II - A Memory Before Death Part 1

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The school yard. It was a beautiful day as the sun shined down upon the pinkish orange paint of the school and the redish concrete ground. The school yard was basically where everyone hung out during school whether people were trying to skip their classes, eat their lunches, talk with friends before and after school, and occationally vandalize, depending on if you were an ass or not.

Anyway, it was the first day of school, the first day of senior year in high school. My friends and I were finally at the top of the food chain. My friend Max and I were walking inside the front gates of the school that led to the school yard.

Max was my best friend. He has brown wild hair and a good build. Sometimes I call him Maxi, short for maximum. He was only a few inches shorter than me, but still has a big heart.

"Thanks for the ride, Leon," Max says as the gates close behind us.

"Eh," I shrug, "It was nothing. You're house is practically on the way." A big lie. His house was on the left while the school is to the right.

"I hope this year'll be better than last year, that wasn't so cool last year."

The previous year we got jumped a few times. Maxi here just had to go around with this other guy's girl and I just had to be the good friend and back him up, even though he had it coming.

I shake my head and chuckle, "Well you just HAD to go around with Jason's girl, you idiot!"

"HEY!" he retorts, "She was hot."

"Damn straight she was! Hehe, you have some balls for doing that."

"And I'd do it all over again!"

I slug him on the shoulder as he opens the door to the school's atrium, "Yeah, don't! Anyway, let's go find Jake, he should be with his girlfriend, right?"

"Yeah," he answers as we walk in and start to climb the stairs in the center of the atrium, "He and her seem to be pretty serious now, huh?"

"You're telling me?" I hold up my index finger and my thumb and pinch the air, "Those two are this close to having sex, I swear."

"I know, right?"

We make it to the top of the stairs and see a couple holding hands and talking about God knows what.

Max sighs, "Speak of the devil."

"I think that kid is way too innocent to be the devil."

"Heh, maybe his girlfriend."

I pat Max on the back and motion him to come along, "Yeah, who do you think I was talking about? He's been trying to nail her for the longest time now?"

Max shrugs and nods his head.

We practically attack the both of them by mostly pouncing on Jake and the two let go of each other's hands as a result.

Jake is a pretty tall guy, he's about my height, if not, a little taller with jet black hair. His little gal pal is Chelsea, a pretty girl on the tall side that has flowing brown hair.

"Not to be a cock block or anything," I say giving Jake a nuggy, "But you forgot to call us to tell you where you two were gonna be."

Jake grunts and pushes me away, "Yeah, for that reason."

Chelsea is just standing there giggling, "Hey guys, what's up?"

Max looks at her, "Nothing much, just making sure to be the best idiots we can be. We weren't disrupting anything were we?"

Jake rubs the spot where I nuggied him, "Well..."

"Good," I say with a cocky smirk on my face.

Chelsea takes a couple steps forward and says, "Let's go, we're wasting time wrestling in the halls when we could be sitting around and wasting our time hanging out before the bell rings."

I get a good look at her dark blue eyes and manage to say, "Uh, yeah."

Chelsea and Jake go back to holding hands and Max is coming back with some girl's phone number written down on a piece of paper. I didn't even notice that he was gone until I heard him crumple up that piece of paper.

I watch Chelsea walk away with Jake as they make a right into the next hallway.

"Damn," I say to myself, "Did her eyes get bluer and shinier, or is it just me...?"

"Hey," Max says next to me, "I heard that."

"Wha-? Oh, crap, it's nothing, I was just thinking out loud."

"No you weren't." he says crossing his arms.

"Shut up, let's go..."

"Mhm," he says as he walks ahead. He turns back to me, "Just don't get caught like I did, Leon."

I walk next to him making a right like Jake did with his girl, "Don't get caught doing what?"

He smiles at me, "You know what I mean."

I try to pretend like I don't know what he's saying and look ahead of me, mostly at Chelsea.

"Exactly," he says cockily.

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