Chapter 17

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Amelia P.O.V

I woke up with my face in Graysons chest. He had woken up before me and was parlaying with my hair.
"Morning baby" he said and I kissed him
"I'm starving" I whined
"Let's get up then" he said and picked me up which made me squeal. He chucked a top on over his boxers and we walked into the living room where everyone was.
"Morning slept well" mum asked
"Yep" I said the I sat down on Graysons knee.
"Mum can you make me some toast please" I asked
"Yeah of course do you want some Gray" she asked
"Yes please" he said.
"How's your arm" Grayson asked me
"It's abit painful to move but it's better than yesterday" I told him. Whilst we waited for mum to finish making our toast Grayson played with my hands whilst I watched telly. My brothers were up but they a rent really talkers in the morning. Mum walked back in and passed us each a piece of toast. Grayson ate his first and then I finished mine.
"I'm going to get changed" I said. Grayson followed me into my room and got his stuff because his mum text him saying he needed to go. I got changed into my, maroon hoodie, skinny jeans and white converse. I walked Grayson to the front door and kissed him.
"I'll see you later baby" he said
"Okay Baby text me" I told him as he left. I could Jai looking at me upset so I decided to talk to Beau about it.
"Beau can I speak to you in private please" I asked
"Of course" he said and took me to his room. He sat me on his knee and put his arms around my waist.
"What's wrong with Jai" I asked
"I don't think he can adjust to the fact you have a boyfriend because he wants you to be with him all the time" Beau said and a tear fell down my face
"Aww babe don't cry it's not your fault" Beau said and rocked me back and forth.
"I can't please him at all whatever I do he just gets upset" I cried
"Listen Amelia your doing everything right your not ignoring him he's just being soft" Beau said
"I just want to hug him but he doesn't want me near him" I cried
"He does baby he didn't tell you that Ino he acts like that shall we go back on the front" beau suggested. He carried me bridal style back into the front room and sat me on his knee. Behind the telly there was a mirror so I could see beau. He mimed something to Jai
"Look what your doing to her" he mimed. But Jai just turned his head. Luke then mimed something to Beau
"What's up" he mimed
"Jai" he mimed back
"What he done" he mimed
"Being a dick" Beau mimed. I yawned and leant back to stop them talking about me.
"Amelia are you going to dance tonight" Luke asked
"Yeah why" I asked
"Daniel and James are coming tonight" Luke said
"Oh how great Daniel" I sighed
"We will get him to apologise" Beau said
"I'm not bothered about him it's Oscar" I said
"What's he done" Beau asked
"He's been well blunt with me since I told him about me and Gray" I sighed
"That's probably cause he likes you" Beau said
"Did, but he shouldn't now" I sighed.
"Hey well we're supposed to be doing a twit cam now so Luke go get your laptop and Jai swap seats with Amelia" Beau said so got up at the same time as Jai and squeezed past him so I could sit down. Beau turned on the twitcam and I went in my room to go on my phone. I checked my Twitter and Instagram then mum shouted me. I walked past the boys but Beau stopped me
"Say hello Amelia" he said
"Hey guys" I smiled then went to find mum who was in the kitchen.
"What's up" I asked sitting on the table.
"Ino it's late but what do you what do you want for dinner" mum asked
"Just some chips" I said
"Nothing else just chips" she asked weirded out
"Yeah I'm not to hungry" I said
"Okay wait in the living room please they shouldn't be long" mum said so I followed her order and sat on the one seater.
"Oh look were joined by Amelia" Luke said and pointed at me to come over so I did and he pulled me onto his knee.
"Amelia someone asked Who's your favourite Janoskian" Beau asked
"That's easy it James" I smiled
"Excuse me" Luke said and pretended to cry
"Well he never yells at me" I shrugged
"Hahaha your too cute" Beau laughed
"Someone asked what happened to Oscar" Luke asked
"Can I say" I asked Luke
"If you want" Luke said and kissed my cheek
"Well he hasn't really spoken to me and when he does he's blunt with me but I can't be arsed explaining why" I sighed
"Amelia your dinner" mum shouted and I went into the kitchen
"God I can't believe your 14 tomorrow" mum said whilst giving me my food
"Ino I can't wait" I squealed
