Chapter 4

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"I'm going," Peeta says stubbornly. I watch as he starts to use rocks to close off the mouth of the cave, sheltering me in until he returns. We just go the announcement of feast and he's determined to go.

"It's not worth you getting killed Peeta," I try to plead with him.

"This is your only chance Katniss," he says as he gently kneels next to me. He pulls part of my tangled hair away from my face. "If I don't go, you're going to die, and I'm not going to let that happen."

"It's probably already too late," I say. "Even if you do get the medicine, I'm probably too weak to survive this." I'm not just trying to stop him from going anymore. I'm starting to feel it getting hard to breath and my hand shakes dreadfully every time I lift my arm. If I had to guess, I don't think I'll still be alive to see the sunrise tomorrow.

"You will," he says simply. "This medicine is going to save your life. And the only way we can get it is if I go."

"Let me go," I say.

"What?" he says.

"If you love me, you'll let me go," I say. "You'll just stay here and watch over me." He looks at me and just shakes his head.

"We'll see," he says. He gets up and leaves my sight.

"Peeta!" I call after him but he's already disappeared through the mouth of the cave. I do my best and with much difficulty, drag myself towards the opening of the cave. I feel scratches burning my arms and fight the squeals that well up in my throat. I try again to move but am too weak to.

"Katniss? What are you doing?" he asks and I look up to see him standing over me.

"I, I thought you left," I say. He shakes his head and gingerly lifts me up.

"I wouldn't leave without telling you," he says. "Now come on, we got another gift."

"Gift?" I ask as he sits me down. He pulls out a small roll.

"I guess they thought you could manage something solid that I wouldn't have managed to get you out here," he says as he lays it in my hand. I turn it in my hand before taking a small bite. I shake my head as a sickly sweet taste hits my tongue.

"They used an awful lot of sugar in it," I say as I take another bite. Peeta says nothing, just watches as I finish the roll.

"I'm going," he says finally.

"No you aren't," I say. "You can't."

"You are going to be unconscious in less than a minute," he says. "That isn't long enough to change my mind."

"Unconcious? What are you-" I stop as I realize that sweet taste that is still sitting on my tongue. Somehow, Peeta got his hands on sleep syrup. "You drugged me!"

"I'm sorry," he says. "But this was the only way." I feel tears in my eyes as I feel the betrayal sink in.

"You tricked me!" I cry as I feel myself lose consciousness. "You tricked me!" I start finding it hard to keep my eyes open. As I'm about to fade away I feel him lean in and kiss my forehead.

"I'm sorry," he whispers. "I'll be back soon. As those words leave his lips, I fall into dizzying nothingness.


When I wake up, the moon is out, a cruel crescent peaking in the cave. I lift my head and realize I no longer feel week. I feel something sticking to my arm and look over to see a syringe sticking out of it. I pull it out and as I look beside me, I feel my throat tighten.

Peeta is laying beside me in a scary pool of blood, a large gash in his forehead. I tremble as I scramble up next to him.

"Oh God Peeta!" I say. "I told you not to risk your life for me." I listen for his heart and breath out a sigh of relief when I hear it beating steady and strong. I look at him and sigh as I tear off part of my shirt sleeve to start making a bandage. "You shouldn't have risked your life like this. I've already told you I'm not worth it."

I carefully wet the shredded fabric in my hand and start cleaning the blood from his face, feeling more relief set in as I realize that the bleeding has stopped for now. I reach for my bag and rummage through it for the same wrappings Peeta used on my leg. When I find it, I carefully start to wrap his head. Just as I'm tying it off, he wakes up. He blinks up at me with his enchanting blue eyes.

"It worked," he says. He reaches his hand out to touch my face and I gently take it in both of mine.

"Yes," I say. "But just because you got back with your life doesn't mean you are off the hook. I'm still very upset with you."

"I couldn't just sit here," he says. "I couldn't just sit here and watch you die." I look at him and smile. I gently run my fingers through his messy blonde curls.

"I probably would have done the same thing," I say. "I hate to admit it, but I probably would."

"And I would have tried to stop you," he says. I laugh softly.

"So what now?" I ask.

"We wait for Foxface, Cato, and Thresh to pick each other off I guess," he says and as he does, I realize a name was missing.

"What about Clove?" I ask.

"Thresh killed her," he says. "She had the knife to my throat and all of a sudden, he just pulled her off of me. He said it was for you, because you took care off Rue." I feel tears in my eyes as I remember my clever ally who cared for me after I was stung by the tracker jackers that Peeta knocked out of the tree while I was briefly teamed up with the Careers in an attempt to protect him.

"She was too young to die," I say, wiping away one of the stray tears. "But we don't have to worry about that right now. You just need to get some rest."

"So do you," he says. "Another storm is coming. No one will be anywhere near here for a long time. They are sheltering on the other side of the Cornucopia. You can rest too." Before I can stop him, he pulls himself into a sitting position. He looks at my bare legs and I feel exposed. I'm barely covered by the T-shirt I'm wearing. He reaches out and touches my leg. I look at him shakily.

"What are you doing," I ask him.

"I'm going to see if that medicine was worth it," he says and pulls out a knife, carefully cutting the bandage away from me. I watch as he pulls it away and we look at each other and laugh. The angry red color has disappeared and the cut has healed faster than I've ever seen a wound heal, reduced to no more than a small incision.

"It worked," I say relived that what I was feeling wasn't in my head. The infection was truly gone.

"I know," he says and he smiles at me. "We can go home." I nod and he wraps his arms around me. I bury my face in his neck and feel tears run down my cheeks. My life, the life I was willing to give up, was possible. I could go home to my family and have the boy with the bread at my side. He pulls away and I blush at the position we're in. Him leaning over me and his lips inches from mine. Me wearing nothing but a T-shirt and underwear.

"You know," he says, gently brushing my hair from my face. "You look cute when you smile, that little bit of blush on your face. A lot better than when you scowl." I feel my cheeks turn redder and he surprises me suddenly as his lips meet mine.

I feel butterflies in my stomach rise up as he gently cups my cheek. This kiss is different from the earlier ones, as though its real, genuine. As though for the first time, Peeta is showing his feelings, not faking it for cameras. I pull away first just because I need air and as we stare at each other, I notice his wound is bleeding again and make him lie back down.

"You should lie down too," he says. I smile and ease myself back down beside him.

"I will, but I'm not tired Peeta," I say. He smiles and gently cups my cheek.

"Just try," he says. "I may be hurt now, but I can watch for a while." I nod and allow him to lay my head on his chest. At first I'm hesitant and then I curl up closer to his side, thankful for his warmth.

And just as the rain begins to beat on the rocks outside our hide away, I am lulled away to a gentle sleep as I listen to Peeta's heart and he gently strokes my hair.

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