Was It Worth It?

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"Uh..." I mutter as I try to get up from lying down on what appears to be darkness. "What happened...?"

My back starts to crack and the same happens to my arms and legs as I take a few steps in what appears to be a black abyss.

"So," a voice says from behind me, "you're finally awake. I didn't think you would wake up so fast."

The atmosphere around me goes cold and I turn around, "Who's there?"

God it feels like I feel off of a freaking building.

"A guide," the voice contiues, "a messenger, some people's worst nightmare."

A chill runs down my spine as I say, "You're started to creep me out here. Where are we? What is this place?"

I feel a hard and cold hand grasp my shoulder, "Some people like to think of this place as their subconscious. Some like to think of it as a really deep and dark hole. I like to think of it as the place where I have to take people to the next life."

"Th-the next life?" I stutter.

"Yes. By now you must know you're dead, am I right?"

My heart is racing nonstop now, "I'm what?!"

Now another hand is grasping the other shoulder, "You heard me, boy!" and pushes me down, "DEAD!!!"

I jump right back up and swing my fist at what I'm thinking his face is. It's way too dark to see anything. Even my own fist.

I feel the being's cold hand grip my arm and swings me back on the ground and says, "Now just to be clear, you're going to be a good little boy, right Leon?"

"How do you know my name...?" I ask nervous.

The being kicks me to make sure I stay down, "Hm, I don't know, maybe it's because I'm Death, asshole! Now stay down and let me explain what the hell is going on before you come at me again!"

I try and manage to sit up, "Fine, Death. Tell me what the hell is going on so I can just wake up already..."

"Oh, you are so naive, my poor boy," he scoffs, "I'm afraid you can't wake up from this place or me for that matter."

"You gotta be kidding me... I can't be dead. I'm not even old or sick or anything!"

"You don't have to be 'old' or 'sick' or 'anything' to die, you ignorant little runt! Now, if you don't mind, I'm quite done being in darkness."

He snaps his fingers and when he does that, our pitch black surroundings start to turn white, almost like there's a gigantic light above us that has been turned on by some light switch.

"There," he continues, "much better."

I look up at Death and I can't help but say, "Okay, first: that was pretty cool and two: what the fuck are you?!"

The being before me is cloaked in some kind of black robe that emits a black fog that surrounds him. I look down at his hands and see that they're bones, I guess that's why they were so cold and hard. I get a good look at my clothes and hair hair in front of my eyes.

"What the hell happened to me?! Why is my hair white? Why are my clothes white? Why is my skin so pale?"

The being takes a step toward me, "You're dead. That's what all of the new comers ask, too. Once you die, the clothes that you were wearing when you died turn white, the hair you had turns white, and your natural skin color goes pale. It happens to everyone and by the looks of things, you ruined yourself a good pair of jeans and collared shirt."

"So it's gonna be like this forever?" I ask.

"Well that depends on where you go, my white eyed friend."

I touch the skin around my eyes, "My eyes are white too?"

"Yes. Self-conscious are we?"

I shrug and get up on my feet, "And what did you mean by 'depend on where you go'?"

The being shakes his head and chuckles a little bit, "Well that depends. Have you been a good little boy, or have you been a bad little boy? Or have you been incomplete?"

I scratch my head, "Incomplete?"

"Is there an echo in here? Yes, incomplete. You either go to heaven or hell. You should know about that by now, right?"

I snicker and grin a little, "Well, I'm atheist, so I don't really think those places exist."

"Well then, believe me when I say that you're probably gonna change your mind after all this."

"But tell me, what about this 'incomplete' thing you were talking about before. What happens with them?"

The being shakes his head again, "Well, the incomplete get a choice. Do they want to stay in purgatory or do they want to go back to be amongst the living."

My eyes go wide, "And what happens if they stay in purgatory...?"

"Life will go on as if they never existed," he answers.

"And if they choose life?"

"They get to be amongst the living. They go back to the place where they died and enter their body again and wake up. So guess which one of the three you are."

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