I'm just so worried!" he said whimpering as a tear crept down his face.
"It's ok, I'm fine," he said cupping Ron's face and kissing him sweetly.
"You should go get something to eat, I'll be out of here soon. I can tell you didn't eat breakfast this morning."
"Ok," Ron gave in, "I'll see you tomorrow."
Harry had went back to sleep and this time woke up to two grey eyes and blond hair staring at him as though he would die any second.
"Draco..?? What are you doing here?" Harry's voice cracked.
"Well I had to finish all of our projects that were assigned to us, I think I got your perspective correct," Draco said, sneering.
"What happened to you saying that I should be doing my own work?" Harry asked mockingly.
"What happened to you showing up for class? " Draco rolled his eyes, "Listen Potter, just thank me, it isn't difficult to do."
"Well is that why you came here? For me to thank you?" Harry asked.
"Well I thought it would be nice to pay my sweet partner a visit," Draco replied sarcastically.
"Well visiting times are over, Goodbye!" Harry spoke angrily.
"Actually they end at 5:35, I still have two hours left." Draco said laughing.
Harry groaned in annoyance.
"Just go Draco!"
"My pleasure, I was sick of staring at your hideous face anyways, Good day to you Potter," Draco smirked.
Harry watched him go and sighed in relief. All of his work was finished, he could finally relax and not have to worry. He should have figured, Draco being the Goody Goody. Ron came in interrupting his thoughts.
"Hey Harry, How are you?" Ron asked worryingly.
"I'm fine Dear, don't worry about me," Harry laughed.
"Well I saw Draco walk in here.. so I worried," Ron said frowning. "What did he want?"
"Oh, Draco was just telling me he finished the work," Harry said.
"Ok, that's good. Well my love I got to go," Ron said getting up and walking forwards the door.
"Bye my love," Harry called after him. He sighed, he missed Ron all ready.
Harry woke up the next day feeling worse than looked beside him to see why. He was soaked, the pillow was soaked, everything was soaked with blood.
Madame Pomfrey came in and started screaming, she thought it would only last a day, clearly she was wrong.
She cleaned him up, and gave him a blood replenishing potion.
Then of course the usual she lifted her wand to do a few tests, but Harry had started coughing again, but this time half of his blood was black.
"Snape, Remus!! Hurry I-I don't understand!" she screeched, cleaning Harry up once again.
When they arrived she gave Harry another potion, and advised him to sleep.
When he awoke again he saw Remus, Snape, Madame Pomfrey, Hermione, Ron, Neville, and of course Draco. They were all bustling around, everything Harry saw was very blurry.
He opened his eyes completely and suddenly they weren't blurry.
"Nothing's wrong Harry, you're perfectly fine!" Madame Pomfrey quickly lied to try to keep him awake.
"Ugh, my back!" He grunted, his back hurt immensely.
He sat up and everyone gasped.
"What is it?!" he asked annoyed.
Harry peered behind him to see that he had grown two beautiful white, black, and silver feathered wings.

Draco stared horrified at Harry's gorgeous feathery wings. They would wrap completely around Harry like a blanket. Snape himself went pale at the sight. Harry started coughing up more black blood and started shaking uncontrollably. Madame Pomfrey hurried and got him cleaned up and asked everyone to get out except Remus, Snape, and him. Draco looked at his Godfather for an answer, yet he had none. Harry was moaning about his back and Draco was starting to panic for some unknown reason.
"What is going on!? Why are their wings on his back!?" Draco screeched.
"We don't know Malfoy!" Remus snapped.
Draco shook in anger, and Harry started to whimper in pain. Draco couldn't take it anymore. He walked over to Potter and petted his head and stroked his wings to calm him. To Draco's surprise and everybody else's it worked! Harry stopped his moaning and opened his eyes and even stopped coughing. Madame Pomfrey stared in shock and so did Remus and Snape. Harry was shaking and Draco grabbed a blanket nearby and wrapped Harry in the blanket. While they stared at him with their mouths hanging open.
