Living With The Boys - three

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So, I woke up this morning due to being disturbed in my sleep to find views! Views but not comments >_< which is annoying, but whatever, right?

So, I really like this story, and I have quite a bit planned for it! Plot development and all that jazz.

So... I'd like suggestions on what you might like to see happen and I might consider it! :D

Thank you for reading!



Rayne wandered outside, the night air brushing against the bare skin on her face and arms. She felt at ease, finally being away from her studies.

She’d been living at the boy’s dorm for roughly a week now. So far she didn’t mind it, but putting up with the constant teasing and annoyances but it really did bother her sometimes.

She stared out at the empty campus ground, watching the cars race by in the distance. The night time was so much more relaxing than the day for Rayne. Maybe it was because most of her dorm members retreated to their rooms to relax and study in peace.

However there was always Alan and Drake that liked to linger around her.

“Isn’t it past your bed time…?” Rayne turned around at the voice, seeing one of her dorm-mates, Evan, standing behind her. His messy brown hair had a slight shine from the moonlight. A cigarette hung from his mouth, a beer can in his right hand.

“You smoke?” Rayne gawked, unsure of what else to say, “Since when?”

Evan shrugged his shoulders, lifting the cigarette out of his mouth to blow a cloud of smoke into the air, “I am 19, you know. I’m perfectly able to have a fag without it being a problem.” Rayne frowned at that, crossing her arms across her chest.

“You an’ Ally been getting pretty close lately, huh?” Rayne rolled her eyes, “Are you two a couple or what?”

“We’re not dating, no.” She murmured awkwardly. Evan lifted the cigarette to his mouth quietly, taking a big puff of it and blowing smoke into the air again. The end crumble and burnt pieces fell to the ground, "You want to be a doctor, right? Then why are you being dumb and smoking?"

Evan shrugged his shoulders, a smile smile on his face, "Because I'm young." he answered truthfully, "I'm not going to be a doctor until I'm at least 30, might as well have a smoke and a drink while I can."

Rayne forced a smile and nodded, "Good thinking." He offered the cigarette out for her but she politely turned it down. Being taught that smoking was wrong from a young age she'd never even considered it.

"Whaddya think of Ally, then?" He asked quietly, taking a sip from his can.

Rayne shrugged her shoulders, feeling her cheeks burning a little, "He's a nice guy, funny and smart. He's had a tough life but is so careless. I look up to him, literally and figuratively." The tall boy laughed lightly, throwing his cigarette to the ground.

The conversation was light from there. Evan would ask questions every now and then, gingerly sipping at his beer. Rayne willingly answered, a keen smile on her face.


Saturday had rolled around again, and the two-week Spring break had finally come. Rayne sat on a chair in the main area of the dorm, twiddling her fingers stupidly. All the girls in the female dorm had decided to go somewhere, and she hadn't been invited.

3 members of the male dorm, Kaleb, Drake and Xander had gone to stay with their families for the break, while Alan, Evan and Rayne stayed behind.

The dorm was quiet, peaceful and tranquil. Since the annoying boys weren't around to make noise, and it was just Alan and Evan lounging around on floors and chairs, it was nice. They decided to take turns cooking, once a night until the holidays were over. They even decided on things to do during the holidays involving the three of them.

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