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Chapter. 7: Stowaway


Today was Phil's last day. We decided not to see each other today. It was already hard on us and we didn't want it to be any harder. I decided to skip school today. They were going to announce the nominees for prom king and queen. Since me and Phil won cutest couple, I guessed we would be nominated for king and queen, too. I was afraid I would burst into tears if we were, so I just skipped. I was holding the wizrd Phil gave me to my heart. I noticed there was something different about this wizrd. It looked like it had many pockets installed on to it. I decided to see what they were.

"Keely Teslow, you have three apps waiting to be downloaded. Which app do you want to download first?

1. The shrink ray,

2. The camouflage ray,

3. The invisible ray.

These three apps were programed by Phil Diffy."

I was shocked. Why Phil would want to program those apps on to my wizrd. I then had an idea, but I needed to ask first.

"Wizrd, can you define what the apps do?"

"Yes. The shrink ray can shrink anyone or anything in to three different sizes:

Size 1 the size of rice,

Size 2 the size of an ant,

Size 3 microscopic size.

The camouflage ray makes anyone or anything camouflaged within the surrounding area.

The invisible ray makes anyone or anything invisible."

"Ok, install the shrink ray please."

"The shrink ray is being installed; it will take 20 minutes. You will be notified when it is done. Would you like to install the other 2 apps?"

"No thanks, not right now."

"Ok, when you want to, just push the pocket button again."

I had I plan, but first I needed to tell my mom.

Dear Mom,

I am really sorry to tell you like this, but I have run away. I can't live in Pickford any more - it's just too hard for me. Everything reminds me of Phil. Don't you worry about me. I will be fine. By the time you are done reading this I will be out of Pickford. Please don't go looking for me; you would never find me. I promise you that I will be safe. I will write to you when I can. I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU.



My mom will be home at 7:25 PM.

I was crying my eyes out. I will never see my mom again. I will miss her so much. I know she will be ok. I know she won't go looking for me. She will trust me when I tell her everything will be ok.

"Your app has been installed."

I went to my car and got in. When I made it to Phil's street, I sent everyone on my cell phone except for my mom and the Diffys a text saying goodbye, then I threw my phone onto the ground and ran over it. Next, I shrunk the pieces to microscopic size and I shrunk my car to ant size. I picked it up and put it into my purse. Then I walked over to Phil's house. It was about 7:00 PM. The time machine door was open. I walked in and I took out my car to shrink it to microscopic size, then I shrunk myself microscopic, too.


As we got into the time machine, Dad was doing a check list of the important things:

"Wizrds and all gadgets?"

"Check," we all said.



"Role call. Lloyd?"

"Check," we confirmed.


"Chimichunga," verified Curtis.





"And Pim?"


I noticed I had a missed call from Keely's mom.

"Phil, it's Mrs. Teslow." She was crying uncontrollably. "It's Keely. She ran away."

I couldn't help but not smile. She figured it out. She is mostly likely somewhere in the time machine.

It was now 7:30 P.M. Just then the chief's voice came over the time machine, "Diffys, get ready to come home. Do you still need to return the caveman?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Ok. We will make it so you land then first. You'll have 10 minutes to say your goodbyes."

"Yes, Sir"

We all said goodbye to Curtis. I looked over at Pim and it looked like she was crying.

"Pim, are you crying?" I asked.

"NO! I AM NOT CRYING. There is something in my eyes."

Classic Pim. After we said our goodbyes, we were going home. I was actually ok with it since I knew Keely was coming with us. I just need a way to tell my parents.

End of Chapter 7. I hope you enjoyed it. See ya later. Chapter 8 will be up tomorrow morning.

See ya,

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