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*Potions, 7th year 1998*
Slughorn: Today class we will be making the Amortentia potion to see what each of us desires. Now off you go!

Ron: Great, mione(smiles) will you be my lab partner?

Hermione: No Ronald do it yourself or pair up with Harry.
Slughorn: No talking!

*One hour later*
Slughorn: Now that your potion is completed lift the lid and smell your desires.
Harry: I'll go first.(smells) Vanilla, pumpkin pie and broom polish?
Ron: I know(winks) It's Ginny!
Harry:(blushes) How?
Hermione: Because, Ginny's perfume scent is French vanilla, her favorite desert is pumpkin pie and she loves polishing her broom!(smiles)
Ron: My turn!(sniffs)hmm..... I smell, Pine trees, news papers and oranges. Who's that?
Hermione: Umm..... That's Lavender(laughs)
Harry/Ron: How?
Hermione: She loves skiing in the Alps which are full of Pine trees, her mum works for the daily prophet a news paper company and she eats oranges like twice a day.
Harry:Wow! Your turn!
Hermione:(smells) I smell.... Leather.....diesel and....timber wood?
Ron: Who is that?
Harry: I know of only one.
Hermione: Who?
Harry: Padfoot. Mione you desire snuffles.
*chapter 1 end*

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