Chapter 9: Cleansing

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Prue was expecting to have all Charmed Ones in Magical School to complete the cleansing and restoration of the place but Coop decided to ask Phoebe to marry him and if your future nephew already called the man 'Uncle', there was really no other answer but a joyous yes.

The Charmed Ones and their counterparts were busy with the wedding details, Prue decided to take a step back. She remembered Piper's wedding and didn't want a repeat of that fiasco. She volunteered to take Wyatt and Chris up to Magic School and stay there until the wedding day. She was glad to spend time with her nephews and be a doting Aunt to them as she never really had the chance to.

Billie volunteered to help Prue since she still felt a little bit awkward being with the three of them. Even if she did want to help, it was just too soon and the occasion was just too intimate for her to be in the middle of it.

"Prue, are you sure about this? You know Phoebe doesn't think you would ruin the wedding like the last time." Piper asked as she prepared her sons' things.

"Of course I'm sure. Besides, these little men will help me rid the Magic School of evil aura. Won't you boys? We'll have fun using magic! Lots of magic, right Wyatt?"

"Yes, Aunt Prue!" Wyatt was excited. His Aunt Prue was teaching him lots of fun stuff with his magic. He loved to learn more.

"What about you Billie? You know, you can stay here and help." Piper reassured Billie as she knew Billie was still uncomfortable around them.

"For the nth time, yes. I'm sure. I promise not go evil and not be alone with Wyatt or Chris." Billie responded.

"Ha! Funny. Actually, I'm more worried about you since Prue will kick your butt to Kingdom come if you ever pull any of that stunt again." Piper smiled. Prue was busy whispering and giggling with Wyatt to notice.

"Consider me warned and scared out of my wits, thanks!" Billie replied empathetically as she pulled Chris from his crib.

"Prue, everything's ready. I'm sure you can orb anything I've forgotten and make sure to pick Chris up if Wyatt decides to orb Chris all across the Universe again, okay?" Piper lectured. This was one of the longest times that she would not be with her sons and though it would be helpful with all the planning and preparations for Phoebe's wedding, she would still miss them. She was at the same time and with the same degree quite ecstatic to share her kids with Prue.

"I think I can handle my nephews just fine, thanks. Go on, give mommy a kiss goodbye." Prue encouraged. Wyatt gave his mommy a kiss goodbye and promised that he would be good little boy. Chris received a kiss from Piper too except his promise of being a good little boy was implied since he couldn't talk yet.

Wyatt went back to holding Prue's hand and held Billie's with the other. After a second of bright orbs, they were gone and so were the baby paraphernalia around the Manor.

Magic School

A display of bright orbs in the Magic School's main hall indicated that Prue, Billie and two boys have arrived. As Prue instructed, Wyatt shield was up. This wasn't just practice for him but it was also a precaution. For some time, evil ran the place and you couldn't be too sure about demonic traps and curses.

"Wyatt, make the blue ball bigger until it covers the entire school. Do you think you can do that?" Prue coaxed him. Billie wasn't too sure about Wyatt understanding the instruction but Wyatt's face lit up and wanted so much to prove that he could do whatever it was that his Aunt Prue wanted him to do.

Wyatt was able to do what Prue asked and as the Orb Shield expanded, the first sign of its protection was an explosion to the right side and created a black smoke that was repelled as well by the shield. Chris was surprised by the sudden explosion and was about to cry when Wyatt's hand held Chris' small ones and uttered "It's okay Chris. I'm here. I'll protect you."

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