Chapter 13

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Amelia P.O.V

I had to wake up at seven this morning because we were going on a run at 8 which left me with an hour to get ready. I put on some Nike shorts and a crop top with my running shoes. I tied my hair up into a high pony tail and grabbed my drink.
"Good morning baby girl" mum said giving me a hug
"Morning mamma" I said and kissed her cheek.
"Let's get going don't forget we're planning your party later" mum said unlocking the car.
"I'm tired why do I have to be doing something everyday" I whined
"Because it's good for you and plus your all amazing dancers and she wants to keep you all in shape. Hey at least you'll have a beach body for when we go away" mum said
"Haha Ino" I laughed and then mum pulled up in front of dance.
"I'll be waiting for you when your done" she said and I jumped out of the car and went to Reagan
"Hey gurlllll" she said and gave me a hug
"Heyyy" I said and then we started to run. Again I ran at the front and we ran the same route but today we took a different route home and I saw Grayson training. He saw me and went up to his coach and then ran up to me so I stopped running.
"Hello gorgeous" he said and gave me a hug
"Hi how come your training early" I asked
"We've got a big match coming up" he said
"I better get going I'm supposed to be running with the team" I said and then he kissed me
"Love you" he said then ran back to his team.
I started to run again and I heard all his team teasing him because he kissed me. I caught up with my team and ran ahead. Mum was waiting for me at the studio in the car.
"Had a nice time" she teased
"Yeah I saw Grayson training" I smiled
"Oh really" she asked a started to drive
"Are they awake" I asked
"Who the boys" she asked
"No Lala of course the boys" I laughed
"Yeah but there in their rooms" she said and I sighed with relief.
We arrived home and I stayed in my running clothes because I had dance later on.
"Right go and get a piece of paper and a pen let's plan this party" mum cheered. I went in my room and got my notepad that I used for homework last year and a pen. I went into the kitchen and sat on the dining table with mum.
"You tell me who you want and I'll write it down." Mum said
"Okay first I want friends from dance Reagan, Lacey, Brooklyn and Georgie. My group of friends at School Harper, Zara, Brailey and Peyton. All 23 cousins and aunties and uncles. You, nonno and nonna. Luke, Beau, Jai, James and Daniel. Oscar,Grayson, Harley and Kennedy. Two of my old cheer friends Alyssa and Hayley the twins. Brennan and Chase. Olivia and Finally Eliza who used to live next door" I said
"So that's 60 but including yourself 61 bloody hell" she said and then the house phone started ringing. Mum got up and answered it.
"Hello mum" she said it was nonna
"Okay we'll be round soon thank you" mum said the needed the phone.
"Your nonna wants us to go round to hers she's cooked dinner" mum said
"Yes! I love nonnas food wait does that mean the boys are coming" I said.
"Yep I'll go and tell then go and get yourself changed and being some dance clothes because we'll probably be there until you have to go to dance" mum said and I got changed into some white jeans, a crop top and my black converse. Mum got all the boys up and they got changed. Although my grandparents house was round the corner and we could walk but mum said we would go in the car because I had dance. In the car we had our seats Beau would sit in the front Luke on one side me in the middle and Jai on the other side. When I got in the car I didn't expect them to be sat were they normally sit but they were so I had to climb over them with my dance bag which was pretty awkward. And to make it even more awkward Grayson rang me.
G: Hello baby are you in
A: No I've literally just gone out are you okay
G: No I need to see you
A: Why what have I done
G: No you haven't done anything I just miss you
A: Awe I miss you to but don't start this again
G: Will you come round after
A: Of course I will babe (just to annoy the boys)
G: And what time will that be
A: After nine
