Minecraft In Reality

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                                                                 CHAPTER 1-Desperation

A drop of sweat trickled down my face as the sun was blazing down on this unexplored planet. My wooden sword was heavy to my fatigued arms. I leaned against a tall oak tree with my shoulder as my eyes watched the pigs rolling in the mud. One of the pigs lay down and started to doze off. I tensed my legs and readied myself for the gore that lay in the future. I flung out from behind the tree and sprinted towards the pig that has now awoken. I raised my sword and slashed through the air and into its flesh. After slicing the head off of the pig, i slung the limp body over my shoulder and slowly walked to my makeshift hut. the wind blew and all the leaves rustled in the branches and the hot air felt good against his sun burnt face. I threw my sword to the ground and hung the pig up on a branch to drain the blood that still lay in the body. i picked up the sword and drug myself into the small wooden hut and lay on the blanket that covered the dirt underneath. My eyes closed and let the cool air of the hut massage my lungs. the hut was about 3 feet in diameter and 7 feet tall. it was in the middle of a clearing except for the one old pine tree that hung over my home.

   I spread my legs apart and let them relax on the ground for a minute. My left arm under my head as a pillow. And my right arm was to my side. my mind began to wander about different thoughts. My brain shutdown in certain spots and i fell asleep. i woke up to the sound of the pig falling to the ground and a low moaning sound. I slung out my arm to find my sword and grabbed the blade by accident. My hand was gashed in the palm. I screamed and ran my hand down to find the hilt and then the handle. i grabbed it and pulled it over. My legs arched and i pulled myself up. i was standing now and i ran outside into the cold, dark , night. i saw the reflection of the moon in a zombies eye's. it was eating the pig! i reared my sword back in a stabbing position and went at it. my sword punctured the zombie's head. its jaw stopped moving and its body went limp. the sword was caught in its skull. i put my foot on its chest and kicked it off the blade. the handle was warm with fresh blood. i felt the pain rise in my hand and i began to sweat. 

   i jammed my sword into the dirt and ran to the hut. I grabbed my sack and went through it. I found the glowing bottle. It had a red aura to it. I pulled the cork and drink the healing potion. it tasted of apples and cinnamon. the light given from the torch lit the dark blood on my hand. I saw the wound close up and the scar of the once large gash now began to fade. My breathing began to slow and i stopped sweating. I fell to my knees as the adrenaline was rushing back to its home. My muscles went limp and i fell to the ground and passed out.

                                                     Chapter 2-A New Friend

   My eyes opened and the dreams faded. I felt weak and limp. I turned over on my stomach and pushed my self up. I saw the empty glass bottle laying beside my sack. The cork not too far from it. I pushed my knees under my chest and lifted myself. 

"Damn, what the heck is wrong with me?" I said to myself and wobbled outside of the hut. I walked to the edge of the forest and saw a small pond about 100 feet away. Ducks and fish were swimming about in the glistening pond. I calculated the route quickly and walked to it. I tripped over a tree root and flung my arms out to protect my head. I landed on my right elbow and screamed in pain. my nerve went crazy and my arm went numb for about two seconds. I crawled to the pond and eventually felt hot sand touch my hand. I moaned in pleasure and dug my hand in and pulled myself further up. my hand felt the cool water and it revitalised  my senses. i pushed myself up with my knees until my face touched the cool water. I immediately dunked my head in and gulped clean fresh water. my hearing came back to normal and my vision widened. i pushed my self up and out of the water and gulped the air. i was on all fours. i looked around and admired this graceful nature. my shirt hung low from being soaked in the water. i dunked myself again and drank what seemed like a gallon of water. 

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