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Picture ⬆️ top is Jordon!!!!!!!


After school was over I went to Jordon's house, Jaylen and Ty came along too, but Vincent had basketball practice. Too bad because he be the main one making us laugh. We wasn't really doing nothing but studying and talking. Ty and I were the main ones studying. Jordon was on her phone. She has a phone addiction.

"Jordan you need to study to." Ty said still focusing in his text book. He was studying for a algebra test I was studying to just study and be ahead of class.

"I don't study, I'm just smart like that."

"When you fail don't be getting all mad like you always do." She shrugged her shoulders in a 'I don't care' type of way.

"Don't listen to him girl, if you fail and get mad and need someone I'm here. Because you don't have the best grades in this group. You're right behind Vincent." I say. It's true. she was on the verge of failing last year but she brought her grades up but this year she going right back down that path.

"Shut up you just wanna be on Ty's side." I laughed and shook my head. "Only cause it's true."

"Whatever, y'all want sum to eat?"

Me and Ty both shook our head no and continued studying.

35 minutes later

Im exhausted. One full hour studying. Hopefully it paid off. Ty walked me home because it was dark and he protective over his friends.

Once we reached the house he gave me a hug and said see you later. And as soon as I walked in the house I hear ReRe and momma shouting at each other. "How the hell you get a F in pe. It's the most easiest subject there is. There is no homework in that class!"

"I don't know why that coach don't like me!"

"Maybe it's your attitude." I said folding my arms. They both looked at me like I grown two heads. "Who said you can join the argument?"

"Me, myself, and I." I told ReRe. "Give me your phone."

"But ma I didn't do nothing, you act like this the last year of school we just started a two months ago." She does have a point. "You know what, she's right mom, it is only the beginning of the year we have a lot of months left to go. I'm sure she can bring it up."

"You off the hook lil girl but next time-"

"There won't be a next time right ReRe?" I asked hoping she say right. She nodded and mom left for work. "Thanks." I heard her mumble. "Yea yea text your friends or do whatever you do when your bored or sum. I'm fixing to take a shower and go to B-E-D."

After my shower I did exactly what I said and went to bed.


You used to call me on my cellphone!!

My alarm went off and you can't help but get up and dance when you have a hotline bling alarm. I got up took a shower, brushed my teeth, did my hair, and put on some clothes. I'm ready for this day to be over all ready. Saturday here I come.

I went downstairs and spoke to ReRe and momma then drove to school in my silver mustang. Not much but I'm saving up for a Porsche. I know..crazy idea.

"What up my nigga!" I heard Vincent's voice but didn't see him. "Hey Ki."

"Hey Jaylen."

"Oh so you gonna say hey to Jaylen but not me...I'm finna work yo ass boy." Again I hear Vincent's voice. "Boy shut up where ever you are! You don't know how to spell work." Jaylen said. I lightly laughed and pushed a strand of hair out my face.

"W-O-R-K. Naw how you feel." Finally I saw him come up to me and Jaylen and gave us both a hug. "Hey Vincent."

"You should've said that thirty seconds ago."

Vincent and Jaylen started talking and I was looking at my grades on my phone.

Advanced calculus-88%B

I need to bring up that B to an A and that high C to a B, or A if I'm lucky. As for advance calculus that's gonna have to stay because I have been working hard to bring my grade up in that class.

Well at least I studied. Even though we don't have a test. But they always be coming out with these pop quizzes so I'm prepared if they do.

"What up Vin What up Jaylen what up Ki what up J."

Ty said when he saw us walking in the school. "Hey whatchu doin?" I asked.

"Finna go light one real quick, ay you got the money yet?" He asked me. I completely forgot about that because I was tired. "No but I'm gonna get I promise." He smiled and nodded then snuck to the back of the school. "Why you helping him? He can get his own money if he get his lazy ass up and get a job." J said focusing on that phone of hers. She was looking at her grades because I saw the green banner at the top of her screen.

"I'm just helping him out."

"You are helping him with a drug deal."

"I don't think it's a drug deal I think it's helping a friend out in need." I was tired of talking so I walked in the school and went straight to my class.

This is so boring. Just listening to the teacher and being quiet. These teacher don't play if you talk while they talk. And we don't play about getting our education so if you want to come in our class and act a fool you gonna get jumped watch.

Since I'm in the back of the class I put my head down to make like I was sleep but I was on my phone. And yes the brightness is down.

J, Jaylen, Ty, Vincent.

Me, hey who bored?
Jaylen, me
Ty, me
Vincent, me nigga.
Me, J I'm skipping next period you wanna skip with me.
J, hell no. I'm tryna fix my grades.
Vincent, 😒
Ty, ha
Jaylen, leave my behfriend alone!
Me, Vincent you can't talk you failed 2 times
Vincent, Too far.
Me, sorry behfriend.

"Ok class is over. Make sure to do your homework tonight."

What homework?! Damn I should've paid attention. "Ay you." The boy looked toward my direction. "What homework we have?"

"You should've paid attention." I rolled my eyes and sighed. Forget you to then little fagget. "Don't come to me when you forget something."

"He don't need you hoe." Tamar said. She always diving into folks conversations. "Get yo rachet ass on somewhere." She came all up on me and I don't play that gay stuff so I pushed her but she smacked me.

I grabbed her by the hair and slung her on the ground then got on top of her and punched her repeatedly. People all around us were yelling world star. Them teachers gone make them delete it anyway.

Next thing I know Jaylen and J started fighting with me. My niggas.

Soon we were pulled apart by two teachers. "I bet you won't mess with me again."

"Touch her and you won't live."

"Try us hoe." Jaylen said. "Enough!! Go to the office!"

Looks like I'm gonna miss school for three days. And my homies gonna be with me too.




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