Chapter One - Mr.Way

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Amelia's p.o.v

"AMY GET THE HELL UP!" I heard my brother Ronnie yell from downstairs. I sighed sitting up in my comfortable bed. I rubbed my eyes and walked to the bathroom. Doing what I do every morning, brushing my teeth and hair and using the toilet (lol) I exit the bathroom and get dressed. Maybe a skirt would be perfect today I thought. Putting on my tights, I slide on my P!ATD shirt and then slide on my skirt after.

Putting on my burgundy vans, I walk down the stairs with everything in hand. Ronnie notices me and sighs "Finally! I thought you died or something!" he got up and hugged me "How'd you sleep" he said. I smiled "Fine" I pulled away from the hug and grabbed an apple from the kitchen. "Hey, the guys are coming over later. Do you mind?" Ronnie asked me looking up from his phone. I thought it was quite cute that he was asking for my permission for them to come over. Hah! Younger siblings rule the world!!! "Yeah that's totally fine. Haven't seen my kitten in a while" I said talking about Ryan. Me and Ryan have this special bond like partners in crime. He's like my other brother. Ronnie chuckled "Whatever". I took a bite of my apple and looked at the time. 7:35. Don't start school till 8 "Hey do you mind driving me to school?" I asked, looking at my apple, seeing I've lost all appetite. "Sure. Go ahead and get in the car" Ronnie said getting up. I grab my phone and jacket going to the car.

I might as well introduce myself. My name is Amelia Radke. Yes, that's right, famous sister of the famous Ronni Radke from Falling In Reverse. I'm 17, turning 18 in 2 weeks. I'm a senior in high school. I have long brown hair with my tips dyed turquoise. I'm anti-social and usually spend most of my days cooped in my room, unless my friend Chloe pulls me out of the house to take me to like an arcade or something. Worst part of my life is that I'm bullied. People call me emo, bitch, devil, witch, but they just judge me because of what I look like. Sometimes it gets to me and I would stay in my room and cut off all contact. Life sucks. Ronnie is my only savior. He saved me from our abusive parents. He took me into his arms and held me and helped me. I love him for that.

Leaning my head against the window of the passenger seat, Ronnie gets in. "Ready to go?" He says. I look at him and nod, smiling. He smiled back and started the car, driving to school.

Once we got there, I said "Okay. Thanks for the ride. Bye" getting out the car and walking away. "BYE HONEY! KNOCK THEM HATERS DOWN" Ronnie says, screaming from the car. I turn around and wave him off, giggling. "AMYYYYYYY" someone calls my name. I turn back around and see Chloe right in front of me. "Hey chick. I missed you this weekend" I said hugging her. "I MISSED YOU SO MUCH" she said screaming. I laughed and walked with her to hell.

"Hey freak!" one of the cheerleaders said to me. I looked over at her and groaned. Stephanie, the biggest slut in the school. If you ever find her at a party, I bet she would have someone's dick down her throat. "What do you want" I said. "To leave my school" she said smirking. "Last time I checked, this isn't called 'Stephanie High School' because no one would want to name a school after a girl who sucks dick 24/7" I said smiling at her and walking away. "Whatever emo! go to hell" she screamed. "Guess what! I already am!" I said, turning around and putting my arms in the air.

Walking to my locker, I get my stuff out and close my locker. Since today is Thursday, I have History first. Looking at my stuff to make sure I have it, fuck my Beautiful Darkness book I thought and went back to my locker and opened it. "Looking for this?" Someone said behind my locker door. I looked behind it and saw Chloe holding my book. "I hate you" I said grabbing it from her. She laughed and said "You know you love me". It was my turn to laugh until she spoke. "I heard there's a new hot art teacher" She got in front of my face and wiggled her eyebrows. "What?" I asked. "You know your a suck up for hot art teachers I mean come one you couldn't stop obsessing over Mr.Cleveland in Sophomore year!" she laughed. "Whatever. I hope I don't have an anxiety attack though" I said quietly. We walked to History together.

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