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The next morning Hermione wakes up feeling super refreshed.

Mione: Morning Lavender, morning Pavartti.

Lily: Hermione who are you talking to?

Mione: Oh I'm sorry Lily those are the names of my old roommates, I forgot were I was for a minute. 

Lily: Oh! well no matter time to get up anyway we got shopping to do. (Goes and opens window) oh its gonna be a warm day today. Mione do you want a dress or shorts? (opening trunk and pulling out clothes.

Mione: Ummm.... Shorts.

Once dressed the girls headed down stairs to the common room to see the "Marauders" as they are so famously called at Hogwarts, sitting on the couches looking handsome if Hermione could say so.
Lily: Hey guys what you doing in here you usually go straight to the Great Hall?
Remus: We wanted to walk with You and Hermione.

Lily: Aww well aren't you boys just the sweetest? Lets go!

*Great Hall - Slytherin Table*

Lucius: Say Regulus who is the new girl sitting with your brother?

Reg: I do not know though I don't really care who my brother hangs out with.

Dumbledore: If I may have your attention please I would like to welcome Miss Hermione Granger she is new to Hogwarts so let us welcome her! (hall erupts with claps) So dig in and have a magical day at hogsmead.

James: So what you girls plan on doing when we go to the village?

Lily: well first we are going to get Hermione some new clothes and such since hers went missing. What about you boys?

Sirius: (seeing opportunity to flirt) Well darling if its clothes you need only ask. I would be glad to lend you my shirt in the mornings! (winks)

Remus: We.... Do.... Not.... Need that image in our heads Pad foot! (looking sick to the stomach)

Peter: Agreed!

Mione: (giggles) Thanks Sirius but see the thing is I have a terrible issue with FLEASE!!!! Lets go Lils! (girls get up leaving a shocked jaw dropped Sirius and a hysteric James Remus and Peter)

James: (laughing hard) Man she got you good!!!

Sirius: Shut up.

*Hogsmede - hours later-*

Mione: I never knew shopping could be so much fun!(giggling)

Soon the girls go down an ally to go look at the Shrieking shack when low and behold Lucius Malfoy and his goons.

Lucius: Well well what have we here? two young ladies all alone.

Lily: Leave us alone Malfoy.

Lucius: I just wanted to introduce myself to the my new class mate. (walks to Hermione and grabs her hand) Lucius Malfoy malady. (kisses her hand)

Mione: (trying not to cringe) Nice to meet you. (pulls hand away) Well we should be going. (tries to leave but Lucius traps her between him and a brick wall.)

Lucius: Why not stay and spend time with me sweetheart let Evans do her shopping. (starts kissing her neck)
mione: you know Lucius as much fun as that would be the way I was raised tells me no. See in MUGGLE (Lucius stops kissing her neck there frozen in motion) Culture one doesn't snog a complete stranger.

Lucius: (trying not to puke) You're a Mudblood?

Mione: the correct term is Muggle-Born you rich, spoiled, Prick(punches him in the gut and he doubles over) Run Lily!!!(girls run)

Lucius: I'll Get you for that Mudblood just you wait!!!!

Lily:(running) That ... was!!!!!


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