G: Ugh okay but you better come round
A: I will I've gotta go now see you later
G: Bye baby love you
A: Love you to
I said then ended the phone and Luke gave me a dirty look.
"Was that Gray" mum asked
"Yep" I said popping the p
"Are you going round later then" she asked
"Yeah" I said
"Time?" She asked
"After dance so about 9ish" I said and unbuckled my seatbelt because we arrived. I fooled my mum in and my brothers followed me in. I ran upto my nonno because me and him have always been close he's been like my father figure in life a swell as Beau at times.
"How's my baby girl" he said giving me a hug
"I'm good nonno are you" I asked
"Yes I am" nonno said and then I went to my nonna.
"Hello nonna" I said and gave her a hug
"Hello Amelia" she said and continued cooking. The boys were all sat on the couches talking to nonno probably about soccer.
"Amelia come sit down" Nonno said pointing at a seat next to Jai.
"No thanks nonno I'm just going to go outside" I said and went outside to do abit of tumbling because nonno and nonna have a long garden. Mum and nonna came outside to look at nonnas garden and they saw me.
"Amelia what you doing" mum asked me
"I don't want to sit with The boys but I feel sorry on nonno" I said
"What have the boys done now" Nonna asked
"I'll explain later mum show us some tricks Amelia" mum said changing the topic.
I did a few flips and cartwheels and I saw mum explaining what had happened to nonna so I walked back inside which was a mistake because nonno wasn't there.
"Have you told nonna" Luke asked because he knew she would shout at them
"No mum did she was asking" I said
"Oh well done Amelia you can never do anything right" Luke sighed
"Neither can you" I shouted back
"Hey hey what's going on" nonno said walking in.
"Nothing nonno it's fine" I said and walked into the spare room.
I sat on the bed just silent for a few minutes till my nonna walked in.
"Don't let them bother you there just silly boys" she said sitting next to me
"They keep having a go at me though for nothing" I sighed
"There just angry I've shouted at them so they shouldn't say anything" she said and we walked back into the front room.
"You okay" mum mimed to me and I rested my head on her chest.
"It's okay baby" she said
"How come she gets all the attention" Beau said
"Beau Peter Brooks I told you to stop it now" Nonna shouted which made me laugh abit.
"Dinners ready everyone sit down" Nonna said so we all took our seats. I would normally sit next to Jai but today I sat next to my mum and Nonno. Nonno noticed and whispered
"I know your upset tell me later"
I nodded and he smiled. I didn't really feel like eating so I only ate 1/4 of my good.
"Amelia please finish your food" mum asked
"I'm not hungry" I said
"Amelia you need to eat your exercising every day" mum sighed
"I feel sick if I eat mum" I sighed
"Amelia Ino but just eat at least half please" she said and I did what she said even though I wasn't hungry.
"I've ate half" I said putting my fork
"Uh okay I don't know what to do you can't not eat" mum sighed
"I'm just not hungry" I said
"But your always not hungry your doing a lot of sport everyday and if you don't eat your going to end up ill" mum said
"Just eat it" beau said getting stressed
"Since when do you care" I shouted
"I don't your just an annoying little bitch" Beau said and I threw my empty plastic cup at him and ran away crying. I went in the spare room and I could hear mum talking to them all.
"This is all your fault look what your doing to the poor girl she won't eat because she's that upset just because she's got a boyfriend. She's going to end up ill and when she does I'm blaming it all on you three you better Buck your ides up right now" mum shouted at the boys. Jai wasn't really getting involved he was just staying quiet, I did feel sorry but I can't help it. Mum shouted me back into the kitchen so I obeyed her order and walked in kitchen with tears still falling down my eyes. The boys were sat on the couch again and Jai looked upset when he saw me crying but he didn't do anything so I walked upto my mum.