"Stop gaping at me and help this idiot!" Draco snapped.
"Watch your tongue!" Snape barked.
Harry had went quiet and rested his head on Draco's shoulder, half out of it. Draco stared at him helplessly. Madame Pomfrey and the others talked and discussed on how this problem should be handled, in the end they decided that Draco had to be with Harry at all times until this past.
"But! I can't..." Draco argued.
"Yes you will!" Commanded Snape, arguing with him.
"Yes sir," Draco said looking at the ground, cursing himself and Snape. Snape narrowed his eyes and turned to Madame Pomfrey to talk about what this could be.
Draco just stared at Potter annoyed.
"No, I want-" Harry started coughing again, so Draco stroked his hair and wings, "please let Ron come here."
The teachers looked at each other guiltily, "Of course," Remus interjected before anyone could object.
Ron came in and stood in awe of Harry's wings, but cried out in anger when tried to rub Harry's back and he winced in pain.
"Sorry," Ron managed.
"It's ok," Harry said planting a kiss on Ron's hand.
"Whoever did this to you is going to pay mate, no matter how beautiful your wings a-"
Then he noticed Malfoy sitting in the chair next to Harry's bed.
"Ron this is what I wanted to talk to you about," he said motioning In Draco's direction, "Draco has to be with me at all times."
"What? Why?!"
Harry started coughing up, and for the first time Ron saw the black blood.
"This is why you git!" Draco said stroking his wings and immediately the coughing stopped.
"I don't understand," Ron thought for a moment, "Oh! What I do to you for nightmares, is what Draco can do for your coughing fits."
"I never thought of it like that!" Draco said glad he learned this new piece of information.
"I'll be right back!" he called behind him as he went to look for his godfather.
Ron looked at Harry and sighed, "I love you, but you do get sick a lot mate."
"I love you too," Harry said before drifting off to sleep, and to his surprise the new wings were getting comfortable.
When Harry woke up it was to Draco, petting his wings and coughing up something peculiar... Black blood.
Draco felt so sick and he was in so much pain. He kept coughing up the black blood that Harry had been throwing up. Was this disease contagious? Harry looked at him in horror.
"Ha...... Ugh!" Draco coughed up more blood and he fell to the floor gasping in pain. His back was arched up in pain. Harry raced to Draco in fear and was panicking. Draco let out a screech of pain as beautiful wings sprouted from his back. They looked exactly like Harry's, Huge, magnificent, feathery, silver, black and white. Harry was mesmerized of the wings and was terrified as Draco laid on the floor coughing up the black blood and was unconscious.
"MADAME POMFREY!!" Harry yelled.
"Harry!!" she called back as she rushed into the room and gasped at the sight. Snape, Remus, Ron, And Hermione followed after her. They all gasped at the sight.
"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Yelled Snape.
Draco was shaking and Harry picked him up into his arms wrapping his wings around him. Harry hadn't ment to do that, it was only an instinct. Ron looked at Draco in disgust and jealousy, but he didn't dare move. Hermione was silent and staring at the wings. Harry petted Draco's head and murmured softly to him. Dragon's moaning and cries of pain ended and he slept softly in Harry's arms. Harry looked at Madam Pomfrey in terror and explanation.
"What is happening!?" Harry begged.
"We think we figured it out, so if you would just allow us to have Draco please," Harry stubbornly opened up his wings and handed them Draco who started to cough dangerous amounts of blood. Harry whimpered, he wasn't absolutely fond of holding Draco, but he knew the pain that Draco was feeling at the moment and felt sorry for the blonde.
"Ron!" Harry yelped suddenly.
He ran over and wrapped his new appendage around Ron and Hermione, but had to let go as he started to cough up more blood.
"Harry," Hermione and Ron both started, scared of what was happening before them.
