Chapter 13 - The Date

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We ended up at The Harlton. Definitely the poshest restaurant I had ever been in. We were greeted by a waiter and he escorted us to our table by the big windows overlooking the pier.

Wow. What a breathtaking sight. The sun had begun to set and it looked gorgeous disappearing over the horizon.

"You are having a 3 course meal tonight, m'lady." Jonas looked at me and smirked.

My cheeks flushed as I realised I had been ignoring him since we got here. How rude.

"Sorry Jonas. Look at the view though. Isn't it gorgeous?" I looked back and decided this was definitely the best thing I'd ever seen.

He didn't take his eyes off of me, "I think the view I've got is more gorgeous."

There we go again, flushing like I'd just finished a marathon. "So, what's all this for then Jonas? It was your one condition, but it seems a bit of a waste of an owed favour."

"That's where you're wrong," he took my hand in his, "I needed a way to ask you out on a date."

So it is a date. We were interrupted by the waiter, Marcel, asking us what we would like for starters. I hadn't even looked at the menu. I looked at Jonas with helpful eyes. He picks up my signal and orders two starters of bbq chicken wings exclaiming that these are to die for!

They came and I started conversation up again.

"So how are you going to get my number off of his phone?"

"Can I ask why you want it gone so badly?"

"I stupidly trusted him with some stuff and he aired me after it. I felt so used. I forgot he even had my number until he texted me after detention. Seeing his name on my phone, it just brought back so many unwanted feelings. But the worst feeling was that I was so foolish to trust him so easily." I had been fiddling with my fingers the entire time I told Jonas that. I turned to look at him and he was nodding his head.

"I understand Sash. As for how I'm going to do it? I'm going to get one of my boys to borrow his phone, delete it and put it back before he notices it's gone."

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, "That seems wrong. Like an invasion of his privacy. Can't you just ask him to delete it?"

He sighs, "I asked him if he would give me your number before, but he gave me a ring-for-sex number. Doesn't feel like he would want to delete it."

I giggle a little.

"Cute." He breathes out.

Our mains come around and we spend the night chatting and giggling. We get on really well together and we have so much in common.


We've been walking down the high street for a while now, milkshakes in hand. What a perfect night this has been.

We come to his bike. He turns and looks at me.

"Sash, I've had a really good night." He takes my hand, "can we see each other again?"

He looks so cute, eyes are full of hope but scared to be rejected, "Of course, Jonas." I smile.

I hopped on his bike wrapped my arms around his waist and let the wind blow through my hair.

What a great night.

He took me home to my mother and she thanked him for being such a gentleman by bringing me back on time.

He gave me a peck on the cheek and left after I had gone inside.

I couldn't stop smiling and my mother wanted to know all about it. I sat and told her each and every detail because it honestly was the greatest date I've ever been on.

I eventually got to bed and was out like a light. I was exhausted.

Waking up the next morning, I went downstairs and grabbed some breakfast.

My phone started ringing, Mack.


"Were you with Jonas last night?"


"We'll talk about this tomorrow Sasha. All of us."

The line went dead. What was that all about? I shrugged it off and spent the rest of my day doing homework and catching up on some TV.


I was awoken to my alarm.

Monday. Ugh.

I wonder what awaits me today.

I do my usual morning routine and get dressed in a pair of light denim jeans and a flowing white vest. It's a hot day today.

I arrive at school and I am pulled into the library by Caleb. I look at him questioningly.

"We know you were with Jonas on Saturday." He turned and I saw Casey and Mack join us. "That boy is bad news Sasha."

I was annoyed with this ambush. "I'm not a little girl, guys. Thank you for the warning but for your information, he treated me amazingly and he was a gentleman. I will be seeing him again." I look at them all individually. "Can't I live a little?"

They all looked at eachother and sighed, "Of course. We just don't want you to get hurt. Let us know if you need us for help."

I nodded, "Of course. Don't worry, no boys will take your place in my life guys."

They smiled and we made our separate ways to our first period. Mine was art.

I sat down in my seat and noticed Blake out of the corner of my eye. I looked the other way. The chair next to me moved and I decided to see who sat next to me. Blake. I rolled my eyes and got on with my work. We didn't have anything to talk about and I wasn't interested in idle chit-chat.

"Birdie." He said, hoping to get my attention. I ignored him.


"Sasha please." He said, his voice full of regret.

"What do you want, Blake?"

"Stop seeing Jonas. He's not good enough for you."

I scoffed and looked up at him, "He's better than what you were to me." Hurt flashed across his face and for a second I regretted it. But then I remembered how he made me feel.

The bell went and we had break. There was a commotion in the yard. We went to see what the fuss was about. A fight. But to be more exact, Jonas and Blake fighting. I can't remember why I did what I did, but I did.

I ran into the middle of the fight, "Stop!" Holding my hands against both of their chests, both of them were bloody. "Why are you fighting?"

"Over you, Sash"

"Still oblivious, Birdie"

The answers came at the same time and made both of the boys angry again. I shook my head and told them to go clean up.

A fight, over me?

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