"My baby girl 14" she said hugging me from behind
"I better get dressed" I sighed putting my plate away.
"Yes you should" mum said
I walked back into the living room and Jai shouted me
"Amelia can you come and talk to me now please" he said
"Okay" I questioned
He took me into his room and sat on his bed but I stayed stood up.
"Look I'm sorry I've been a right dick but it's hard seeing you that close with someone else" Jai said
"It's fine Jai I know what it's like, I feel like that when you have girlfriends" I said
"Come here" he said and I gave him a hug and a kiss.
I walked out his room and into mine to get changed into my dance close. I couldn't dance properly tonight but I was going to try. Mum obviously had to do my hair because I only had one arm, she put it in a high pony tail and made me some water. She passed me my water and I shoved a random pair of shoes on.
"See you later" I said to the boys
"Bye babe" Beau said
I got in the car and mum turned on the music which was one direction so I started singing along. We arrived at dance and mum dropped me off then went back home. I walked into dance, put my bag in my locker then went to the studio where we was.
"Right girlies we have a comp not next week but the week after in Sydney so today I'm giving out the dances. Reagan has a solo, Brooklyn and Geogrie have a duet and Lacey and Amelia have a duet then we have a group" Olivia said. She told the girls what they had and then she told me and Lacey what we were doing.
"You two are doing a hip hop dance to va va voom by nicki minaj" Olivia said.
"Whoop" Lacey shouted.
"Girls the group is where have you been by Rihanna" Olivia said
We all cheered then she told us to sit down because she walked in with a big box.
"I have a treat for you all, since it's a new season we need new kit so you all have your own personalised things" she said handing us each one. We each had a hoodie, sports bra, dance shorts and leggings.
"Omg thanks liv" we all said and gave her a hug.
"Enough of this we need to get dancing" she laughed so we got up and practised a few old routines because we were starting new next week. I had to do all my tricks one handed and it was tiring. We finished dance and mum was waiting outside.
"Wow what's all this" she said taking my new kit off me
"We got new stuff for this season" I said
"Oo very nice" she said.
"I'm so tired" I said leaning back
"Well you don't have to go to the gym and for a run tomorrow liv said you don't have to because of your arm and because it's your birthday" mum said
"Thank god what times my party" I asked
"1-4 but we have another surprise" mum cheered
"What" I asked excitedly
"Wait till we get home then I'll tell you" mum said
"Then drive faster" I joked.
We arrived him and I put all my new stuff in my room before mum was telling me what she had.
"Please tell me" I begged
"Right okay sit down" she said so I sat next to Luke
"Okay so I've planned this for a while now, so after your pool party at about none I've booked to have the local party pub place thingy for your birthday and everyone's going" mum said and I screamed with excitement
"What really omg thank you" I said jumping up and down
"Your welcome baby" she said giving me a hug.
"What time" I asked
"Well it starts at seven leaving everyone time to get ready" mum said
"Omg I can't wait" I said and just as I said that James and Daniel walked threw the door holding presents.
"Where's the birthday girl" James said giving me a quite a few presents
"Thanks James" I said and gave him a hug.
"Listen Amelia I'm so sorry Ino I was a prick but I didn't know you felt so upset. I love you like my own little sister and I am happy that your happy now" Daniel said and I gave him a hug the he passed me my presents. I put them on the coffee table then sat back down.
"I'm so tired" I yawned
"Go to bed Hun you have a big day tomorrow" mum told me. So I did but first I said night to everyone.
"Night James" I said a gave him a hug
"My last 13 year old hug off you" he said
"Night Skip" I said and gave him a hug
"Night babe" he said
"Night Beau" I said
"Night gorgeous I love you" he said
"Night Lukey" I said
"Night Ame" he said and ruffled my hair
"Night Jai" I said
"Night baby girl" he said and kissed my cheek.
I got dressed and jumped straight into bed I was so excited for tomorrow.

Ahh!!! It's baby Daniel's birthday. I can't believe he's 21, I love him soo much. Also happy Halloween🕸🎃

Thanks for reading remember to comment and vote🌸

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