Sofa Snuggles, Soda & Snakes

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Your P.O.V
I woke up to find myself snuggled into a half asleep Calebs chest. I sat up slowly and grabbed my phone, snapping a photo of him asleep. I then heard people talking in the kitchen and realised they were going to try soda tonight and I was going to watch. I slipped on Calebs grey jumper that was on the chair as he'd taken it off as he was too hot earlier. I walked through to the kitchen. "EMILYS HERE!" Annie shouted quietly to the vlog camera so she didn't wake Hayley or Caleb. "I've just woken up!" I said covering my face. "BEAUTIFUL!" Katie said hugging me. I laughed and smiled. "What's the time?" I asked Billy. "11:50" he said which made Annie squeal in excitement. "Are you gonna have soda and cake with us?" Katie asked me. "Uhh. No thanks, I'm going back to sleep once you try it!!" I say and then yawn. "You're so cute and sleepy!" Katie says. I smiled and rubbed my eyes then took a seat at the table.

"11:59!!!" Billy said. We counted down from 10 and then Annie and Katie took a sip. Liv also had some but she'd not given it up for so long. "It's fizzy!" Annie said and giggled. "I know, it's very sweet too!" Katie added. They both liked it though (Watch them react in the vlog in the media).

I smiled and yawned then went and laid down with caleb. He half opened his eyes and kissed my head as he wrapped his arms around me. I snuggled into him and drifted to sleep. I heard him ask Katie how the soda was when she walked through to help Annie and Liv set the DVD player up. Then I heard him settle down again. It went quiet and I fell asleep. A few minutes later Katie came through with the camera. "Look what we got in here," she said walking in. "A sleeping couple. I think Calebs half awake because he asked me how my soda was. And a peaceful Emily. Is she asleep? She looks it!" She said to caleb and he nodded pulling me closer to him. Then she showed Hayley and said about her eyes being open. "Now if you'll excuse me, we'll be watching Mrs doubtfire!" Annie smiled to her Mom and the camera. "Okay nice, don't be too loud and wake em or caleb okay, daddies taking Hayley upstairs." She said and turned off the vlog. "Night guys" she said and went upstairs.

I was still fast asleep throughout the film and woke up around 9:30 just after Annie and Liv did. "Sleeping beauty is here!" Billy said as he was blogging then put the camera on me. I smiled and waved then yawned! He turned the camera off and Katie came in with Hayley. "Morning em, sleep good?" Katie asked and kissed my head. "Yes thanks, you?" I asked her. "Good thanks, surprised the girls didn't keep you up!!" She laughed and out Hayley on a chair with a plate of food in front of her. She sat silently eating (not a morning person!). Annie and Liv chatted away and soon caleb came in and sat next to me, resting his head on my shoulder with his arms wrapped around me. "CALEB IS AWAKE!" Annie shouted as Katie turned the vlog camera on. "Hi!" He smiled to the camera. "He said something when he woke up?! Miracle, Emily need to stay more often!!" Katie joked to the camera. We all laughed and Caleb and I ate our food.

"What're we doing today? Annie asked billy. "Not much I don't think, playing and swimming." He said. We all went upstairs and got changed into swimming things (Katie and billy didn't) and decided to go in the hot tub. "Stop splashing!"I said to caleb and he laughed and splashed Annie. "He's splashing!" She said as billy came out with the camera. Annie then splashed caleb. "Hey you splashed him too." He said and Caleb aggreed. After talking for a bit, Annie and Liv wanted to jump into the lake so they got out and walked over to the dock. As they jumped in, caleb and I walked over and watched, it sounded cold!