When Harry and Draco awoke it was at the same time and they both looked down at their hands which were covered in blood, but they were also intertwined.
They tried to get their hands to move, but they wouldn't budge.
"Ugh..." Harry was moaning.
Draco slammed his head against the pillow as Madame Pomfrey came in to look at them.
"Oh yes, sorry we just needed away to stop all the blood," she said using a spell to break the invisible force holding their hands together.
Phratry began to rub his head because of the furious migraine he was having.
"Madame Pomfrey would you mind telling me what in the world is going on?!"
"We think it's a spell, this particular spell would be one cast by someone very powerful, here I'll show you, but it doesn't hurt birds horribly so I'll demonstrate on an owl," she picked up her own owl and did a very peculiar arm motion, "Angelikia Persionziah!" she cast the spell quickly.
The birds feathers had started to become green and red instead of black, and he coughed up a small drop of black blood before Madame Pomfrey returned him to normal, "You see boys, the reason the person who cast this upon you is so powerful is because the spell I just cast on that owl is impossible to inflict on humans which means, they managed to tweak the spell. Which also means, we're not quite sure how to help you."
"Can you at least tell us the name of the spell?" Harry asked.
"The Lovebirds spell."
"And why is it called that?!" Malfoy asked furious.
"I'll let you figure it out on your own."
Madame Pomfrey walked away smirking as Hermione and Ron came in.
Luckily Hermione bring the absolute know-it-all she is, she had already known this.
"That spell isn't supposed to work in humans!" Hermione yelled as soon as she saw Harry.
"Hermione can you please tell us why it's called that?!"
She shook her head, "Madame Pomfrey's right," a smile played across her lips, "you should figure it out on your own."
Draco looked at them very confused. He wanted an explanation, and he wanted it now.
"Oh for bloody sake! Just tell me!!!" Draco yelled at Hermione.
Hermione laughed and Ron looked at him with such an angry expression.
"What's up with you weasel?" Draco asked, narrowing his eyes.
"You! Bitch!" Ron yelled at him, Harry looked conflicted.
"What did I do this time? I haven't had time to mess with you! " Draco exclaimed in defense.
"Ron, it wasn't his fault .. or Harry's," Hermione said gently to a furious Ron.
"What is going on?!" Harry demanded.
"Nothing. Now sit down, both of you!" Madame Pomfrey commanders them to. They sat down and Draco scooted away from Harry.
"No Draco, I'm afraid you will have to be right next to Harry at all times," Madame Pomfrey said.
"Why can't Ron do that!?" Draco asked in disbelief.
"Because Ron can't help Harry through this and Harry can help you," Madame Pomfrey said calmly.
Harry sighed and scooted right next to Draco. For some reason Draco felt so calm and peaceful next to Harry. Harry's wing wrapped around Draco and Draco's wing wrapped around Harry. Harry smiled and it vanished as Ron glared at them.
"Ron come here," Harry ordered.
Ron walked up to Harry and Harry kissed his forehead.
"I love you and only you," Harry reminded him.
Draco gagged and tried to pull his wing away but Harry held it and kept it around him. Draco glared daggers at Harry and stopped struggling for his wing. He started to pet Harry's wing, which was placed up in his shoulder. Harry liked the feel of Draco's touch on his wing, he liked it so much it scared him. Draco fell asleep soon after and Ron had left with Hermione and Madame Pomfrey. They left the two alone to get some rest and to return to their classes and duties. Harry had to admit, he actually liked Draco so close. Draco started to mumble in his sleep.
"No.. no! No! It's all a lie!! No! Please no!" draco started to whimper. Harry moved closer till basically he was on top of Draco. He was caressing his face, Harry needed sleep, not a whimpering noise to deal with.
"I do love him.... but he doesn't love me..." Draco murmured and fell asleep under Harry's neck and Harry stared at him in confusion. Who was Draco talking about? He shook his head and fell sleep cuddling Draco in his arms and wings.

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