Theme Park & Soda Snuggles

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(You are the same person as the last imagine)
Your P.O.V
"MOM, we need to leave!" I shouted from the front door. Today I was going to the theme park with Caleb&co then sleeping over for the night because my parent were going out to celebrate their wedding anniversary. "COMING EMILY" Mom shouted from upstairs. I was super excited to see Caleb as I had been catching up on my schooling and gymnastics that I hadn't seen him in what felt like FOREVER!! But really it was a couple of weeks. Mom came down the stairs handing me my purse/wallet which I'd left in my room. "Thanks mom!!" I replied and headed to the car after saying bye to dad.

"Thanks so much for this Katie!!" My mom said as Calebs mom opened the front door. "Oh honestly it's no problem. We all love having Emily here!" She smiled. "Well thanks again!" Mom said. Whilst they kept talking Billy came and said "why don't you take your bags up to Calebs room." So I just nodded, kissed mum goodbye and went upstairs. "Knock knock," i said as I opened Calebs bedroom door. "Hey Em!" He said standing up to hug me. "Hey cal," I replied setting my bag down and hugging him. "Thanks for letting me stay!" I smiled. "Thanks for wanting to stay!" he replied pecking my lips before leading us downstairs. "EMILY!" The girls shouted and ran at me for a hug. "Hi girlies! Long time no see! Well, except most days we have gym!" I said hugging them then standing up as Caleb wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "How come they see you more than me! Haven't seen you for at least 2 weeks!" Caleb pouted. "Because, I have gym, you have baseball, and we both have to do school! We have facetimed though," I said pouting too then smiling. "Emily, will you do our hair please?" Annie asked on behalf of them both. "Of course, run and get me some hair ties and a brush please." I said and they ran upstairs. "You're so nice," Caleb said smiling at me. "Awh, baby thanks. As are you!" I replied smiling.

Annie and Hayley soon rushed down the stairs with hair brushes and hair ties in their hands. Annie sat on the floor and I kneeled behind her brushing any tangles out from her hair. "What would you like?" I asked Annie. "Can you please do those French braids you wear please?" She asked sweetly. I nodded and got to work. After a short while I had finished and she went looked in a mirror. "THANKS EMILY! I love them!" She squealed admiring them still. Then Hayley sat in front of me and I started to brush the tangles out of her hair. "And what would you like today?" I asked her. "Ummmmmm?" She replied still thinking. "How about a fishtail braid?" I asked her. "Yay!" She said and nodded. I got to work again and completed a neat fishtail braid at the back of her head. "Done!" I said and she jumped up and went to the mirror. "Yayayaya thanks emmmyyyyyyyy!" She smiled. "That's okay sweetie," I laughed. Then Caleb came and sat down in front of me. "And for you today sir?" I said in a posh voice. "Oh I'll have braids and buns and curls and clips please." He stated in a posh voice too. "Certainly!" I said and began brushing his hair as the girls were in hysterics (Obviously I just brushed it and stopped there!). My hair was in a half up half down style and was straightened.

"KIDS! We're going!" Billy shouted from the front door. "Coming!" We shouted back. Caleb and I ran upstairs to get his hat and my handbag. He put his phone and things like that in there along with my things. We all piled into the car, Billy and Katie in the front, Hayley and Annie in the middle and Caleb and I in the very back. "Beautiful hair girls!" Katie said vlogging as we drove out of the driveway, Caleb rested his hand on the my leg. "Emily did it for us!" They said in unison and I laughed. "Wow, maybe Emily should just live with us. We all love her that much!" Katie said to the girls. "YESSSSS!" They screamed and I laughed harder, everyone else joining me. I just smiled at the camera from the back and Caleb did too. "WE'RE HERE!" Billy shouted. we all cheered and got out. It was fairly warm today. I was wearing a pair of blue denim high waisted skinny jeans, a pink flowy tank top, cream lace toms, sunglasses and my handbag.

