Chapter 11 - Your Coming With Us and The Waving Man

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Amelia's p.o.v

Today was the day. The day that both of the men I love the most leave me. Leave me alone with my thoughts. Fuck.

I'm currently downstairs waiting for the tour bus to pull up and take them away. Ronnie plops down next to me on the couch. I just stare at the show that is playing on the TV. Golden, my favorite. I think as it goes into commercial break. "Amy" Ronnie said, taking my attention away from the box in front of me. "Yeah?" I ask turning my head but my eyes still on the TV. "Please don't be upset that I'm leaving" he said, grabbing my hands. I turn to look at him and my eyes start to tear up and soon enough I was sobbing. "Oh Amy" he said, pulling me into a hug. "I-I don't want y-you to g-go" I said in between my sobs. "I know hun, me too" he said running my back. I pulled away and wiped my tears. "I'll be fine here. You have fun" I said, turning back to the TV. I heard Ronnie sigh and get up and go to the kitchen. Great move, Amy

Ronnie's p.o.v (aye new pov)

She won't be fine. I know she won't. She'll probably be kidnapped or end up in the hospital. Fuck. I grab my phone from my pocket and dial Jerry, my managers, number. It rings twice and he picks up. "Hey Ronald! Ready for tour?" he said. I rolled my eyes, "Don't call me that. I have a request" I said, tracing the table in the kitchen with my finger. "Oh god, this must be good" Jerry said. "Can my sister come on tour with us?". There was a silence on the other end of the phone. "I mean we do have an empty bunk, but I have some conditions" he said. I immediately smiled "Okay tell me" "Well first, if she's coming, she has to help out with the crew at least" "Okay, what else" "She has to stay backstage during the concert and she has to help at the merch table" I nodded, even though he couldn't see me. "Alright. See you when the bus gets here. Thanks" "Anytime kid". I hung up and ran back to the living room to see Amy had left. I looked around confused and texted her.

To: Amelia
From: Ronnie

Get back here quick, I have exciting news!!!

I send it and put my phone away in my back pocket. I take a seat on the couch and a cat commercial comes on. She always wanted a cat I said to myself. I'm gonna get her one soon for tour.

Amelia's p.o.v

I left my house to go to Gerard's. I needed to see him one last time before he left. I knock on his door and he opens it and he's in his pajamas from last night. I smile at him and he smiled back at me. I walked into his house and closed the door behind me. All of a sudden, I was pushed up against the door, with Gerard in front of me and his arms pinning my arms above my head. "You know you look hot right now" he said, his lips near my ear. I let out a shaky breath, "But I'm only in my pajamas, it's nothing special". I looked down and Gerard moved his face from my ear to the front of mine. "Babe" he said, lifting my chin and staring into my eyes. "Your beautiful no matter what to me. Even if your in ripped clothes, your still beautiful". He pushed his lips against mine making me press my back onto the door. I kiss back and I felt all giddy and happy. While we were kissing, we walked over to the couch and Gerard sat down which made our lips disconnect. I straddled his lap and pulled him in for another kiss. He ran his hands up and down my thighs and then went up to my hips. He detached his lips and relocated them onto my neck. I let out a small moan. I felt him smirk against my skin as he began biting and sucking on my sweet spot. I was becoming a mess of moans because of how much pleasure I was getting. He pulled back and smirked. "Now people will know that you're mine" I smiled and pulled him in for a kiss. My hands found the way to the back of his head as I tugged on his hair. He let out a moan while he flipped us over so he was hovering me, while I was laying down. He kissed me again and my hands found the way to the back of his head. I let out a moan, then my phone vibrated. I groaned, detaching from Gerard's lips and checked my phone to see a text from Ronnie. "I've gotta go" I said, standing up and going to Gerard's mirror that he had in his living room, checking my neck to see a circle start to form. "I love you babe" Gerard said coming up behind me and hugging my waist, kissing my shoulder lightly. "I love you too. Have fun out there babe" I said turning to him and hugging him. I kissed him one last time before he left for tour and I left.

