12. A Night I'll Never Forget

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Faith's POV

Today's Wednesday and we are going a party boat! Ms. Aldrich said it is so relaxing, fun and beautiful. We're going at six o'clock and it's eight o'clock right now. We're going to a museum first then a little shopping, if we have time and then the boat. I'm so excited. I can't wait until tonight. I have the perfect dress and everything.

I wonder what the boys are wearing. The girls and I said that it should be a surprise about what we're wearing and the boys said the same for us.

When we all got dressed for the museum, we walked downstairs and waited for Ms. Aldrich to lead the way.

Jacob's POV

I cannot wait until tonight. I feel like tonight's gonna be perfect. The boat, my friends, dancing...just perfect. After me and the boys got dressed, we walked downstairs and waited for Ms. Aldrich.

I saw Faith and the girls so I decided to sneak up on her. I walked really slowly behind her and I hugged her. I quietly screamed. "Ah!" Faith turned around. "Oh, hey Jake." "Hey. Did I scare you?" I smirked. She rolled her eyes. "You know what?" She laughed. I laughed with her. "Hey, Jacob!" The rest of the girls said. "Hello, ladies," I smiled. "Hi, guys!" The girls said. "Wassup!"

A few minutes later, Ms. Aldrich walked down the steps. "Ok, everyone. You guys ready?" "Yeah!!" "Alrighty! Let's go!"

~ One Hour Later ~

When we finally got to the holocaust part of the museum, we walked into this memorial of who didn't survive during the holocaust. It was really sad but touching at the same time.

We looked around the museum and saw some amazing stuff. After we looked at everything, we began to walk back to the hotel. "That was a really nice museum," Hailey said. "Oh, yeah. That holocaust part almost made me cry," Aaliyah said. "Man, I did cry. You didn't see me wiping my eyes?" Faith said. "Nope," the girls said. Me and the boys just laughed.

~ A Half Hour Later ~

When we got back to the hotel, we went to our room to shower then get dressed.

Faith's POV

It's 4:30 right now and me and the girls need to shower because it was pretty hot out there. I do not wanna be sweaty at the party boat.

I decided to get in the shower first and I got out like 10 minutes later and so did the girls. When had about thirty minutes and we were bored so we decided to talk about tonight.

"Girl, I can not wait until tonight!" Renee said. "I know right! It's gonna be so romantic!" Hailey said while placing her hands over her heart. "I just wanna have fun and hang with you guys," I said. "Awe, you so sweet!" Shanice said while smiling super hard!" "Ew! You ugly!" I yelled. We all laughed.

Jacob's POV

Man, I can't wait till we get on the boat! It's gonna be so fun! I wonder what Faith is wearing. I know she's looks beautiful. Right now it is 5:15 and Chres is STILL IN THE BATHROOM! He's been in the bathroom for 45 minutes!!

"Chresanto! Can you hurry up?! We still need to get in the shower!" I yelled. "Don't rush me, man!" He yelled. I groan loudly. Like a minute later, he came out the bathroom. "Ah, I feel so much better," he smirked then walked away. I rolled my eyes and got in the shower.

Faith's POV

~ Five Fifty Five PM ~

This is so exciting! We're about to get on a boat! Me and the girls walked downstairs and saw the whole 8th grade waiting. Now we're ready to roll!...wait. Where's Jacob and his friends?

"Ugh! Where are they?!" I asked loudly. "Girl, calm down! It's just a stupid boat," Desiree said. "Oh, would you just shush? I told you I was very excited about this and you just have to try and ruin this night!" I yelled. "Faith, Faith, chill!" I heard someone say from behind me. "Look, I'm really irritat--" I turned around and saw Jacob. "Oh, hey," I laughed. "Hey," he laughed with me. I looked at Jacob and he looked very ... handsome.

Jacob's POV

Oh ... my ... God ...

She looks so beautiful. I can't even describe how beautiful she is. She's always been beautiful but tonight ... It feels like sparks.

I walked up to her and and looked down at her. "Wow," I said. "What?" She said. "You look amazing," I smiled. "Thanks. So do you," she smiled back. I stared in her beautiful eyes and she got lost in mine. "Awe!" Our friends shouted. We all laughed. "Ok, everyone. Let's get on the bus," Ms. Aldrich said.

~ Ten Minutes Later ~

"We're here, everybody!" Ms. Aldrich said. "Yes!" everyone said. We all got off of the bus and we all gather around our friends. "Oh, my God! This boat is beautiful!" The girls exclaimed. "Yeah. This boat is pretty cool," I said. "Pretty cool? This is amazing!" Shanice said. "I wasn't even talking to you, Scary J Blige," I said. "You know what? I'm getting sick of you!" She said. "How do you think I feel about you?!" I yelled. "Ok, y'all! That's enough," Faith said, breaking us up.

"Ok. Everyone, listen up!" Ms. Aldrich said. "I need you to get in a group of six, so you can take a picture with your group, ok?" "Yes, ma'am," we all said.

It was me and the boys in one group and girls in the other, since it was six girls and six boys. The girls took their picture first then us. We walked inside the boat and it was amazing. We all took a seat and admired the boat. "Wow! This is beautiful," the girls said. "Right," me and the boys said.

~ Four Hours Later ~

We were having a wonderful time. We danced until our feet hurt, we had amazing food and we had a great time together.

I walked out to the balcony of the boat and saw Faith. Her hair was moving with the wind. She was just ... perfect. I walked up next to her and looked down at her. She looked up at me and smiled.

Faith's POV

"Oh, hey," I said. "I didn't even see you walk up." "Hehe. Yeah...why are you out here?" He asked. "I don't know. Just want to look at the beautiful view of D.C." I answered. "Mind if I join?" He asked. "I smiled. "Of course." He pulled me close to him and put his arm around me. I kissed his cheek and he kissed my forehead. This is a night I'll never forget.

Awe!! That was so cute! Sorry for the long update. School just got to me. I'll try my best to update sooner. Love you guys! The next chapter is coming up soon!

~KiKi 😍💋💞

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