We headed into the theme park, I was walking hand in hand with Caleb. The funny thing is I hate all rides. I hate everything from roller coasters to those pirate ship or spinny rides. I kind of like ghost trains but I do get scared. I'm happy to stand at the bottom of the rides and hold the bags!! Or ride the rides with Hayley. "You excited?" Caleb asked. "Yep!" I replied. "You gonna ride with Hayley?" He laughed. "Probably!!!" I laughed back. Caleb then started to vlog and tell them where we were. His arm was around my shoulder and mine was around his waist as we walked. "Oh, and in case you didn't notice, Emily is here too!" Caleb said to the camera and I smiled. "And Liv might join us here later!" I added. He said a few more things then turned the camera off.

"I WANNA RIDE THE BIG ONE!" Caleb and Annie shouted. Billy decided to go with them whilst Hayley and I ride the mini Ferris wheel. "Hey guys, Hayley and Emily are on the tiny Ferris wheel! Em hates rides so she's looking after Hayley for me so I don't need to go on. But I know there's a log flume and ghost train style thing which em might go on!" Katie said as she zoomed the camera in on Hayley and I in the little cart thing. We waved and shouted hi. Katie turned the camera off as the ride came to an end. "Like it Hayley?" I asked as I helped her out of the cart. "LOVED it!" She giggled. We soon met up with Caleb, Annie and billy. "Let's go on the log flume!!" Caleb said and grabbed my hand running to the line. "I don't know..." I said looking at it. "Cmon, I promise you'll be fine!" He said and looked at me with puppy eyes. "Fineeeee!" I said and smiled. Liv (who'd just come and joined us!) and Annie decided they'd come on it with us whilst billy and Katie and Hayley watched. After a short wait, we were sat in a cart going up to the top of the ride for the slide. We sat with Liv at the back, then Caleb, then me and then Annie. "Caleb I'm scared!" I said in sudden panic as we neared the top. "It's okay, I'm here." He said, sliding forward slightly to wrap his arms around my waist. "Love you," I said. "I love you too!" He said as we started to slide down the slide. I just held onto Calebs arms for dear life. I didn't get soaked but Annie did and Liv kinda did (never sit at the front or back!), I did get a bit damp though, as did Caleb.

We got off and went to the picture area and I decided to buy a copy, as did Katie. We (not me!) went on a few more rides before heading to the stalls. Caleb managed to win me a cute cuddly horse toy from one of the stalls. I was super excited!! "Okay, let's head to the car and we'll go out for dinner!!" Katie said and we walked to the car. The girls were cartwheeling along the concrete blocks in the carpark and I decided to join. I made it half way before deciding to walk with Caleb. "Piggy back?" He asked me. "Uh, sure," I smiled and jumped on his back. We continued to walk to the car when billy started vlogging Caleb and I. "Guys!" He shouted from behind us making us turn around. "Yeahhhhh?" Caleb shouted back. "You're cuties!" He said in a girly voice. I laughed and Caleb just shouted back "thanks!" And stated walking again, then we saw the car so he decided to run! Eventually everyone was in the car and we headed off to a Taco Bell near the theme park. Caleb and I sat in one side of the booth with Hayley and Annie, liv, Katie and billy sat on the other side. We had an uneventful dinner and headed home. On the way home I posted a photo on instagram of Caleb and I at the fair. It was Caleb winning me the horse and I'm cheering and smiling. Katie took it when we weren't looking! It was cute though.

Once we were home, Caleb headed to the shower and got into his pjs. When he was finished, I then showered and changed. I was wearing a black and white striped baggy style pj top and some blue and white floral pj shorts. I headed downstairs and Hayley, Annie and Liv were all changed into there pjs and billy and Katie were about to. Caleb and I decided to watch a over and Hayley, Annie and Liv wanted to watch too so we let them choose. They chose the parent trap which is okay. As we were about halfway through I stated to fall asleep. I wanted to stay awake till midnight because Katie and Annie we're going to try soda for the first time in a year for a Annie/9 months for Katie! I decided I would probably wake up once the movie ended in time for them to try fizzy! I snuggled into Caleb and dozed off.

TO BE CONTINUED! Part two will be up as soon as possible. I may post one a day or one every two days. It depends on my homework and how much time I have. I hope you're enjoying!!💖 sorry for any mistakes. Please leave requests or a title of their vlog you'd like me to write about.

Caleb Logan Bratayley Imagines (Brataley mini Fanfics)Where stories live. Discover now