To Walk Away

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Please note this story still needs major editing, and I will aim to update it as soon as I can :)

I let out a sigh of relief as I collapse on the tiles of my apartment. I gasp as my satchel begins to glow an iridescent purple. I pull out various stolen items before coming to the source of the glowing - a plain black bracelet I'd pinched. Rays of light appear to be seeping out of its shiny black material. Curious, I shove it onto my wrist, when all of a sudden I'm surrounded by pure white light. I hear a voiceless whisper say 'you are destined for greater.' 

I blink a few times, my surroundings slowly coming into focus. I'm not in my apartment. I'm standing in the middle of a bustling city square, except everything looks... too perfect. Skyscrapers are shining in the clear morning light, and carefully manicured gardens cradle the base of each building. The difference to the world I know is immense, as there's no pollution in the air, no rundown buildings, and no gangs fighting. Suddenly something crashes into me, knocking the wind out of me, and I'm left in a heap on the ground.

"I'm incredibly sorry, I didn't see you there," says a black haired guy peering over me, as I lie there star struck. He's absolutely gorgeous. He offers me his hand and I take it, and next thing I know I'm standing next to him feeling rather awkward.

"My name's Eron," he states shyly.

"I'm Bronwen," I stutter. "Do you know where I am?" I ask, finally getting myself together.

"Aloori Central," he states kindly.

"What? Where?! I almost yell. I'm beginning to freak out. He looks at me with genuine concern in his sparkling blue eyes.

"You're not from around here are you? " He asks unsurely.

"I'm from Earth of course!!"

"Never heard of it, you mustn't be from planet Aloori then. Maybe you got here by that strange glowing bracelet on your wrist." Eron states calmly, pointing to my bracelet. "Try to calm down; I gather you can get back to your Earth using the bracelet." His tranquil and genuine demeanor is utterly alluring, and I already find myself falling for him.

"Thank you," I almost whisper. All I seemed to hear was "you can get back to Earth."

After that, time goes by in a dream. Eron offers to take me on a tour of the city, and I'm utterly amazed by what I see. It's a utopia, with no war and no poverty, hunger, or greed, and everything works in perfect harmony. I'm snapped out of my stupor when Eron grabs a water bottle and puts what looks to be an effervescent tablet in it, and the water instantly goes from slightly murky, to clear. Could it be?

"What's that?" I ask inquisitively.

"It's a water purifier. Our water was poisoned 50 years ago because we were bombed," he says lightly. Meanwhile, my jaw has gone slack. I can't believe it. This is what Earth needs most.

We continue to walk in silence as I process this new information. This changes everything.

"Eron, do you think I could get a hold of some of those water purifying tablets?" I ask innocently.

"Sure, I've got some right here," he states unsurely. He passes me 5 yellow tablets, his fingers brushing against mine and sending a jolt of electricity through me. "Why do you want them anyway?" He asks curiously.

"Nuclear bombs during the 8th World War also poisoned our water, so we're all going to die in the next 10 years unless we can obtain clean water. These tablets would allow us to do just that," I say rather bluntly, only just beginning to take in the enormity of this discovery. "I can save Earth with these," Eron's eyes widen as processes this.

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