Job for Superman

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"Will that be all?" The waitress asked with her notepad in hand.

"Yes thank you." Clark closed his menu and grabbed Bruce's handing it to the waitress. She walked back to the counter and into the kitchen.

"Clark do you even need to eat?" Bruce tilted his head curiously.

"Uh, well not necessarily. My body has a need for food but I don't get hungry I mean the sun is all I need really-- But honestly I don't know, I just eat pretzels because they taste nice."


"I mean I don't know much about my body at all really, like tomorrow I'll wake up and I can suddenly teleport. Kryptonian bodies make no sense man."

"Sometimes neither do human bodies." he chuckled.

"Funny, I've never heard you laugh, I didn't think--"

"You've never heard Batman laugh. Bruce is a different person." Bruce went back to his usual frown.

"That's more like it."

"Did you just--"

"Bowl of chips to share?" A different waitress was standing over the two men, holding a large bowl of chips they had bought to share.

"Yes that would be us." Bruce looked up at the woman with his dense blue eyes.

"Hey! You're Bruce Wayne the billionaire guy!" The woman almost dropped the chips. She put them on the table and then continued to fangirl excitedly.

"Yes, that would be me." Bruce put on his 'playboy' smile at the waitress making her blush.

"And who might this be?" her brow lowered a bit as she gestured to Clark.

"That would be my...close friend Mr Kent." Bruce leant in to the waitress and slipped in her pocket $100.

"Mr Wayne, I can't--"

He put his lips to her ear and whispered "That's just for you tiger." The waitress almost fainted at this instead she stood there shaking.

"Uh--" She fumbled for words.

"Do be so kind and give Mr Kent and I some privacy." Bruce turned back to Clark waiting for the her to leave. Once she was out of hearing range he picked up a chip and Ccontinued talking with Clark again while eating.

When Bruce was flirting with the waitress (or whatever that was) Clark felt...uncomfortable as if Bruce was in danger. Clark had always felt the need to protect Bruce even when Bruce didn't want help, Bruce was just so...fragile and Clark has this drive to save him, to guard him.

"Imagine if we were in costume, that'd be hilarious. Batman and Superman sharing chips."

Clark brushed away his feelings pulling his attention back to Bruce. "I bet it would be all over the news and the league would never let us live it down."

A waiter placed down Clark and Bruce's drinks in front of them along with bendy straws.

"Thank you sir." Bruce did his 'Playboy' grin again, once again the waiter was completely taken by this. As the water walked away from the table he had some sort of skip in his step.

And Clark found himself with the same feeling in his stomach, that feeling of a need to protect. Then like that it all came making Clark in the face...he was jealous. He had fallen in love with Bruce, how? why? No wonder he hated it when Bruce flirted with other people, he was jealous! Clrk suppressed these thoughts and tired to strike up a conversation with Bruce.

"How do you do that?" Clark took a sip of his drink.

"What?" Bruce tilted his head up to face Clark.

"Manage to completely sweep anyone off their feet, Man; Woman or anything in between?"

"Oh it's quite easy...It does help that I'm a billionaire and happen to be ravishingly handsome." Bruce flicked his hair. Clark almost forgot he was taking to Bruce, as in Batman.

"But how does anyone fall for that?" Clark continued to drink.

"You've seem to of fallen for it." Bruce smirked and Clark almost choked on his drink.

"Wait! what? Are you saying--"

Before Clark could finish a loud bang and crash was heard outside followed by a number of car horns and and screams, making Clark's super-hearing painful. The two men looked outside of the restaurant window to see a tall silver robot basically destroying the street.

"Looks like a job for Superman." Bruce stood up from the table.

Clark sighed and stood up from the table heading for the door and walking outside trying to find an alley way where he could change.

Bruce then played along with the staff and other guests in the restaurant, pretending to be panicked and taking cover under the table. He sat under the table fiddling with his tie.

Soon outside the chaos quietened down and Bruce heard a couple of gasps outside and cries of joy shouting "Superman!" Bruce assumed Clark had made it. A couple of people in the resturaunt looked over their tables to watch the action outside, Bruce joined in to monitor if Clark needed help. Bruce was in Metropolis and he hated it when Clark would help him in Gotham, he would only step in if needed.

Bruce peered over the table to watch the fight. Clark was hovering above the ground trying to talk it out with the robot...the...Bruce had seen it before...Metallo

Bruce knew Metallo's secret weapon against Clark, Clark needed him.

Bruce stood up and casually slipped out the door, everyone paying attention to Superman. He walked out onto the street, with a closer look at Clark he could see he was in pain. Metallo has a freaking Kryptonite heart, Clark's was a fair distance away . Bruce found a public toilet next to the restaurant, he would've gone in Patterson's bathrooms but it was easier to get caught.

To Bruce's relief the bathrooms were empty, he slipped in and lifted up his shirt reaching for his utility belt.

Outside Bruce heard a sudden smash and a cry of pain, Clark...

Clark's cry of pain.

This was a job for Batman.

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