"Come her babe" she said and I cried into her chest whilst she played with my hair. 
"Are you going to finish your food" she asks me.
"Do I have to" I cried
"No it's okay" she said noticing I was still crying. "Here come and sit down"
I followed her and sat next to her on the two seater. I turned on my phone and mum watched me. My lock screen was a picture of me and Grayson. Mum nudged me and smiled at the picture, I covered my hands with my face and laughed.
"See he makes you happy" mum said. She was true he does make me happy because he's always there when I need him.
"I love him mum why can't they understand" I whispered in her ear so they couldn't hear
"Ino you do sweetheart but they will do soon" mum said they could hear so they just gave us a funny look.
"Mum it's only 2 I've got 4 hours till dance" I whined
"Well what do you wanna do" she asked.
"Dunno" I shrugged
"Well why don't ask Grayson to come and meet your nonno and nonna" mum asked
"Ear mum I don't think that would be a good idea he's scared that the boys are gonna batter him" I sighed
"They won't touch him they can stay out of the way they can go and sit on the summer couch outside whilst he's in here" mum said
"What that's not fair" Beau said jumping up
"Yes it is he's scared of you so your going out" mum said and he shut up
"Shall I ring him" I asked getting up
"Yes but stay here you don't need to get up" mum said making things awkward
"Oo and tell him his mum knows where it is" she added.
I found his contact and rung him with everyone listening
G: Hey baby you okay
A: Yeah I'm fine are you
G: Yeah what's up
A: I'm at my grandparents and I was wondering if you wanted to meet them
G: Sure but are your brothers there
A: Yeah but they will be outside mum will keep them away
G: Okay shall I meet you
A: No your mum knows where it is
G: Okay I'll seen you in a minute
A: Okay bye Gray
G: I love you
A: I love you to
I ended the phone call and everyone except Jai was looking at me
"See he even asked if you were going to be there" I said
"Fuck off you little bitch" Luke said jumping up and walking over to me. Nonno, nonna and mum had gone out of the room at this point
"No" I shouted
"Your just irrelevant no one likes you" he said getting in my face
"Go away" I said pushing him
"Don't push me you little shit" Luke said and pushed me
"Luke stop it man" Jai said and pulled him down
"Since when do you care" Luke stressed at Jai
"You can't hurt her" He said then went and sat outside like mum told them to.
"Boys out now" said and they obeyed her
"What up darling you look abit scared" Nonna asked
"Nothing" I lied I dint want to tell anyone about Luke
I heard a knock at the door and I ran to the front door. I gave Grayson a hug and a kiss and invited him in. The boys could see us because the back door was was like one big window. We walked in hand in hand and the boys looked at him then back at their phones.
"Nonno, Nonna this is Grayson" I introduced him.
"Hello lad you okay" my nonno asked
"Yeah thanks" he smiled then we sat next to eachother on the couch.
"So Grayson do you play any sport" Nonno asked him
"Yeah I play soccer and football" he said
"Oh really I used to play soccer" Nonno said and Grayson smiled.
"Mum" mum shouted from the other room. So nonna got up and Nonno followed just being nosey.
"Are they your brothers" Grayson asked
"Yeah unfortunately" I sighed
"Which ones the one that hurt you" Grayson asked and my stomach dropped thinking about him and how he always hurts me
"Luke the one sat on the end then it's Beau then Jai" I said
"Jai your favourite" he asked
"Yeah well he used to be I'm not talking to any of them at the moment" I sighed
"Well you have me you know I'm always here don't you" he said and held my face in his hands
"I love you Gray" I said and kissed him. His back was facing the boys and I was facing them so I could see there reaction. There faces were priceless because they have never seen me kiss anyone like that before, so just smirked.
"Amelia you need to get change we need to go to dance and we will drop you off on the way home Gray" mum said and I went and got change.

