Carnivore Reunites with an Omnivore: 3

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The picture of Gumi from Vocaloid above is what Akumi's hair is supposed to look like except the color should be black. Also, Akumi wears goggles when she drives her scooter.

"School?!" Akumi yelled, her hands slamming down on the table as she looked at Tsuna. Tsuna, squirmed in his seat uncomfortably. "Yes, school, Akumi. It's been 7 years since I've attended school and it is perfectly normal for me to want to live a normal teenage life," he replied cooly. Akumi snorted and plopped back down in her chair. "Going for an assassin job isn't a normal teenage life," she muttered. It was true. Tsuna wanted to make money and, for some reason, chose assassination. As much as Tsuna loathed killing people, his days back in the Estreano experiment site required killing people in his training. Yes, they had made the test subjects fight each other to the death to see who was the strongest of the subjects. Tsuna's hands clenched. The blood on his hands led to a bloodlust that only a killer would know. Akumi ruffled Tsuna's hair. "I suppose, then, that at least some regular teen life wouldn't be so bad for a tainted kid like you," she relented.

Tsuna studied Akumi carefully. Akumi herself was a mystery in plain sight. She was cool and easygoing as well as understanding. You might've mistaken her to be a regular teen, if there wasn't such an air of noble mysteriousness around her. What really made Tsuna wonder about Akumi was her past. She never said a word about, much less referred to anything at all in her past. Who was she? Even Tsuna didn't know.


Tsuna woke up early in the morning to make breakfast for Akumi and Fran. Also, school was today. Knowing that Akumi stayed up last night watching anime, he wrapped up the meat and vegetables and set it on the table for her later. Fran stumbled in, eyes halfway closed and bumping into things. "Good morning, Fran!" Tsuna chirped. "Morning, Tsuna-nii," Fran mumbled. Tsuna giggled slightly at the younger boy's haziness and set a plate of meat, vegetables, an omelet and a bowl of rice in front of him. "Where are you going?" Fran asked, a little more awake than before. Tsuna smiled. "School, of course!" he replied. Fran wrinkled his nose at the word. "Ugh, I'm glad I'm being homeschooled. I can't stand kids my age they're all so stupid," he said. Fran was a unique child as well as a prodigy. He was smarter than most kids his age and learned at an alarmingly fast rate. Tsuna squeezed his cheek. "Well, don't we have quite the arrogant prodigy here. Oh! I'll be late for school! Bye, Fran and tell Akumi to eat her breakfast!"

And Tsuna left for school.

Turning right off the corner, the school was in sight. Tsuna rushed in through the wave of chattering students and made his way to the principal's office. The principal gave Tsuna his classes and directions and bid him good luck. Arriving at his first class, the first bell had already rang. "Cielo, you can come in now," the teacher's voice said, slightly muffled by the door. Tsuna walked in calmly and smiled at his classmates. Some girls swooned and some guys blushed at Tsuna's cute face. "Everyone, meet Cielo Tsunayoshi, a transfer student from Italy," the teacher announced. There was a loud choking noise from one of the students. Looking at the person, Tsuna recognized his one and only twin brother, Ieyasu. A sharp pain squeezed his heart, but Tsuna ignored it and bowed. "Nice to meet you. My name is Cielo Tsunayoshi, but please call me Tsuna."

The teacher sat Tsuna beside the window where he was practically sat beside a tall boy with caramel colored eyes and raven black hair. He grinned sweetly at Tsuna. Tsuna, being a genteel boy, returned it with a smile and slight bow of the head.

And class began.


As soon as lunch break started, Ieyasu approached Tsuna. "What are you doing here Tsuna?" he asked. It wasn't out of disgust or fear, much to the brunette's relief (he couldn't bear it if his blonde younger twin hated him). Tsuna smiled. "I've come to learn, of course! And also, I must apologized for what happened the other day. It seems I had the wrong address and mistaken you for my brother. Please, forgive me," he replied and bowed in remorse. "I-It's alright! I was just surprised, that's all," Ieyasu protested. "Juudaime! How do you know this guy?" a silver haired boy asked and glared at Tsuna. "He's someone I met the other day, Gokudera. He just happen to mistaken me for his brother," Ieyasu swiftly explained and kept him in check.

"I can see why. He sorta looks like you, Ie!" the raven haired boy said with another grin. "Now that I think about it.... you do sorta look like me," Ieyasu murmured. "Don't you dare copy Juudaime's face, you-" Gokudera snarled. "Wait! Gokudera!" Ieyasu said and held back the silver haired boy. Tsuna smiled. "I see you have quite the unique friends here, Ieyasu! If you excuse me, I have someone to visit," he said, bowed, and left.