"Caleb Emily you jump!" Annie said. "We're not jumping yet!" Caleb said causing Annie to call us wimps on the vlog. "Please?" Annie pleaded to me. "Fineeeee." I ran and jumped off without a second thought. Liv was ready to jump and just as she did billy said "Stop." Obviously she didn't hear him on time and was already in the water. "What the heck?" Liv yelled and said that it scared her. "What?" Annie said. "Just stop." Billy repeated so Liv and I stayed as still as possible. "Okay go," billy then said. "What was it?" I asked. "A snake." Billy replied. The girls squealed as did I. "Okay get out!" Billy said. Caleb ran and jumped in near me. "Caleb no!" Billy said. "I'm not letting her swim to the shore alone dad! There's a snake!" He said and we swam, in panic may I add, to the dock where Caleb boosted me up so I could climb up then he followed. "My hero," I joked and kissed his cheek. "Always," he replied kissing mine. "Awwwwww!" Annie Liv and billie said who were still vlogging us.

After a while of sitting in the hot tub, I decided to shower and wash my hair. Once I was out and dressed I decided to dry my hair and put it into two French braids. Meanwhile, Caleb Annie and Hayley were getting ready and showered. Liv soon went home as they were going to film a BKB video. I was planning to go to gymnastics to give them time to film but my class got cancelled due to our teacher being absen. We had the choice to go in for a substitute coach but our class decided against it. Annie filmed saying the opening line. Next was Calebs turn and Annie pulled him up as I pushed him. "Do NOT try this at home...NAILED IT!" He said a fist pumped the air. Then he hi fived me. Billy started making their theme tune and I joined in and we finished filming the video, I just watched and laughed.

We had some lunch, cheese and ham toasties to be exact. Then we went outside to play with some toys. We played frisbee and I struggled to catch it. Caleb threw it to me one last time and I jumped and caught it and squealed. Caleb ran over and lifted me onto his shoulders and ran around as a celebration. I held onto him for dear life and laughed. "Are you vlogging still?" Hayley asked Katie, who nodded in response. We then got out the dog ball toy. Hayley headed to the trampoline so I joined her on there whilst Katie continued to vlog Caleb and Annie. She then came over to U.S., "having fun girls?" She asked Hayley and I who were holding hands and jumping. "YES!" Hayley screamed. I nodded and giggled.

Soon we realised the time and it was already nearly 7pm. We decided to go out for dinner again so we all piled into the car, Caleb and I in the back, Annie and Hayley in the middle and billy and Katie in the front. We sat down in a booth. Caleb, then me , then Hayley on one side and katie, then Annie and then billy in the other side. Whilst waiting for everyone's food to arrive Hayley climbed into my lap and then hugged Caleb and I. Katie got the camera out and filmed a tiny bit of it before Caleb started to be silly and stopped the cute moment (although it was still cute). "Just as I get the camera out, they were being sweet!" Katie said to the camera. Caleb started pretending to bite Hayley causing her to squirm in my lap and giggle. I smiled at the bond they have. After the camera turned off, we ate out food and went to the car.

After we left the restaurant, we headed to my house. I already had my bags in the car so I had everything. "Thanks so much for having me!" I said again to Katie and Billy. "Don't be silly sweetie, you're always welcome!" Katie said. "Bye girls, luv ya!" I said and I kissed their cheeks and hugged them before exiting the car with Caleb and Katie. "Katie! Thanks so much for having Emily!" My mom said as she opened out front door. "Anytime!" Katie said and they started talking. "Ill see you soon," I said to Caleb. "Yeah, love you." He said. "I love you!" I said back and pecked his lips quickly before they left. I waved them off and they were out of sight.

"How was it?" Mom asked me. "Perfect!" I replied and went up to bed as I was exhausted. Before I went to sleep I got a text.

From Caleb💙:
Sweet dreams beautiful, love you xx

I smiled and replied.

To Caleb💙:
Night my lovely, thanks for a great time xox

I closed my phone of and went into a deep sleep.

AN: SORRY FOR THE WAIT! Ive had the worst week ever. Felt so stressed and anxious. I think I may have anxiety but I don't know, I think I had a kind of panic attack Friday but how do you know? If anyone can help then please do. Thanks for reading! Leave requests and comments xoxo (apologies for any mistakes) let me know where you're from as I'm interested about time zones and when's best for me to update.

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