Part 7

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Pete's POV:

(AN: woohoo I got 100 reads on here, which is exciting for me :3 I know so many stories get like 3024957380134803 reads, but 100 is a lot for me since I only have like 5 followers or something, probably not even that. Anyway, yeah, thanks! Now, back to the story)

Holy shit. Or, well, 'Holy smokes', as Patrick would probably say because he doesn't swear that much. But in all seriousness. This is wild. Not only did Patrick and I just make out while mostly unclothed, but the amazing little dude loves me back. Goddamnit I can't even make out emotions right now.

We both stand there for a few moments, sitting in silence since neither of us are talking. I bend down to pick up the towel that fell from Patrick's body and I simply hold it in my arm. I then slowly reach for Patrick's hand and pull him towards me again. Instead of smashing our faces together, I simply pull him in for a tight hug. I wrap my arms around his small and pale frame, noticing he's really cold, so I hold him tighter as if to warm him up. I place my head on top of his, and he furrows into the crook of my neck. I breathe in his fresh scent, smelling the soap he just used still fresh in his hair, but also a genuine Patrick Stump smell. I feel his arms slowly creep around my waist and pull us tighter together, the hug super mellow and intimate. I run my fingers through the back of his hair and he runs his slightly calloused fingers along my back and hip bones.

We stand like that for a few more seconds, then I wrap the towel around Patrick, then pick him up off the floor, swooping his feet into my arms. He clings onto my neck for dear life, then eases as I set him on the bus couch, which is covered with a blanket. The couch is actually pretty wide, enough for both of us to lie next to each other without falling off. I scoot Patrick towards the inside of the couch and then climb next to him myself, turning to face him and almost instantly starting to climb on top of him.

My breathing starts to pick up again as I'm now hovering above his body, taking in every inch of him that I can see and memorizing it. He smiles up at me, innocent at first, but then his hand yanks my hips down towards his and causes me to fall completely on top of him. He doesn't seem to mind though. He takes my face in his hands and then presses our lips together again, not so aggressive this time. It's not so rushed and seeming like we're hungrily eating each other's lips like lions, but instead more slow and passionate, still very in depth. Our tongues find each other again and dance within our mouths, causing my face to heat up a bit.

Patrick's hands are so soft against my face and it's so comforting. I place my hands around the sides of his face, as his hands move away from my head and instead to my waist. Our legs wobble back and forth, trying to find a comfortable position for both of us. In the process of moving our legs, our hips automatically slide and press against each other, sending chills down my spine. Patrick's hands are now at the waistband of my jeans, and I feel him dig his fingers under the brim to touch my sensitive skin, a tiny squeal escaping my mouth. I feel his breathing quicken as he starts to slip the pants off my legs (keeping my underwear on of course, Patrick's not a corn. I don't think...) (AN: 'a corn' is an inside joke with me and my friends, so basically it's just what we call being vv sexual :} )

Patrick uses his foot to slide my pants down the rest of the way, and eventually kicks them off, letting out a deep nose exhalation with his last struggle. His hands snake back to my hips and his fingers run up and down, from my thigh up to belly button height on my stomach. Each of his small touches makes my body into jello, my muscles going weak under the Patrick spell.

To get him back for being my weakness, I start grinding my hips against his and deepen our current kiss by pushing my tongue further into his mouth. He lets off a soft moan which brings a small smile to my face. I start rolling my hips harder into him, while breaking from our kiss and moving my lips down to his collar bones. I kiss his neck lightly, causing him to turn his head and bite his lip. I graze his collar bones with my teeth and then begin to lightly suck the sensitive skin. I smile against his neck when I feel how fast his heartbeat is underneath my body, and my smile gets even bigger when I feel the swell of the unit contained in his drawers. In reaction, I feel my own shorts tighten up, so I turn my body to rest my hips next to his rather than directly on top of him. I remove my lips from his neck and just rest my head against his body, my face still buried in his neck. I feel my own breaths reflected off his skin and back onto my face as I run my fingers down his chest, stomach, and then ending at his hips, where my fingers lightly rub the area above his underwear elastic.

"hhh, fuck you Pete." I hear Patrick sigh.

"Oh, would you like to?" I ask him with a smirk. He rolls his eyes, smiling. my thumb strokes his skin again, producing another deep sigh and moan from his mouth. I lean up to meet his face again and kiss him lightly on the lips, then lay myself next to him and cuddle into his body shape. I wrap one arm underneath him, and the other resting on top of his chest, so i'm hugging him sideways. He cuddles into me, resting his head in the crook of my neck. We grab a couple of blankets off the edge of the couch and wrap it on top of us, as we're both only in underwear so we're just slightly cold. (sarcasm)

I let out a deep sigh as I rest into Patrick's body, feeling his body warm up already. "I love you Pat." I mumble.

"Love you too Pete." He replies softly. We cuddle for a few minutes in silence, then there's a knock on the door. We both scramble up and get clothes on, Patrick shoving his legs into a pair of jeans and fumbling with an oversized t-shirt, while I manage to get my legs back into my skinny jeans and mess with my hair, right as someone barges in.

"I BROUGHT YOUR PIZZA!!" Brendon fucking Urie chimes in. He looks me up and down (not in an 'i'm-attracted-to-you kind of way) and mentally questions why my pants are only barely on and I have no shirt on. Then he looks over at a blushing and slightly sweating Patrick with loose jeans and a loose shirt, flowing off his body. Brendon then looks back at me, raises an eyebrow suspiciously, then hands me the pizza boxes.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I ask him, not expecting Brendon to chime in with a delivery of pizza boxes right after Patrick and I had just ended a major makeout session.

"Oh, Patrick ordered pizza. I took someone's shift today so I brought the pizzas over in his place." Brendon says, matter-of-factly. I shrug my shoulders and place the boxes on the table. Patrick rubs his neck and wipes his forehead, his cheeks still very red.

"Uh, thanks Brendon." He finally says.

"No problem buddy." Bren replies, very peppy. I find Patrick's fedora and place it on his head, satisfied with the now completed look. Patrick looks at me, raising an eyebrow but smiling.

"A smol fedora for a smol man." I say. He laughs, then searches for the money to pay Brendon. I reach into my pocket and pull out one of the $20s I had put in my pocket earlier for just this reason, and I hand it to Brendon.

"Thanks. So what have you guys been up to?" He asks with a smirk. Patrick blushes again and I answer for him.

"Uh, just chilling. We finished our shoot for the night and then both ended up here. My head's a little fuzzy with shower water so it's kind of hard to make out what we did, but I'll tell you we were definitely on top of things." I say, putting emphasis on my puns. I laugh mentally and Patrick gives me a stern look, and Brendon just shrugs, a suspicious smile on his face.

"Oh, okay. Well, I'll let you two be, have fun." He says, then departs the trailer. He leaves the door slightly open, so I poke my head out to see him off.

"Haven't you ever heard of closing the goddamn door. God Brendon." I shout as he gets in the pizza car. He flips me off with a laugh, then drives away as I wave to him.

(AN: I'm actually laughing at myself right now, so many song puns and so much corn, wow)

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