Chapter 23

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Amelia P.O.V

I woke up, and again Jai was already up. I brushed my teeth and had a shower before I did anything because I felt really dirty. I left my hair damp and went to get breakfast, mum was watching telly and I could see the boys sat around the pool.
"Morning honey" mum said
"Morning mum what we doing today" I asked
"We're going into the town" she said
"Okay I'll go and see the boys then get dressed" I said then went out to the boys.
"Morning" I said
"Morning babe" Luke said hugged me for a while
"I'm going getting dressed, Jai I'll be in the bathroom" I said
"Okay" he said. I picked my outfit out and took it into the bathroom, I picked out a yin yang top, black shorts and blacks converse. I left my hair down but dryer it abit, brushed my hair then went back into the front were everyone was waiting. Mum said that we should walk into town which would take 20 minutes but I wasn't really that bothered.
"Ame have you got your money" mum asked
"Yeah here" I said and handed it her to put in her handbag, I had quite abit of money because all the boys gave me 50 dollars, nonno and nonna gave me 40 and my mum gave me 100 like she always does when we go away.
"Are you buying all your friends something" mum asked me
"Yeah I'm buying Grayson, Reagan, Brooklyn, Georgie, Lacey, Zara, Brailey, Harper and Peyton something" I said
"Jesus Christ I'll buy nonno and nonna something right then come on" mum said then we started to walk. I checked my phone whilst we were walking, Luke put some photos on his photography account. He put one of me dancing saying: Beautiful😊 Then one of me and Jai hugging on the beach saying: Sibling goals👌🏽. Then a selfie that he took on his profession camera of me and him that looked really cool and put: My little squirt😍😊. I put the one of me and Jai on Twitter saying: Cute😊Thanks Luke! Then one of me and Luke saying: Love this picture. Love my brother❣😊 Jai retweeted and Luke replied saying: I love you to sweetheart😊. He looked back at me and smiled so I smiled back. I started walking with Beau but I didn't really talk to him he mostly spoke to himself. I went on my phone again and checked random stuff until I walked head first into a lamppost and fell over.
"Ouch" I shouted and all I could see was my brothers pissing themselves and my mum looking very concerned.
"Your an absolute nut case Ame" Mum laughed
"It hurts" I laughed and touched my head
"Well your going to have a big bruise on your fod" mum said as the boys continued to laughed
"It's not funny" I laughed/shouted at them
"You make me laugh I feel sick" Beau laughed
"Are you okay though like it's not cut open or you feel dizzy" Jai said
"Typical Jai" Mum said
"No I'm fine but it bloody kills" I laughed
"Let's continue" mum said and we carried on walking, Luke was still pissing him self so I punched him in the back.
"Ouch" he laughed
"Stop laughing" I said trying to not to laugh at him.
"It's too funny" he laughed
"It hurt" I laughed
"You've already got a bruise" Jai said
"Let me see" I said getting my phone out to have a look in the camera
"Omg I look well" I laughed
"Grayson won't like you anymore" Luke laughed
"He said he didn't like me just for my looks" I said and kicked him
"But you look like a goon" he laughed
"And so do you" I said and pushed him
"I love you really" he said and hugged me so I hugged him back.
"Well that was eventful were here now" mum said pointing at all the shops and stuff. I walked round with mum and the boys went off so we went to a gift shop and I bought all my friends a bracket that had the letter of their names on. I bought Grayson a snapback and a t-shirt, I bought myself a few bracelets and I thought I would be kind and bought Kennedy a little teddy. We met up with the boys at a hotdog place and sat down.
"So what did you do" I asked them
"Just looked in a few shops and got new tattoo's" Beau said showing me his arm wrapped up
"Off what" I asked
"I'll show you after when I can take this off we all got matching but Jai got a little extra one" Beau said and Jai smiled at me
"Well I bought all my friends something" I said.
"Let me take a picture off your head" Luke said and started laughing
"Only if someone will be in the picture with me I'll look like a right numpty on my own" I said and Beau smiled with me. Soon after my phone buzzed and it was off Luke's Twitter he put: She's clumsy af, walked into a lamppost but we still love her😂 I tweeted him saying: I get it off Jai! Love you too bro☺️.
"Thanks for telling the world I really appreciate it" I said sarcastically.
"Your very much welcome" Luke laughed. Our food came and we ate it all really quick because we were starving. When we finished eating we walked around a bit and in some other shops we finally decided to walk back home even thought it was only 2.
"Watch out for that lamp post" Luke said as I walked past one
"Your never gonna let that go are you?" I asked
"Nope" he laughed. I just pushed him and carried on walking on my own. We got back to the house a different put all my stuff that I bought in my suitcase so I wouldn't forget to take them home with me. I went back in the living room and the boys were looking at their new tattoos.
"Can I see" I asked
"Yeah come here" Beau said and he showed me his arm that had three crowns and a tiara(I know the boys got their tattoos in Sweden but it's a fanfic☺️).
"The three crowns are me, Luke and Jai and the tiara is you we all got them" Beau said and the boys showed me their arms
"I also got a little special one for you" Jai said pointing at his tattoo covered arm. He had got my birthdate tattooed in a small heart.
"Omg Jai that's cute" I said and jumped on him so he picked me up.
"I love you" he said
"I love you more" I said then kissed his cheek. Luke then went to finish the video and we were sat waiting for Daniel and James to Skype us. All the boys had put something on Twitter about there new tattoos
Beau: New ink to represent mums princes and princess☺️
Luke: New tattoo, three princes protecting our princess👑
Jai: 2 new tatts three princes and princess and a special one for my favourite person🙂
I replied to them all saying: I love you so much😘. Soon after James and Daniel came on Skype.
"Hello" they both said at the same same time.
"Hiiiii" Beau said
"How are you all" James asked
"We're good but did you see what I put on Twitter about Ame" Luke laughed
"Yeah she's a clumsy sod" James laughed and I walked behind the boys so that Daniel and James could see me
"Excuse me" I said
"Hello clumsy" James laughed
"It wasn't funny" I said and Jai pulled me onto his knee.
"Your new tattoos are well sick" Daniel said
"I love it" Beau said looking at it
"The video should be up tonight I've nearly finished editing it" Luke said
"We were gonna film but we couldn't think of anything" Daniel said and scratched his head
"Well we filed so it should be okay till we get back" Jai said and then Oscar came and sat next to Daniel, talk about awkward.
"Hello lad" Luke said to him
"Hello you having a nice holiday" Oscar asked
"Yeah it's good mate" Luke said and I went on my phone because it was pretty awkward. Jai was watching everything I did on my phone so I decided not to text Gray just in case.
"Smile Jai" I said and held my phone out and he smiled
"Send me that" he said so I put it on my story saying: On Skype with the boys🤔 then sent it to him. To make things more awkward Grayson started ringing me, so I tried to get up but Jai wouldn't let me
"Stay here it doesn't matter they're talking"Jai said and I sighed then answered the phone
"Hello" I said
"Hello gorgeous" he said
"How are you" I asked
"I'm good how are you" he asked
"I'm good except from walking into a lamppost" I laughed
"I saw that does it hurt" he asked
"Abit but it's better now" I said
"As long as your okay then that's all that matters" he said which made me smile
"I better go now we're on Skype with the boys" I said
"Okay babe see you soon love you so much" he said which made me smiled even more
"I love you to" I said then put the phone down. Every Time I rang him it but me in a bad mood because I missed him.
"Who was that" Beau asked
"Gray" I said blankly
"What did he want" Beau asked
"Nothing" I said blankly
"You okay" Beau asked
"Ye" I said and Jai hugged me tighter so I turned round and hugged him.
"You need to do your dance Amelia" mum said as she walked in
"Are you okay" she asked because she saw me hugging Jai
"Yeah" I said then got up, today I had to practice leaps and turns. I got up and practiced whilst mum watched.

