5: The Second Victom

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Tammy's POV

I have no idea what's going on. I lied under the kitchen table while they were discussing the note trying to grasp it all. I forget who Skye is. Apparently she was taken or something. All I know is that Elizabeth was up until 4 last night because I didn't sleep. I'm not good with new environments.

Elizabeth is so beautiful. Marshall is funny. Rocky is smart. Chase is so determined. Cade is so kind. Macy is very considerate. Zuma, well he's my amazing brother. And me? Nobody knows me, nobody wants me. I came here as a last resort. I just don't have it in my heart to tell Zuma I knew he was here all along.

I was a pup on the streets. Zuma had gone off looking for food because we had gone low. There I met a pup, his name was Cory and he couldn't have been more than a few weeks old. So, I took him in and gave him the last of our food.

Zuma came back with a mouthful of moldy waffles but quickly dropped them when he saw my new addiction.

"Who is this!?"

"His name is Cory and he's just a pup."

"We're just pups too, looks sis, I know you. You're going to start getting attached if you don't let go now. That puppy was left to die now leave it be!" Zuma yelled at me.

"Zuma no! You can't make me! This poor guy needs help. I've got to help him."

"No, I'm not getting food for a runt." Zuma says.

"Then I'll give him mine."

"Oh my pup, Tammy. You're not it's mother! You don't need to do that!"

"Stop it Zuma! This is not your decision! This is something I get to decide and I'm keeping him." I say and I lick his forehead. "Well at least until the mother comes."

"The mother isn't coming. Nobody's coming. God Tammy get your head out of the clouds! Look around. Does it look like we can afford a new pup!?"

"Zuma, when you look back, you'll regret not-"

"Don't tell me what I'll regret! I'll regret keeping that runt."

"Then Zuma if it's such an inconvenience you should just leave!"

"Yeah," Zuma says suddenly quiet, pushing some scraps to me, "Maybe, Maybe I should."

Zuma's ears fell down and he looks at me with a face I'll remember forever. He was so sad. He just turned and left.

Just like that, my brother was gone.

A few hours later, the pup's mom came back and took her pup from me. She didn't even thank me.

So there I was, scared and alone. Not to mention I fought with Zuma over nothing. I felt like an idiot. How could I've taken advantage of my own brother? How could I have done such a terrible thing?

These and more questions haunt me even to this day. I don't know about him but I missed him the moment he left.

I sometimes get these dreams, of the day Zuma left me. I try to scream that I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I want him to stay. But every time in the dream I'm muted. All I can say are the words that I said that day and it's torture every time I have that dream. I thought the night mare would end when I saw him but last night it happened again. That's why I know that Elizabeth was up until 4.

Today their getting ready to go off. They put on their corresponding jackets, Skye's pink one was left on the hook. They gave me a grey one that is there extra, they looked for it for like 20 minutes even though Skye's was right there.

They really...care about Skye. I think that's what it's called when you're overly attached to someone. I never really know the difference. After Zuma left, I couldn't trust anyone. If a boy tried to get close I would push them away. I don't understand why you would need a relationship anyways, all I'm trying to do is survive, nothing more nothing less.

I basically caused my own destruction.

Elizabeth POV

I'm getting some weird vibes off Tammy. She seems sadder than usual. Is it because we didn't want her to wear Skye's jacket? It's just easier for all of us if we keep it waiting on the hook. Giving it to Tammy is like moving on, and it's only been a few days she's been gone.

"Elizabeth and I will search the west side." Marshall says. I smile and follow him to to the west side. He always does everything he can to get us alone together.

"Bye guys!" I call over my shoulder.

"Come on beautiful." Marshall says picking up to a playful run. I run after him and we both smile at each other. He gets close to me and when we slow down he gives me a slobbery kiss.

I laugh at his kisses. We head into the west woods. Neither of us know it that well so we stay close to each other.

"Hey what to do something bad?" Marshall says.

I look over at the pup. He smiles and gives me the eyebrows.

"In the woods?" I ask looking around.

"Why not? It'll be fun!" He says tackling me. He pins me on the forest floor and starts giving me light kisses. I giggle under his loving touch.

Well after that you don't need to know about.

Macy POV

"Cade you go, I'll only slow us down." I say.

Cade laughs. "That's the first time I've heard those words." He says referring to me being the fastest pup by far.

"Bye babe." I say waving.

"Bye love." He says and runs off.

I stay outside for a moment then go back inside because I'm cold. The pups have really been stirring today and it's really annoying. I lie on the couch and look at my small little bulge where my pups are. I already feel big but I know I'll get much much bigger. I still have a while to grow.

"Macy!" I hear faintly. I pop my head up and hear my name again. "Macy!"

I got to the terrace and peer down to see...

"SKYE! OH MY GOSH YOU'RE BACK!" I scream and run for the elevator. I ride down giddy with excitement.

When I get to the bottom I'm not so excited anymore.

The doors open up and there are 5 pups in masks including one who's got tape over Skye's mouth.

"Skye!" I yell to my friend and she sheds a tear. The pups put a bag over my head and then I feel a pinch.

Within seconds all I see is black.

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