Jai P.O.V

"Why do you always go to hurt her" I asked Luke
"Oh so your finally speaking" Luke laughed
"Yeah and I asked you why do you always go to hurt her" I said
"Because she gets on my fucking nerves" he sighed
"How" I asked him
"She just does she's thinks she's 18 and gets all the attention" Luke said
"Just because she's got a boyfriend doesn't mean she thinks she's 18 and she can't help getting attention it's because she's actually nice to everyone when there nice to her unlike you" I stressed at him
"I thought you fell out with her Jai" Beau butted in
"I haven't it's just hard because I don't think I'm gonna be as close with her anymore" I sighed
"Well I have" Beau sighed
" I don't get why you always hate her" I questioned
"It's her fault most of the time" Luke said
"What for being herself" I stressed
"Yeah" Beau laughed
"Well you two are shit older brothers it's actually disgusting" I sighed
"What the fuck Jai your no better" Beau shouted
"At least I spend time with her and tell her I love her you don't even act like you love her do you even like her" I asked and then they shut up.
"Of course I love her she just pisses me off" Luke shouted then stormed off
"What do you think off him" I asked Beau
"Who Grayson" beau asked
"Yeah" I replied
"He's a good looking lad but I dunno really" Beau said
"We need to get to know him more to make sure he's right for her" I said
"Jai you treat her like a princess don't stress over things like this" Beau laughed
"I can't help it Beau she means the world to me I just want her to be happy" I sighed
"Me to bro but I think she's too young" he said
"Do you think she'll still be close to us" I asked
"Jai of course she will she loves the fuck out of you maybe not as much me and Luke" Beau said
"I hope so and she loves us all the same bro she tells me" I reassured him
"Well I'm going to go in seen as they have gone" Beau said and I followed him back in

Amelia P.O.V

I arrived at dance and stretched. Whilst we stretched we listened to music and messed around. Olivia arrived and we practised our routine over and over. We finished and I walked out and into my mums car.
"Hello mum" I said
"Hello doll" she said
"Are the boys in" I asked
"Yep stop worrying I was thinking that we could go into town tomorrow" she said
"I have gym first though" I sighed
"Okay we'll pick you up after so you will have to bring a change of clothes and have a shower at dance" she said
"Okay but by we who do you mean" I asked
"Your brothers" she said
"I'm not going" I stated
"Yes you are" she said
"Mum I don't want to go with them" I sighed
"Amelia that's the end off it your going" mum shouted
"I'm not going" I shouted and ran into the house. I stormed past the boys and slammed my bedroom door. I could hear mum talking to the boys so I listened
"What's up" Jai asked
"She doesn't want to go into town with you tomorrow and I told she has to" mum said
"Mum we've invited the boys round tomorrow after we go out and Oscars coming" Beau said.
"Oscar with what just happened I don't think that's a good idea" mum said
"Well he said he wants to come round so" Beau said
"Okay well we're going at 12:30 tomorrow after she finishes dance" mum said
"She has dance again"  Jai said
"Well it's in the gym but she has a big season coming up she needs to get fitter" mum said
"Oh well what do you think about Grayson mum" Luke asked
"I think he's lovely he looks after her you know, you didn't see him doing in much today because I could tell he was nervous but he's always kissing and holding her tight. He never goes a days without telling her that he loves her and you want to see the way her face lights up when she sees him or he texts her I'm just happy she's happy really" mum said
"I'm just scared of what he might turn into" Jai said.
"I don't think he's like that his brother isn't like that at all." Mum said
"I'm scared she's going to go bitchy" Jai said
"What more than she already is" Luke laughed and that was it I stormed out of my room and into the living room where they were all talking.
"Excuse me but I don't think I want you talking about me and calling me behind my back and Luke shut the fuck up just because you think your mr perfect doesn't mean you can call everyone if there not up to your fucking standard you low life scum" I shouted then stormed back into my room I laughed abit to my self because I always find it funny when I shout at them. I leant my back gains the door so I could hear them again
"Wow" Beau said which made me laugh.
"She's one feisty little girl" mum laughed
"She's a little bitch" Luke said
"Luke" mum shouted
"What" He said
"Don't you dare call your baby sister a bitch" she said
"Okay" he laughed
"I dunno why she's being like this" Beau said
"I do I know exactly why" Mum said
"Why?" Jai asked
"Because she's upset but doesn't show it Ino half the time she cries herself to sleep because of you, you drag her self esteem like God knows what, you forget she's a thirteen year old girl and your baby sister. It's horrible that you make her like this not just so one from school but her own brothers" Mum said and then went to her room.
I got changed into some pyjamas and fell asleep thinking about what mum said

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