Chapter 1

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I want to experience a love that knows no bounds, a love that would make you giddy every time you think of that special person, a love that could face all odds, the kind of love that looks beyond the imperfections and makes all the ugly beautiful. Ca I am a twenty-four year old hopeless romantic, pretty, smart, successful and I'm not like every bitch out there, but I swear to all that's holy, boys, I mean men don't find me attractive. Is bitchness all the rage? I couldn't pull bitch but I could maybe perfectly fake-off clingy, gold-digging whore, unsophisticated Kim Kardashian wanabees, maybe I should get a boob job and dye my hair blonde I could totally pass for a surgically enganced Barbie then. Men dig those things nowadays, but at the end of the day I don't wanna be like those girls, I don't want to be a generic I want to be my own brand.

I'm in my room in our two bedroom apartment in downtown Los Angeles, in my bra and panties when my bestest friend in the world entered without knocking. She never knocks, she claims it's her privilege to enter my room anytime she wants even without permission.

"Looking hot there, Lis. I like you're underwear, is that Victoria secret?"

"Yes, and what can I do?, I love sexy underwears" I smirked at her.

"If only those doctors knew what you had underneath those baggy scrub suits, I swear they would crawl to your bed in no time" she said slyly

I work as a nurse at St. Peter's General Hospital, and I love it. I swear it's my calling, I totally feel Mother Theresa when she helped poor people a long time ago, there's no other work out there for me as fulfilling as being a nurse, I like helping people, I like making them feel better, and I like how it feels when they thank you for helping them and being with them through the process. My life as a nurse is tough you see people die everyday, you see parents suffer for the loss of their child and vice versa, the point is losing someone you love is not easy, I have been there and sometimes you have to detach yourself with these emotions to be able to work effectively. I'm also an artist, I paint but I do it more as a hobby than a job, and once upon a time a certain gallery owner saw my painting through a friend who collects art, to make the long story short I now supply paintings on his gallery on a regular basis and guess what? I'm a hit and I go by the pseudonym Alis Turner, it's not creative but it's my first name rearranged so whatever.

"eeew, Jane, gross!" I made a face "those doctors I worked with are old enough to be my father, they wouldn't want to get on my bed"

"Oh yes they would, trust me" she smiled "So, what are you doing tonight? It's your day off right?" she asked while playing with her perfect long blonde hair.

"Yes, why? You have another event coming up?" Jane is an event planner, a very successful one for someone so young. She plans everything, weddings, parties to exhibitions you name it and she'll move hell and earth to make it happen. The only thing she can't plan is her life.

"You know me so well" she grinned "you have to come with me, please?" she pleaded making those puppy eyes I can't seem to resist "I need you there, you're the only one who knows how to make me calm, what if I have a panic attack, what if something goes wr-."

"Fine" I interrupted her usual ramblings "I'll be there". She squealed as she hugged me in the neck, almost choking me really "I know, I can count on you, you're the most amazing friend in the whole wide world" I rolled my eyes "It's the puppy eyes" I said "I know" she replied and we both laughed.

"okay I have to go now, I have to make sure everything is perfect for tonight" with that she left "and oh, clean your room!" she shouted on her way out our apartment.

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