Jai P.O.V

Amelia got off my knee and went to practice her dance and other things, we were still on Skype to James and Daniel but Oscar had gone now that had Amelia had even though they didn't talk!
"Why did Oscar leave" I asked,curious
"I dunno" Daniel said but I could tell he was lying so I raised my eyebrow
"Just tell them" James said then nudged him
"Okay well he still like Amelia even though I've told him all about Grayson" Daniel said
"Well that's abit awkward but I don't think Amelia and Grayson will be breaking up anytime soon" Beau laughed
"Ino I've told him but he's says that he is still gonna like her because he won't want to get with anyone else" Daniel said
"That's abit deep" Luke laughed. Amelia finished her dancing and she came and sat back on my knee. She put her head back on my shoulder and listens to our convosation, I could tell she was tired because she was falling asleep on my shoulder so I picked her up and put her in bed.
""Go to sleep baby your shattered" I said then kissed her head. I shut the door and went back to the boys who had just said bye to the other two and sat down on the couch.
"I've waited till Amelia wasn't around tell you all this because I'm going to tell her later" Beau said
"What is it" Mum asked abit concerned
"Well I've been speaking to a girl who I used to go to school with for a few weeks and I really like her so when we get home I think I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend" Beau said
"That'd great baby I'm halt for you which girl is it" mum asked
"Faith" Beau said smiling
"Wait Beau she's that really hot one" Luke said looking shocked
"Yeah she was in my form" Beau said
"Well you've got yourself a good one there Beau she's beautiful" Mum said
"I won't believe it if she says yes because why would someone so hot go out with you" I teased
"Excuse me but I'm beautiful it has my name in the word" Beau said
"Believe what you want" I laughed
"So are you telling Amelia when you e asked her out or what" Luke asked
"I  think I'm going to ask her out then leave it for a few days then tell her more softly than a certain someone" Beau said
"I didn't mean to tell her like that" Luke said holding his hands up in defence
"She hated that girl" mum laughed
"I think we all did" I said
"Yep she was horrible she thought she was a good dancer" Beau laughed
"Ugh dance don't remind me of that" mum sighed
"Why" I asked
"When we get home all we have is dance dance dance" Mum said
"Why has she got lots of comps" Luke asked
"Well we have a 10 hour car ride to Sydney for a competition to see what the dancers are like because Olivia said she's going to get Amelia to try out for Australia U15's and then she's got trails to get on state team then we will be traveling with different dancers on that team and if she gets on Australia she will be going to worlds" Mum sighed
"I hope she gets on the teams she's trained so hard" Beau said
"Yep I try so hard to get her to all the training sessions on time and comps it's hard work but it makes her happy and that's all I want her to be" Mum said
"She's one special girl" Beau said.

I'm so sorry I haven't updated in ages I've been really busy. Also I'm sorry it's quite short it's the best I could do with not much time. I will probably post the next chapter at the start of next year so I hope you all have a great Christmas and a happy new year, I love you all. Thank you soo much for all the reads, I should be posting a lot more chapters in the new year and a friend is going to be helping me out with this account and she may write a new story?!?!?!??! 😘😊

Thanks for reading remember to comment and vote🌸

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