Chapter 4: An Exciting Active Assignment for Coop

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Phoebe was so excited when she got home to tell Coop the good news but was surprised to see not just her fiance waiting for her in their apartment but also Kyle Brody and what looks like one of the Angels of Destiny. She was not the one who took Leo before. She was brunette, has silver-gray eyes that almost seemed to glow and if she were human, Phoebe would've guessed around eighteen or nineteen years old. For all Phoebe knew, the Angel could be older than Earth itself.

"Hi, honey, and Kyle, and from the looks of you, an Angel of Destiny? What's going on?" Phoebe asked.

"They're here about your sister." Coop responded seriously.

"Which sister? Paige?" Paige was the first thing that came to her mind because Kyle was there. A small smile crept along Kyle's lips. She still didn't understand what the Angel of Destiny was doing there though.

"No. We came here about Prudence." The Angel of Destiny's voice was matter-of-factly but she still sounded as if she were in human teenage years.

"NO! You are not taking Prue away, not when we just got her today!" Phoebe could feel her anger rising from inside her. For years, they were forbidden to see her, even in her ghost form and now that she's back and seemed to be corporeal from the way they hugged earlier, it was not right to not see Prue again.

"Calm down honey. Listen to them. No one's taking Prue away. She's meant to be here." Coop soothed Phoebe. Coop and Phoebe has a bond strong enough for them to be able to feel what the other is feeling. Also, him being a cupid and her being an empath helped.

"He's right. I'm sure Prue will explain the how, why and everything else you need to know about her coming back. We're here to explain to Coop what his role would be to Prue." Kyle explained.

"Correct. Everything she will tell you will be to its almost entirety. There's only one thing that she is unaware of and it must remain that way. She's here for two reasons, as important as what her other purpose is and I won't spoil the surprise and allow her tell you that but I will tell you this, her other purpose is to fall in love." The Angle of Destiny confirmed.

Phoebe's jaw dropped. And with all the questions and confusion that eploded from her brain, all she could utter was "Huh?"

"To fall in love Phoebe." Coop repeated.

"I get that part. Actually, I don't get that part. Why does Prue need to fall in love?"

"Everybody needs to fall in love. To find someone who they can -" Phoebe put her finger on Coop's lips.

"You already gave me that speech remember? All I'm asking is, well, I don't really know what I'm asking." Phoebe thought for a while. Kyle and the Angel of Destiny seemed to be very patient as she comes to sort out her thoughts.

"Okay, why is Prue's love life so important that a Whitelighter -"

"Elder." Kyle corrected.

"Right, an Elder. Wait, what? You're an Elder now?"

"Yep. I don't really like the new robes so I prefer to wear casual clothes."

"Back to the question, why is Prue's love life so important that an Elder and an Angel of Destiny no less, are visiting my fiance? You need love advice or something?"

"No. We need a cupid and he's the best man for the job." The Angel of Destiny answered.

"Huh." Phoebe wasn't exactly sure what or how to respond.

"Look, your sister has a very important job, crucial to the continued existence of good magic, and like any other creature, magical or not, your sister needs someone to share her struggles and success with. Without it, your sister could give up or die again. Prue spent her life raising, protecting and making sure that you and Piper are safe and loved. Someone needs to be there for her as she was and is for you because not even the great Prudence Halliwell can survive being alone. " Kyle explained gently.

"If I know Prue and which I do, dead or not, she will continue to do what is right even if it means risking her life or afterlife to accomplish that," Phoebe explained.

"Yes, we know that. Her continued passion to protect her loved ones is what makes her strong. It also makes her very dangerous. I don't have to remind you about what happened on Piper's wedding. Your powers are heavily dependent on your emotions and we fear that with what she is resolved to do, that is, preserving good magic, she needs a little more help than any of you nor your sisters can give." This time it was the Angel of Destiny that answered.

"Okay, but why are you here?" Phoebe turned to the Angel of Destiny. Even with the seriousness in her tone, it was a little difficult to believe what the Angel of Destiny was saying with her young face.

"I'm here to validate this information. We understand that there have been incidents in the past that could make a meeting with an Elder untrustworthy and it will not do that our side is distrustful of each other. That's another reason why we picked Kyle to bring the news. He's an Elder whom you trust and he is unwilling and can't be coerced to betray you." The Angel of Destiny answered.

"Why are you telling me this if it's supposed to be some big secret?"

"From past experiences we know that you and your sister have a stubborn streak and it won't do our kind if the plan fails. We want you to enlist the help of your sisters. Also because you're capability to love has been tested to the point that there was a time you gave up on it, but look at you now. You've found it again and this is what you must help Prue realize."

"So you want me to help you make sure Prue falls in love with the right person and this will ensure that she stays sane enough to carry the burden of passing the torch to the next generation of good magic?"

"Pretty much. We're just here to confirm that we have no ulterior motive other than the greater good being preserved." Kyle responded almost defensively.

"I'll do most of the work of course since it's my job after all." Coop added.

"Right. Okay. I will help but if there's any ulterior motives discovered after some time and my sisters and I are very good at finding that out, I will sick Prue on you." Phoebe said all too serious.

"Duly noted." Kyle raised his hands defensively. With that he smiled and orbed out.

"That' sounds fair but completely unnecessary." The Angel of Destiny's face was serious and blank almost bored about the conversation and also disappeared with a different but not unimpressive display of her own lights.

"There goes my surprise about Prue. By the way we need to get ready as dinner is at the Manor. Piper said attendance is mandatory. I also get to introduce you to Prue." Phoebe smiled at Coop.

It was at this time that Coop showed a little nervous.

"What is it?" Phoebe asked feeling the uneasiness in Coop.

"Should I be worried? I mean, if she's as protective of you as you said she was and she's now back..." Coop let his words hang knowing the Phoebe would understand. Phoebe did understand what Coop was telling her. Coop was going to get grilled and hopefully, not literally by Prue.

"Look at the bright side!"

"What bright side?"

"Henry will be there, so I guess, you won't be alone?" Phoebe said unsure.

"I need to change..." Coop went straight to their room wanting to look as good as possible.

Phoebe stayed in the living room and even though she knew that Prue might give Coop and Henry a hard time, she knew that both men will pass Prue's standard for her and Paige. Both men loved them very much and she knows that Prue can't ask for anything more.

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