"Kyoya!" Tsuna called. The said skylark jumped down from nowhere. "Ah! Kyoya, you scared me! You shouldn't-" Tsuna started to say. Hibari took out his tonfas. "For being 7 years late, I'll bite you to death," he said. "Wait! Kyoya!" Tsuna yelped. He dodged a tonfa cleanly as well as another. "Mm? Seems like you got stronger, herbivore- no, omnivore," Hibari mused. Hoping to stop the fighting, Tsuna jumped at Hibari and embraced the Demon of Namimori Middle. "I've missed you, Kyoya," Tsuna said and buried his face into the older boy's chest. There was a long pause. 'Oh, I've gone and signed a death sentence,' Tsuna thought. He felt someone ruffle his hair. Looking up, his eyes met the skylark's. Tsuna released Hibari and they both sat down. "Tell me, omnivore, where were you these past 7 years?"

Tsuna sighed and explained. A long pause settled. "If it's any help, you can stop at Akumi's place to visit me. I'm sure she'll be fine with it," Tsuna suggested. Hibari flicked his forehead. "Get back to class, omnivore," he chided, looking rather fondly at the little animal before him. Tsuna smiled. "Ok, Kyoya! See you later," he replied and ran off.

Meanwhile, a certain man with a fedora sat in a tree, his long legs crossed and hat covering his eyes. He smirked. "Not only a transfer from Italy, but to be able to tame the Demon of Namimori Middle.... interesting," the hitman mused.


The end of the school day was marked by the school bell. Students flooded out of the classrooms so Tsuna waited to get out. As soon as he walked out of the school gates, Akumi waved at him. She was leaning against a silver scooter with goggles around her neck. She wore a plain black hoodie, shorts, and combat boots. She waved slightly at Tsuna. "Yo! I came to pick you up today," Akumi said. Tsuna smiled. "Did you enjoy the breakfast?" he asked. Akumi nodded. "Yeah. It was really good. I should call you mama from now on," she replied.

"Uh, no."

Akumi climbed on the scooter and tossed Tsuna a helmet. "Get on. Fran is waiting at home," she said. Tsuna fit the helmet on his head and was about to climb on behind Akumi until he heard someone call his name. "Tsuna!" a certain auburn blonde haired girl called. "Ah, Kyoko! What are you doing here?" Tsuna asked and smiled. Kyoko returned the smile. "I go here. I'm also in your class too. I didn't get a chance to talk to you, though," she explained. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize that. Please forgive me," Tsuna replied. After a little bit of small talk, Tsuna and Akumi drove away.

When they got home, Fran was patiently waiting for them. "Welcome back, Tsuna-nii," he said. Tsuna patted his head. "I'm back. How was training?" he asked. "Tiring. Akumi-nee made me do a bunch of exercises," Fran complained. Akumi, who had went to the kitchen to grab a soda, walked in and pointed at the younger boy. "Stamina and strength. You need those two things to maintain your illusions for a length of time. Keep note of that, Fran," she said and flopped on the couch. Tsuna laughed. "It's true, Fran. Listen to what Akumi says. She's a multi-flame user so she knows quite a bit about flames."

"Aren't you a multi-flame user too, Tsuna-nii?"

Tsuna smiled and nodded. "Yes, but I'm more skilled in using sky flames," he answered. "Eh? Why's that?" Fran asked. "Aren't you supposed to be a genius? Whatever. As for the question, flame user's type of flames depend in their personality and nature. Tsuna is very understanding and accepts all, like a sky," Akumi explained. "Oh, so I'm a mist flame user because I'm mysterious," Fran exclaimed. Akumi shrugged. "If that's how you think of it, sure, go ahead and believe that."

Fran stuck his tongue out at her. "Tsuna, come here for a moment," Akumi said and gestured for the brunette to sit down next to her. She pointed at the TV which was already on. "Doesn't he go to your school? Not to mention that he's the guy who runs around the neighborhood in the morning, yelling 'extreme'," she noted. Tsuna frowned. "Sasagawa Ryohei. Ah, he's Kyoko's older brother. He got hurt?!" he said. Akumi nodded. "More like attacked. According to the news lady, he was injured pretty badly and a pocket watch was found on his chest," she continued.

Tsuna frowned. Why was it that he felt someone he knew was behind this?

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