Chapter One || Sorenson in the Flesh

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My alarm wakes me for 6:30am as it usually does every morning. I turn off the alarm and head straight into my ensuite to take a relaxing shower. My relaxing smelling shampoo and conditioner fill the room with the delicious aroma, having me exhale with undying passion of the inedible scent of vanilla.

I hop out of the shower and into my closet, quite large might I add. I pick out a long knitted sweater, floral skirt and sheer brown tights with heeled boots. I do my makeup and style my hair with curls and two pieces brought to the back and tied together with an elastic band. For final touches, I add in a white bow.

I grab my Michael Kors bag from the hook on the wall and I go downstairs to my mother, older brother, Austen, and younger sister, Phoebe.

"Morning Pheebs, Aust." I greet my siblings.

"Morning Cel, happy Monday!" Phoebe says.

"How can you be so positive on a Monday morning? Of all days." Austen complains in his obvious cranky and hoarse voice.

"Because it's the start of a new day and new week, might as well make the best of it!" Phoebe says, her cheerful self hopping up and down.

The cheerful side she got from me and my mom, Austen got his cranky morning self I shake my head clear of the thoughts of dad and go in the fridge to grab some orange juice and a strawberry parfait. I grab Austen his lemon one and Phoebe her orange.

I hand them their parfaits and we all sit on the large dinning area. Austen has yesterday's homework sitting in front of him while he hurriedly tries to complete it within the hour. I look over at Phoebe who notices him as well and she just shrugs.

After we finish our breakfast and we each get into my car. Austen has his own car but he thought it made sense to not waste gas, which is okay. Phoebe is only sixteen and had not gotten her license just yet, so she rides with me as well.

We reach the school and go to the gym for announcements and information about anything we needed. It's also the place where they hand out the school newspapers and sell their magazine Kiss and Tell, which I never buy because it's pointless and stupid. All it is is gossip about what goes on in the school, which, like I said, is pointless and a waste of money. Phoebe'll sometimes buy one when she hears something juicy, but other than that, it's some pretty stupid crap. Oops! Excuse my language.

After the announcements were finished, we each went our separate ways to class. My first class was AP World History, did I mention I'm kind of a nerd? No? Okay, well I'm a nerd. Well, nerd is technically not the word for it, I have many reputations which I could care less about.

Let's just start with the simple things. I eavesdropped in the girls' bathroom that I was the 'most popular girl in school' which I beg to differ. Even if so, I'd still get the award for being the only person to ever care about her education. I'm not usually one of those 'Popular girls' who are stuck with cheerleading all afternoon, I'd rather read a book other than move around every two seconds. The reason I am called the most popular is because I don't act like a queen bee, I'm more supportive of the person and make sure they are successful. Basically, what I'm trying to say is, I'm popular for being me, and that's all I've ever wanted. I mean, I could care less about the whole 'popularity' thing, but fitting in has been one of my desires since early high school years.

If any of that made sense then you get me.

Just as I was about to reach my classroom, I'm tackled over by a large being.

"Ow-chuh!" I say, adding much emphasis on the word. I look over on my shoulder to see who had attacked me. "O-M-G, Kim, that hurt!" I giggle.

She laughs, "Well good morning to you, too!"

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