4: The Note

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Chase's POV

"I mean, who starts a note off with 'hey'? Like am I just having a conversation with her?!"

"This note is really weirdly worded." Rocky says.


"Woah Chase, calm down." Zuma says.

"Bro, she's into you. She was probably in a hurry." Cade says.

"I don't know, that note doesn't sound like Skye at all." Macy says.

"Dude, Skye is straight forward. If she was in trouble, she would say it." Marshall says.

"Yeah but if someone was threatening her..."

"Elizabeth! Not helping." Macy says.

Elizabeth sticks her tongue out at Macy.

The whole gang, minus Ryder and Katie, are here in the kitchen. The note lies in front of me, Zuma, and Rocky at the bar. Elizabeth is sitting up on the counter and Marshall, Macy, and Cade are sitting at the kitchen table. Macy's stomach is starting to bulge with pups. Obviously, Skye is still gone.

"She's just off the see an old friend." Rocky says. "She wouldn't lie to me right?"

"But seriously, have you read it? Leave me be? Why would you start a sentence like that?" Zuma says.

"She was probably scared and wasn't thinking straight."

"Elizabeth, still not helping." Macy says.

"I truly believe she's fine." Cade says.

"All of you need to get your head out of the clouds! Look, let's think about what we know. Rocky saw Skye leaving and didn't really answer any questions and she was in a rush. Then we find a weird written note on her bed. That's it. None of it really tells us what's happening or where she is or who she's with. Obviously she doesn't want us to follow her or find her." Elizabeth says. Nobody stops her or confronts her or even talks for a while. The silence starts to stress me out. Marshall finally speaks up and asks her girlfriend.

"What do you think we should do?"

Elizabeth looks up at Marshall with sad eyes. "I don't know."

Cade speaks up. "If we look for her, that could take forever. If we find her and she is in danger, that could be bad for us too, we might've even made it worse for her. But, on the other hand, if we stay here and don't go looking for her, that could be equally as deadly."

"We need to make a decision, time isn't on our side either. Assuming she actually is in danger." I say, still keeping hope my girlfriends ok.

"If she wasn't in danger she would've just TOLD US WHERE SHES GOING!" Elizabeth screams breaking into tears. Marshall jumps onto the counter to next to Elizabeth and rubs her back.

We really all owe it to her, she's the one who snapped us out of our trance that she's somehow ok. Recently I've noticed how smart she really is. Marshall's always known, it's honestly so weird how even in the beginning he can see somehow who she really was and is now. It's like he was made for her.

Elizabeth POV

The clock reads 4:22 am.

I've been up all night staring at the note. Reading it over and over and over again. There must be something I'm missing. Some code. Some way of her telling us our answer. To go or to stay. If she did, she's trying not to make it obvious. And I'm not sure what that means either.

I don't know what anything means.

I want to scream. I want to rip my ears out. I want to punch something. I'm so angry and annoyed and sad. Where could one of my best friends have gone!? If I was in trouble, what could would I write? I would just write HELP ME. WHY COULDN'T SHE HAVE GIVEN US A SIGN!?

I want to scream and rip my ears out and punch something all over again.


I turn and giggle at Marshall's extreme bed head.

"Babe stop pacing."

"Marshall, you don't understand. This note is all we have. This our only hope if we ever want to find your teammate. What if..."

Marshall puts his paw on my lips.

"Shh. Come here." He wraps his paws around me and we spoon. I giggle when he licks the inside of my ear.


"You'll get it in the morning sweetheart."

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