I reached my front door and open it. Ronnie is sitting on the couch eating a sandwich and on his phone. I closed the door and he looked up at me and smiled. "Guess what!" he said, getting off the couch and coming up to me. "What?" "YOURE COMING ON TOUR WITH US!!" he yelled. I froze, in a good way. A smile broke out on my face and I hugged Ronnie. "Seriously!?!?! Oh my, I have to get packing" I said running up to my room and packing my clothes and such.


I finished packing and noticed I had two luggages ready to go. I brung them down the stairs, with Ronnie's help of course, and set them next to the couch. "Are you ready with everything?" Ronnie asked me. "Yep!" I said. Then I hugged him. "Thank you for not leaving me" I said. "I would never leave you, never in a million years" Ronnie said hugging me back. We stayed like this in silence for a good minute and then we pulled away

"So what time is the tour bus going to be here?" I asked, going into the kitchen to grab a water. "In about 15 minutes" Ronnie said sitting down on the couch. I nodded and looked out the window above the sink to see a figure by the trees in a hoodie. I froze. Oh no, please no. The person just stared at me through the window or more so the house and then walked away. I let out a breath that I held in. I walked back to the living room, a bit still shaken up and say down next to Ronnie. He looked at me and I knew he could tell something was wrong but he didn't ask questions. We waited in silence and then I heard the bus honk outside. We stood up together and took our stuff outside.

The bus driver was outside with Jerry, Falling in Reverse's manager. I smiled at him as I put my suitcases in the space under the bus. I walked onto the bus and was greeted with a chorus of "hey's" and "hi's" from the guys as I went to the bunks. Confused, I looked back to the "living room" to see Ryan staring at me. "Your coming with us?" I nodded at him and smiled. He smiled back, jumped up from his spot on the couch and started singing and dancing. "MY PARTNER IN CRIME IS COMING ON TOUR WITH US" he yelled. Jacky looked up "I thought I was your partner in crime?" "well you are but Amelia's here, but we are still partners in crime" Ryan said, patting him on the shoulder and coming up to me. "There's an empty bunk under Jacky's and above mine" he said pointing to it. I nodded and put my stuff on the bunk and then walked out to the lounge and outside. "Amy! Your just in time!" I heard Ronnie yell as he came up to me from back of the bus. There was another tour bus parked behind ours and Ronnie pulled me towards the second bus. "Come meet the opening act!" he said. I walked into the bus and saw Gerard, Frank, Mikey, Ray and another random person. Gerard looked up and his eyes widened "Amelia" he said getting up. Frank got up and hugged me "You coming on tour?" he asked "Yep" I said. I looked behind Frank to see Gerard standing there smiling but still with wide eyes. "I didn't know you were in this band, Mr..." Ronnie said, forgetting his last name "Way. But you can call me Gerard. And yeah I'm the lead singer of the band" Gerard said smiling. "Oh cool. Well I'm going to go back to my bus. Come on Amy" Ronnie said walking off the bus. I smiled at Gerard and the of the guys. "Bye guys. BYE MIKEY AND RAY!" I said before getting off. I walked back to my bus, got into my bunk and the bus started. I looked out the window that was next to my bunk and looked at my house. I saw someone waving at me from the side of the garage. I was about to keeping staring but the bus drove off before I could do anything.

Gerard's p.o.v

"That's the person I made friends with oh and my girlfriend" Mikey said going back to tuning his bass after Amy left, he looked down blushing. "YOU HAD A GIRLFRIEND AND YOU DIDNT TELL US?" I yelled at him laughing at the end. "Yeah well you probably have girlfriend but you never tell us anything" Mikey said still tuning his bass. I went silent. They all looked at me and their eyes went wide. "You have a girlfriend don't you?" Frank asked smirking. I blushed and the fake yawned "I'm going to take a nap before we get to the venue" I said speed walking to my bunk and laid down "GEE IS IN LOVE!" I heard the guys yell and laugh. I just rolled my eyes and smiled. Yes I am in love, and I'm going to protect the person I love the most.


And that's Chapter 11 !!! there might be another update in a couple of hours so stay tuned ;)

see you guys in a bit.

I love you guys & take care
- jackyskitten xx 💧

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