Chapter 4

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I look at the woman who's about to give me a head pass out, and I gotta admit it was a first. I've never had a woman pass out on me while we're about to have sex, drunk or not. Well, there's a first time for everything so they say. I tucked my hard-on back in my pants and got out of bed. I dressed her quickly with the shirt I gave earlier making sure I look and touch her as little as possible, which is quite a hard work. 

"Fuck, this is a mess. You better get out now, you don't do shit like this" I told myself. I never cared enough to bring women home when they are drunk, I always call them a taxi, or call my driver to drive them home, but I never ever bring them to my private space which made me feel unsettled when I had this urge to take her with me. Sure, she's not bad to look at, I mean she's gorgeous but I've been with a lot of beautiful women before, models, actesses, businesswoman you name it, but never have I ever felt this feeling of wanting to protect and possess someone the way I feel for her. I tucked her to bed nicely and left her sleeping in my room. She looks good on my bed, she looks like she's made to sleep there everynight. Fuck. I left her in my room sleeping and I was sure I heard a cute little snore before I closed the door. 

I don't believe in love, in lust yes. I've seen my father leave my mother when I was six years old for another woman, he tells my mother I love you all the time, obviously it's a lie. If that's love, I want no part of it. Period. I'm fucked up in more ways than one, when my father went AWOL on us he also left us in debt, so by the time I was eight I was living on the streets. I learned to live the hard way, I used to wait at the dumpster behind McDonalds trying to salvage anything that could be considered as food. I sold cigarettes on the street, I even peddled. My mother was a mess, she was too depressed to function, I always find her crying with a blank-stare in her eyes. I love my mother with my whole being, I saw her try to hold us in for two years, she really did try to be strong, tried to work to pay our debts, worked three jobs to make sure I could go to school and put food in my mouth. Then one day she broke down and the bank had to take our home which left us with nothing. 

I went to the guest bedroom and took a cold shower. My boner died thankfully, I guess I have no choice but to sleep in the guestroom. I took my phone out and texted my secretary.

L: Did you find our elusive artist yet?

E: Negative, i've tried bribing the gallery owner, he won't give in. 

L: Do what you can do, I need to commission a painting before her birthday.

E: Roger that.

L: Why are you talking like you're in the military?

E: I have no idea, I just feel like the situation calls for it. Over

I tried to do some paperworks before I went to sleep, it was 3:00AM but my mind keeps on going back to the woman in my bed. 

                                                                                               L I S A 

I woke up of course to a massive headache, It feels like someone is playing drums in my cranium.  My mouth tastes bitter and feels dry and I feel icky all over. I need a shower.  I looked around my surroundings, taking everything. White sheets, white wall, ceiling to floor curtains and the most amazing view of the city you'd pay a fucking sum of money to have. It took me a moment to register that i'm not in my room. Which leads me to the question, where am I?, I was surveying the scene when my phone rang for an incoming message.

J: Did you come home from Lucas already? 





Flashbacks of what happened last night suddenly came to me, of how brazen I was, of how his mouth felt over mine and all over my body, of how I wanted to give him a blow job and what? 

"What happened next? Fuck I can't remeber, did we have sex afterwards?" 

"Nothing happened" I said trying to convince myself "this is a dream" 

I closed my eyes and when I opened them i'm still in the same place, same fucking situation.


I need to get out of here. STAT. 

I've never moved so fast before, even at work during emergency situations I always keep my cool. But not the day after one night stands apparently. I changed to my own clothes which I found on the dresser and dressed as fast as I can you would think i'm the flash.  Taking my bag from the bedside table I took off as quietly as I can. 

Should I leave a note? I thought to myself. 

"And what would I say? I HAD FUN?"

I went down the building. I'm Doing the walk if shame, who would have thought and went straight to the cab. Once I was safe inside the cab, I called my bestfriend. Correction. Ex-bestfriend. She answered after three rings. 

"Hey bff, you at home yet?

"You would know i'm not if you were there aready. Where are you anyways?"

"Told you I had an emergency situation last night, I was up until morning I haven't gone home yet from the office" 

"I think I slept with Luc" I blurted out of nowhere. 

"Whaaaaattt?? Give me the dirty deetz" she squealed excitedly.

"There's nothing to tell, and this is all your fault" 

"Girl, I had no control over your vagina. Your vagina, your fault" 

"But you are the reason I was with him in the first place"

"Your drunk ass was the reason you were with him in the first place" she argued, i'd never win this argument, I mean, when did I ever. Jane could work in the supreme court and be good at it. 

"I'm in the taxi right now, i'll talk to you later"

"I'll be home in five minutes as well, I have the keys"

"Too late for that" I snorted.


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