Chapter Four - James

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Chapter Four- James

      It walked in and stared at me. A low hiss came from with in it. I knew this was the end. I winced and waited to be obliterated from the explosion but after a few seconds, nothing happened. I heard a whizz and then heard the creeper fall to the ground. I opened my eyes to find that the creeper fell face first with an arrow in the back of its head. The creeper disintegrated and the arrow fell to the floor. Janette was sitting on the wall with her sword in hand. Her hair was in her face and her mouth was open in surprise. My vision began to blur and my arms were becoming limp. "ja..ja...janette. my...sack" I pushed the words out with effort. 

   She glanced at me then she looked over to my bag. She sheathed her sword and grabbed it. she handed it to me. I weakly opened it and searched for my last healing potion. I saw it and my heart leaped with hope and i grabbed it. Before i even managed to pull the cork, Janette pulled it for me. I glanced at her and she just responded with a soft smile. I put the lip of the glass to mine and tipped it up. Again it tasted of apples and cinnamon. I felt a chill go through my heart and realised i had a problem in my heart. Oh right it mightve been from blood loss. Then the gash on my face began to close and seal forever. my nose cracked a little and it sort of hurt but i knew it was for the better. I then stood up and felt twenty times better than before. 

  "I sure do know how to make a great healing potion!" I bragged. Janette just shook her head and patted me on the back as she walked out. She was watching the ground but then she looked up, she bumped into a person. My face immediately scrunched up in curiosity. I walked  out behind her and saw a young blond man standing there. His hair was short and light blond. His eyes were a deep dark blue and his skin was much darker than mine. He was about an inch taller than me. He bore an iron, or what seemed to be iron, chest plate and bandanna over his mouth and nose. it was a dark green. He had on tan pants with sand brown military boots on. His pants were tucked in his boots. On his back was a quiver full of arrows. His bow was a luscious dark brown with a beautiful white string. 

   "Uh hi." Janette said pathetically. she sounded like me when i first laid eyes on her...... Oh no you dont, bro. You dont just waltz in here killing a creeper and steal the lady!  He grinned and put out his hand for her to shake it, "Hello, the name's James. Nice to meet ya'!" he greeted. He had a deep Australian accent. Janette grabbed his hand and did a firm shake. He studied her body and then looked at me. He studied me also, head to toe. "Need a haircut? I got some scissors back at the shack."  He reached his hand out and i responded with a loose handshake. "My name is Steven. nice to meet ya'."  I said strongly to put a good impression on myself. He pulled down his bandanna and took a deep breathe before starting again. "I live on a mountain not too far from here. If youll excuse me id like to get my gunpowder." He walked past me and into the hut. He looked on the ground and knelt down to pick up the explosive powder.

   After collecting it, he stored it away in his bag that was at his hip. As he stood up he exhaled and put the bandanna back over his nose and handed me a map. "It is the local area. ive mapped it out and ive made a copy. here, have this one. you'll need it." He pointed to a spot on the map that indicated a mountain. "This is where my home is. Stop by if you ever want." He took one last look at Janette and gave me a pat on the back as he walked off to the tree line.

 "Oh boy. That guy is...." I began to speak but i couldn't think of anything to say after that. "good with a bow" Janette finished my sentence. I shook my head and walked to the mine and went down the steps into the darkness that was below. I saw light come over a corner and i peered over and slowly walked in to see a lone torch hanging on the wall. The carved out wall gave an eerie shadow filled thought. I began to remember something that i forgot happened. I remember a long hallway under ground. it was all made of cobble and some moss grew in places. It was dimly lit by a torch that burned red. It didn't give off much light. It didn't give off heat either. The shaft was lined with them. I remember walking down it until I heard an unnerving growl that came from the darkness ahead of me. The torches began to go out ahead of me and i started to run back to the exit. I could hear the sound of rushing winds from the hole. I could feel something wrap around me but I jumped out of the hole and onto the grass. My heart racing and out of breath. I looked back to the hole but it was gone. I got up and felt the ground where the hole was. It seemed natural, that was all I remembered. 

   I shook the memories out of my head and walked up the steps and into the light. I picked up my wooden axe and ran to the treeline. I marked a place to strike on a tree and stood by it. I lifted the axe and hung it over my shoulder. I tensed my arms and swung at the desired spot. After chopping to the center, i shoved the tree as hard as i could and it cracked. I heard more crackling as it began to tilt over. I stepped back and watched it fall. "TIMBER!" I yelled out just for fun and to let Janette know what i was doing.

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