Chapter 6 - Shut up.

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Immediately I was bombarded with questions.
"Who is he?"
"Is he your boyfriend?"
"Why is he over here?"
"He's a lad"
"Is he one of your flings?"
Ouch. That's how low they think of me?
Everyone had shut up hearing this question and I turned towards the person who said it. But fortunately it wasn't anyone in my group. So when I turned I saw Michael.
I didn't even think and I punched him in the face. I heard a satisfying click and blood started pouring out of his nose. God, I've waited ages to do that.

"Not everyone is like you, Michael. I don't have flings because they're just childish and I'd rather not catch an STI. I'm not a slag and you can seriously just shut up and leave me the fuck alone. Maybe you should put some ice on your nose." I straightened up and looked at my group who were all staring at me in awe. I shrugged and gestured for them to come with me. They all obviously did. I lead them into the library and we went to our usual spot and sat in the beanbags; I gave mine up to Blake and sat in Casey's lap. It was alright, Casey didn't think anything of it and neither did I. That was, until Blake gripped me off of Casey and put me on his lap instead. I immediately got up, grabbed his ear and pulled him to out of earshot of the boys.
"What is your problem?" I hissed at him.

"My problem? You're the one who failed to mention that you hang out with a group of boys!" He spat back.

"I didn't think it was any of your business; they're just friends! Girls are way too much drama and if you don't like my friends then jog on. I'm not even having this conversation with you." I stormed past him, went back to my friends and pulled up an extra beanbag. They were talking about some girl so I tuned them out and took the time to study them closely.
Casey was probably my best friend. He was tall and had shaggy black hair and striking green eyes. He was 18 and was built handsomely. When we first met I had felt an attraction towards him but now I just think of him like my brother; with no attraction. Obviously.
Caleb was my study buddy. He was undeniably the smartest in the group and I trailed a close second behind him. We would always study together because none of the others could keep up with our pace. He was 17, like me, and we shared the same birthday. Which was coming up in a month so I had better go shopping...Anyway. He was built muscly and had brown hair and blue eyes.
Jack was 18 since he had his birthday last week. He was the clown of the group and we loved him for it. He had brown hair which he usually quiffed up and was averagely built; he was still quite the looker though.
Mack was 17 and had his birthday in a week. He was quite possibly the most attractive with broad shoulders, toned chest and abs and beautiful silver eyes which sparkled when he laughed or smiled. I still didn't feel attracted to him though as we had all grown to close.
(By the way, let me clear something up. Yes, I hang around with 4 boys but no, I have not lost my virginity. I'm not attracted to any of these boys and I'm not a whore who sleeps with them. Clear? Good.)
By the time that I had finished analysing them the bell started ringing. I found Blake and grumbled to him to follow me as our schedules were practically identical except from when he had gym I had French language studies. We walked towards English with Casey as he was in my class and sat next to me. We walked in, I explained Blake and our teacher - Miss Stoke - had Blake sit down at the front with her despite Blake's refusal. I smiled, take that. I walked to the back of the class where Casey was sitting and sat next to him. I sighed heavily and rested on his shoulder while our teacher gave the lecture.
"Sash, what was wrong earlier? You didn't say a word after you came back with that jerk." He whispered to me, concern clear in his voice.
I smiled and answered, "He thought I was a whore who slept with all of you, and I didn't realise how low people thought of me."
I felt him put his arm around me and I welcomed the warmth that came with it. He kissed my forehead as a protective gesture and I smiled.
"Sash, fuck them. Honestly, I don't know how you put up with us, we can get really egocentric. But no matter what, we know you don't sleep around with us or other guys and we know you ain't no whore."
I giggled as he did a white girl impression and snapped his fingers in a 'z' sequence when saying "you ain't no whore." He chucked and his deep rumble rolled through my body.
"Thank you. You're awesome. Love you." This was a natural thing, all of us said we loved eachother and I kissed his cheek (not affectionately) and went home, I didn't feel too well.

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