5. Surprise

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Jacob's POV

~ After School ~

"You're STILL mad at me?!" "What do you do think?!" She yelled. "Come on! It's your birthday and you're mad," I said. "I'm not mad because it's my birthday. I'm mad at YOU and Shanice!" "I told you," I put my hands on her shoulders, "Me and Shanice are not dating." "I still don't believe you," she said, as she took my hands off of her.

She tried to walk away from me, but I gently pulled her back. "Let me go," she said. "Why?" I said. "I'm trying to go home so I can eat cake and go to sleep." "What's the point of walking away from me if we're going to the same place?" I stated, knowing I'm right.

She tried to think of a comeback, but she couldn't. I smirked. "Whatever." She tried to walk away again, but I pulled her back to me. "Jacob!" She yelled. "What?" I said, acting dumb. "Let go of me!" She yelled again. "Alright, you asked for it," I said. "What are you talkin-" she said, but I cut her off by picking her up and throwing her over my shoulder.

"Ah! Jacob! Put me down!" She said, hitting my back. "I thought you weren't talking to me," I said, walking her home. "Ugh! Put me down!" She yelled. "Nope!" I said. "Ugh!" She smacked me upside the head.

"Don't make a scene," I said, shaking my head. She blowed her breath with irritation, but I just laughed.

~ Five Minutes Later ~

When I got to her house, I finally put her down. "It's about time!" She yelled. "You're welcome," I smiled. She folded her arms. "Ya know, you could say 'Thank You'." I said. "Why?" "Because you didn't have to walk home," I stated. "Whatever," she said, trying to walk in her house.

"Fae, wait." I begged. She turned around. "Look, I'm sorry, ok? Can we talk about this at 6 tonight?" I begged.

She stood there, thinking. "I guess," she shrugged her shoulders. "Thank you," I said, slightly smiling. She smiled back.

I walked up to her and hugged her. She hesitated but then hugged me back. We pulled away. "I'll see you at six," I said, looking in her beautiful hazel eyes.

"Ok. Where are we meeting up at?" She asked. "My house," I said. "Ok," she said, walking away. "Oh, yeah," I said. She turned around. "Wear something nice," I smiled and walked away.

Faith's POV

'Wear something nice?' Ok...that's pretty weird.

~ Five Forty Five P.M. ~

I got ready to go over Jake's. It took about 10 minutes for me to get ready. When I was done getting dress, it was 5:55 PM. Eh, I'll go over there now. I walked downstairs to the living room. "Mom! I'm going over Jake's for a little bit!" I said. I didn't hear her. "Mom?" I said. I still didn't hear her. Then I noticed a note on the table.

Hey, sweetie. Jacob told me that you were going over there for a few hours. I'm fine with that. I'm going to the store to buy some more groceries.

Love you, Mommy. 😘

I smiled then walked over to Jacob's house. I knocked on the door and there was no answer. I twisted the door knob and it opened. I walked in and it was dark. "Hello?" I said.

"BOO!" Everyone yelled, then the lights turned on. I screamed, but not to loud. "Happy Birthday, Faith!" Everyone yelled, then began clapping.

Awe, they are so sweet! I saw everyone that I know. Shanice, Craig, Chresanto, Rayan, my mom, Ms. Perez, and Jacob. I began to cry with tears of joy. "Awe, Faith!" Jacob walked over to me and hugged me and of course I hugged back.

"You planned this?" I asked, looking up at him. "Yup, of course with the help of the boys and Shanice," he said, looking down at me, smiling. "That's why you and Shanice been acting weird these past two weeks," I said, looking at Shanice and Jacob. "Yeah, I wanted to tell you why but I didn't wanna spoil the surprise." Jacob looked down.

"Awe, don't feel bad. I should've known that my best friends, who can't stand each other, wouldn't go out and not tell me. I'm sorry, guys," I said. "It's ok," Shanice and Jake said. I kissed his cheek and he kissed my forehead.

Everyone said AWE really loud. I blushed then pulled away from the hug. "Ok, everyone! Turn up the music and let's get this party started, y'all!" Ray shouted. We just stared at him like he was crazy. "What?" He said. We all laughed and start partying.

Jacob is something else. He went through all that trouble just to give me a surprise party. I love him so much. He's like the brother that I always wanted.

~ After the Party ~

"Thanks for coming, everyone," I said, looking at my friends and family. "No problem," they said, at the same time. "Ok, sweetie, it's time for me to hit the road," said my Auntie Sherri. "Awe, ok, well, make sure you call or text us when you make it back," my mom said, hugging her. "I will. Happy birthday, pumpkin," she said, hugging me. "Thank you," I said, hugging her back. "Bye!" She said, leaving. "Bye!" Everyone said back.

After the rest of my family left, my friends and I walked outside of Jacob's house. Me and him were holding hands, while walking outside, then I walked in front of him, telling him to stop walking.

"So..." He said. "So..." I said back. "Did you like your party?" Jacob asked. "Like it? I LOVED it!" We laughed. "I've always wanted a surprise party and you made that happen...Thank you." I hugged him so tight and he hugged me back. "Relationship goals," Shanice said, as she made it seem like she was coughing.

We pulled away and looked at her. "Stop," I said. "What? You guys could be a great couple...well, except for him," she said, pointing at Jake with disgust. "Whatever, Shanice. Whatever." Jacob rolled his eyes. "I mean, Shanice's got a point," Chresanto said. "What are you talking about? Why would you agree with her? She don't know nothing, man," Jacob said.

Shanice charged at him but Ray held her back. "Anyway, I'm agreeing with Shanice because it's so obvious that y'all like each other," Chresanto stated. "How do you know how we feel about each other?" I asked him.

"Well, y'all say everything at the same time all the time," he said. "That's just a coincidence." We said at the same time. "Y'all look at each other 24/7," he said. "So," we said...at the same time. "And I know y'all secret from 5th grade," he smirked.

"Wh-what secret?" I stuttered. "The one that Jacob told me about," he smiled. I looked at Jacob like I'm gonna kill you. "Oh, boy," he said, looking scared as ever.

What do you think Jacob and Faith's secret is?! Was it wrong for Chresanto to tell them what's going on between them? Find out in the next chapter!

~KiKi 😍💋💕

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